BToxic made still another demand rather than looking for case studies himself, thereby again proving that he's just plain lazy since he's been told where to look, as though it hasn't already been proven nearly 100 times here and at another site.
That also demonstrated his clear vested interest as a biochemist to suppress homeopathy and keep people subject to nothing but allopathic quackery ("therapeutic incompetence") since his job's essentially kaput unless he does act as evil against homeopathy given that he oversteps his subject and thrusts allopathy into it as a direct aid to allopathic quacks:
Originally posted by BTox
Gee, still at it here, Hahnemanniac? Yes, now we are convinced. The writings of another quack following the previous quack Hahnemann's absurdities claims to have cured a child. That proves it all right.
Show us one documented case of a modern cure (in the last 10 years) with sole use of homeopathy. Just one. We're waiting...
Okay, ole buddy, ole pal, ole gumbo, here's one I happen to have transcribed:
Homoeopathy and Herniated Lumbar Disks
Klaus-Henning Gypser, M.D.
CLASSICAL HOMOEOPATHY QUARTERLY (CHQ, English translation of the ZKH of Karl F. Haug Verlag/Publishers, Heidelberg)
Vol. 4 (1991), No. 1
Two cases of herniated intervertebral disk diagnosed by means of computer topography (CAT scan) demonstrate the value of homoeopathic treatment even for this type of pathology. Both patients received Kali iodatum and Sepia. Aside from describing the process of repertorization in search of the simile, the author alludes briefly to the problem of the repetition of remedies.
Herniated disk – Kali iodatum – Sepia – repetition of remedy
The practitioner often encounters herniated lumbar disks under the guise of sciatic- nerve pathology. Regular therapy usually prescribes heat treatment initially,* bed rest on a hard surface (with traction if indicated) and analgesic drugs as well as mild tranquilizers. After improvement sets in, massage, whirlpool and exercises designed for the spine are applied. Frequent recurrences or cauda-equina syndrome are considered indications for surgery.
The following case histories shall demonstrate that, contrary to the regular approach based on the methodology of the natural sciences bent on dealing with the causal connections [which can help us prevent such cases but have nothing to do with therapeutics], homoeopathy offers alternative treatment possibilities through the careful attention it pays to the patient's immediate disease phenomena [i.e., his/her symptoms,] which alone determine the remedy selection.
Case 1
The 38-year-old female patient, I.T., has been suffering from right-sided sciatica for the past five months. Periods of tolerable pain alternate with times of considerable suffering. There has been no indication of noticeable improvement, and the patient came to consult on 4 August 1986 during an episode of renewed exacerbation.
Her condition had been carefully diagnosed by a number of allopathic colleagues. The following results from computer tomography were available: segment L5/S1 showed evidence of a medio-lateral protrusion to the right with slight-to-moderate caudal compression. The therapeutic recommendations ranged from injections of analgesic drugs to three weeks of bed rest with traction and eventual surgical intervention. The patient, however, rejected these well-intentioned recommendations. She still remembered very well the extraordinary relief obtained for a number of chronic complaints when she was under the care of a skilled homoeopathic physician. This doctor is practicing at a great distance from her current residence. Her condition not permitting her to travel very far, she was nevertheless willing to give homoeopathy another chance by consulting closer to home.
The following symptoms had originally appeared after she slipped on the ice and fell:
Pain, extending from the lumbo-sacral area (where it is relatively mild), across the right buttock down to the right hollow of the knee and the region of the right inguinal region.
The pain is particularly severe at night, awakening the patient and forcing her to rise and walk about to get some relief.
In addition, the symptoms are aggravated by sneezing, sitting and lying.
Repeated solicitations to get her to relate any further complaints that might have occurred at the beginning or that might be present during the current attack brought forth no other symptoms.
The selection of the simile thus had to be made entirely on the spontaneous report. In the absence of any striking symptoms that might have weighed more heavily and could have been considered as leading symptoms, Kent's Repertory was consulted to determine what remedies corresponded to the greatest number of revealed symptoms. This procedure is warranted by a remark by Hahnemann, who stated that the appropriate remedy is the one that "covers the greatest number of the complaints at hand.”1)
Pain, lower limbs, sciatica, right (K1067): carb s., chel., chin s., coloc., dios., lach., lyc., phyt., plan., sep., tell.
Sciatica, < [worse or aggravated at] night (K 1067): arg n., ars., bell., cham., coff., coloc., ferr., ferr-ar., gels., gnaph., hyper., indg., iris, kali bi., kali i., led., merc., mez., nux v. pall., phyt., plb., puls., thus t, sep., staph., syph., tell., verat., zinc.
Sciatica, < lying (K 1068): coloc., fort., gnaph., kali-i., meny., nat m., ruts, sep., tell., valer.
Sciatica < sitting (K 1068): am m., berb., bry., coloc., dios., ferr., indg., iris, kali bi., kali i., lach., lyc., lyss., meny., merc., ruta., sep., staph., valer.
Sciatica < sneezing (K 1068): sep., tell.
Sciatica > [better or ameliorated by or while] walking (K 1069): agar., am m., caps., coc c., ferr., indg., kali-bi., kall i., kali p., lyc., ph-ac., rhus t., ruta, sep., syph., valer.
The most frequently represented remedies are: Colocynthis (4x), Ferrum (4x), Kali iodatum (4x), Sepia (6x) and Tellurium (4x).
Materia-medica Comparison
The work that has been most helpful to me when doing materia-medica comparisons for patients with sciatica is Hering’s Guiding Symptoms (Chapters "Neck and back" and "Lower limbs") in which the concept of “sciatica” stemming from clinical experience is frequently mentioned.
"Violent…pains, from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of r. leg, down as far as knee, can neither lie, sit nor walk…Ischias." (GS IV, p. 382)
“Pain passing down outside of I. leg...paroxysms < at nigh....Sciatica." (ibid.)
"Continuous drawing pains in r., also in l. hip; lying, sitting, standing and walking are all painful; she can find no comfortable position, especially at night and in bed; walking difficult.…Ischias." (ibid., p. 380)
"Remitting pains; < in continued motion and walking about, pain gradually becomes milder….Sciatica" (GS V., p. 285)
“...tearing pains with violent stitching from the hip joint down as far as to the tibia and sole of foot...during the day, the pain does not allow him to step on it, but walking ameliorates it. It is worst in the evening after lying down, he must get up and walk about in order to alleviate the pain..." (RA II, p. 134, No. 209)
Kalium iodatum
“Pain > by walking and flexing leg; < from standing, sitting or lying in bed. Sciatica." (GS VI, p. 436)
“Tearing in r. thigh and knee, awakens him at night, < lying on affected side or back. Sciatica." (ibid.)
“Awakened at night at eleven, extremely painful tearing in the right thigh down to the knee, subsiding after lying on the good side; however, lying on the painful side and on the back was intolerable." (HT III, p. 49, No. 243)
“...pains in r. thigh and leg; a darting from [the] point where sciatic nerve leaves; motion at first painful, is after a moment more bearable... < at night, not able to remain in bed; pain in thigh, leg and knee joint, excruciating when lying down, eliciting screams..." (GS VI, p. 435 436)
"Severe tearing pains in l. thigh; along course of sciatic nerve, pain extending to calf of leg and toes, pain 3 to 5 am...she cannot remain in bed, gets up and walks about room sobbing.…Sciatica." (GS IX, p. 336)
"Severe tearing from the hip joint to the foot, at night, hindering sleep." (EN VIII, p. 643, No. 1717)
"Pains in hips and thighs, extending to near the knees." (ibid., p. 644, No. 1731)
"While sitting, the posterior thigh muscles are very painful." (CK V., p. 221, No. 1254)
"Pain in sacrum passing into r. thigh.…Sciatica." (GS X, p. 271)
"Sciatica of r. side; < when lying on affected side." (ibid.)
Selection of Remedy
Even though Colocynthis has several similar symptoms, it lacks the amelioration while walking. Contrary to the patient's complaints, the Colocynthis symptoms are aggravated from walking, as can be seen in the above-mentioned texts, but also in the following: "Pains in the lower extremities increase until noon, so as to be frequently troublesome in walking" (EN III, p. 498, No. 894). "Severe pain in r. leg, compelling him to lie quietly in one place; slightest attempt at motion causes great pain..." (GS IV, p. 382). "The right thigh is painful only on walking" (CK III, p. 172, No. 212). On the basis of these findings, Colocynthis was excluded from the selection.
Ferrum was also excluded, because it has only the aggravation at night and on lying down – which does not necessarily mean "while lying" – and the amelioration from walking. Tellurium, for which no references except those for right-sided sciatica and the aggravation while lying could be found, was also eliminated from the group under consideration. The stipulation "< when lying on affected side" furthermore speaks against the prescription of Tellurium.
Without the knowledge that Sepia had alleviated the patient’s complaints on previous occasions, the choice would have fallen on Kali iodatum. However [not knowing this], I let myself be swayed and gave one pellet of Sepia (Schmidt-Nagel).
Course of Treatment
As the course of treatment shows, the pain at night was somewhat relieved but, in general, no marked amelioration could be noted. On the contrary: eight days later, the patient reported the sensation as if the affected parts were inflamed, and lying on the affected right side had now also become painful.
Since Kali iodatum also covers this latest, newly occurring symptom, Kali-i. M, one pellet (Schmidt Nagel) was now administered and the mistake thus corrected. From that day on, the patient improved continuously, and within a few days she was able to tend to her daily chores. In the past approximately 4½ years, she has not had any recurrence of her problems.
It is interesting to note in this that case the remedy covering all the symptoms used for the repertorization (Sepia) turned out not to be the simile. Thus, to rely exclusively on a purely numerical correspondence and to circumvent the materia-medica comparison can easily lead to failure.
It was furthermore noted that entries in Kent’s Repertory are frequently missing in our standard works such as Allen's Encyclopedia and Hering’s Guiding Symptoms. This naturally raises the question as to whether the above-mentioned sources are incomplete in this respect, or whether Kent’s Repertory contains mistakes made by him or one of the numerous precursors whose publications he incorporated in his work. It illustrates once more how important it is for the practitioner to consult a reliable materia medica, one that is based on the primary sources.
Case 2
The 32-year-old male patient, J.S., initially consulted in June 1988. He was suffering from a recurrence of the sciatica first experienced in 1982. The diagnosis of protrusion of disks L4/5 [is that accurate?] and L5/S1 with medio-lateral herniation had been established by a number of colleagues in private practice, as well as by CAT scan carried out by the orthopedic department in one of our university hospitals. Anti inflammatory and analgesic drugs had been prescribed and fango [mud packs and baths], massage and therapeutic exercise were applied, all to no avail. The complaints got continuously worse and surgical intervention was being contemplated. Having repeatedly heard unfavorable reports about such operations, the patient wished to avoid these drastic measures.
He presented the following symptoms:
Boring pains in the lumbo-sacral region, extending through the right leg into the heel;
< stooping;
< coughing;
< sneezing;
< in the morning after rising, > 1 1½ hours later;
< pressing at stool;
the modalities are especially pronounced here;
< sitting;
< lying, especially at night;
< walking [actually, that’s > walking; the published case report has a typographical error here shown by the repertorization saying so and instead listing the medicines found at > walking or better/amelioriated by walking rather than < walking, so we have corrected it as well as that mistaken page number there to 1066 rather than 1069];
awakens at night with stitching pain in lumbar region when turning in bed;
night sweats about neck and chest since the beginning of this recurrence.
Aside from an allergy to the sun and inflammation of the eyes in the spring, the patient appeared to have no further symptoms.
The repertorization was based on the clear modalities that characterized the situation and not on [rather than on] the "explainable" [or common, expected] aggravations from stooping, coughing, sneezing and pressing at stool that frequently accompany herniated-disk pathologies.
Sciatica > walking (K 1069, actually K 1066): agar., am m., coc c., ferr., indg., kali-bi., kali-i., kali p., lyc., ph-ac., rhus t., ruta, sep., syph., valer.
Sciatica < sitting (K 1068): Am-m. ferr., indg., kali bi., kali i., lyc., ruta., sep., valer., etc.
Sciatica < lying (K 1068): Ferr., kali-i., ruta, sep., valer., etc.
Materia-medica Comparison
"Remitting pains; < in continued motion and walking about, pain gradually becomes milder.…Sciatica." (GS V, p. 285)
“…tearing pains with violent stitching from the hip joint down as far as to the tibia and sole of foot…during the day, the pain does not allow him to step on it, but walking ameliorates it. It is worst in the evening after lying down, he must get up and walk about in order to alleviate the pain..." (RA II, p. 134, No. 209)
Kali iodatum
"At night violent pain in the small of the back so that she could not lie quietly anywhere." (HT III, p. 48, No. 213)
"Violent pain In reply to: the small of the back all night long, like bruised, so that she did not know in what position to lie." (ibid., No. 215)
"Continuous pain in the small of the back, almost like bruised, especially while sitting in a stooped position." (ibid., No. 214)
"Frequent sharp stitching in the small of the back while sitting." (ibid., No. 217)
"Awakened at night at eleven, extremely painful tearing in the right thigh down to the knee, subsiding by lying on the good side; however, lying on the painful side and on the back was intolerable." (ibid., p. 49, No. 243)
“…pains in r. thigh and leg; a darting from point where sciatic nerve leaves; motion at first painful, is after a moment more bearable... < at night, not able to remain in bed; pain in thigh, leg and knee joint, excruciating when lying down, eliciting screams..." (GS VI, p. 435 436)
"Pain > walking… < from...sitting or lying in bed. Sciatica.” (ibid., p. 436)
"Tearing in r. thigh and knee, awakens him at night, < lying on affected side or back. Sciatica." (ibid., p. 436)
"Severe pressure in small of back... < by moving about..." (GS IX, p. 144)
"Stitches in small of back when sitting, stooping..." (ibid.)
"Sciatica; pain... < sitting or lying down." (ibid., p. 145)
"A digging [pain or sensation] the lumbar region, just above the small of the back, while sitting...[and] on walking, it continues for some time, gradually disappearing; it returns while standing still and while sitting." (EN VIII, p. 438, No. 244)
"Back pain only while sitting, even when sitting only briefly." (CK V, p. 216, No. 1117)
"On stooping, suddenly severe pain in back..." (ibid., No. 1122)
"While sitting, the muscles in back of the thigh are very painful." (ibid., p.221, No. 7254)
"In small of back pain…by > by walking." GS IX, p. 334)
"Stitches in back when coughing." (ibid.)
"Throbbing in small of back...sitting...on turning in bed...a pain catches her there as if something were going to break." (ibid., p. 335)
"Pains in small of back...cannot lie on l. side or upon back..." (ibid.)
"Severe tearing pains in l. thigh; along course of sciatic nerve, pain extending to calf of leg and toes, pain 3 to 5 a.m.... she cannot remain in bed, gets up and walks about room sobbing.…Sciatica." (GS IX, p. 336)
"At night, cold sweat on chest, back and thighs." (CK V, p. 238, No. 1645)
“Violent drawing, darting, jerking pains in limbs... < sitting; > from motion; strained feeling in lumbar region; lumbago." (GS X, p. 388)
"Sciatica of r. side..." (ibid., p. 389)
"Intense pain in the left lumbar region above the hip...worse when standing, and especially when sitting, than when walking." (EN X, p. 66, No. 253)
Remedy Selection
Although Ferrum has the aggravation at night and while lying – but it lists it as "after lying down" – and the amelioration from walking, no other similarities to the patient's symptoms are recorded that would speak for it.
Valeriana must also be eliminated, since other than the modalities > walking and < sitting, it has no symptoms corresponding to the patient's complaints.
Ruta, however, can be looked at more closely: in addition to the amelioration from walking about, the aggravation while sitting and lying (although the original states "lying down"), it includes the aggravation of the pain in the small of the back on stooping. However, these correspondences cannot compete with those of
Kali iodatum and Sepia.
Kali iodatum and Sepia both have > walking, < lying, < sitting. In addition, Sepia is characterized by pains in the small of the back on coughing, on turning around in bed and by night sweats on the chest. Contrary to Ruta (and Sepia), Kali iodatum has sciatica on the right side, which appeared to me to be more important than the more trivial aggravation from stooping.
The choice thus had to fall either on Kali iodatum or Sepia. Although Sepia seemed to be clearly indicated, I nevertheless had some doubts, since the Sepia back pains from coughing certainly are not unusual in patients with herniated disks and since the nightly sweats on the chest had been recorded by the prover as cold sweats and had also occurred on the back and thighs.
Although it did not completely cover the picture, Kali iodatum M, one pellet (Schmidt Nagel) was administered. If this prescription can be excused at all, it is because all the above factors had to be examined in great haste dictated by the lack of time on this particularly busy day in my practice.
Course of Treatment
The patient felt considerable relief in the days following the administration of the remedy, especially at night while lying. There was no longer any pain on pressing at stool. When the symptoms recurred without any noticeable modification two weeks later, Kali iodatum XM, one pellet (Schmidt Nagel) was given, but it produced no positive results.
Five days later, the condition had returned to that observed at the beginning of treatment and now, Sepia LM, one pellet (Schmidt Nagel) was prescribed. On the following day, the patient had a dramatic aggravation – to the point where he wept from the pains. It was not possible to evaluate the situation clearly since, against my recommendations, he had performed some labor that required stooping. Was this a case of primary aggravation, or had the disk pathology been exacerbated by the recent overexertion of the back?
In order to not neglect [correction of or to precipitate] any possible further damage, the patient was admitted to the neurological unit of a hospital where he was given the same analgesic drug he had received before starting homoeopathic treatment and which at that time had brought him minimal relief. However, at present it produced not the slightest relief within the expected time of action. On the basis of the previously diagnosed findings and the urgency of the situation, surgical intervention was scheduled for the following day; but the patient was by then completely free of pain! Greatly astounded and not quite believing in the belated effect of their drugs that had formerly brought the patient little relief and none on the previous day, the physicians encouraged him to “provoke” his pain by the appropriate motions so that the operation could take place as scheduled. [Medical ethics were called into question there.] However, the pain refused to return and the patient left the hospital unscathed and returned to work. To this day, he has remained free of pain despite the sometimes vigorous strain put on his back, which the remodeling of his home requires.
It could be argued that this cure following an initial, primary aggravation was not a "pure" effect of Sepia. But the fact that the analgesic drug had been administered previously without satisfactory results speaks against this argument. After all, why should this medication have had a more favorable result at a time when the situation was considerably worse than on the previous occasions, and why would it have had such a beneficial effect after such an unusual lapse of time and of such permanent duration? Furthermore, analgesic drugs are at best capable of alleviating pain for short periods of time, but they are not known to be able to bring about a curative effect.
Considered in the light of the dogmas that have been established according to some remarks by Kent, the repetition of Kali iodatum after "only" two weeks might be considered an incorrect procedure. However, this whole contention collapses once we realize that what Kent has said about the duration of the effects of individual, one glass,** high-potency remedies of his scale was not meant to establish any laws but was based merely on observations he had made in his practice. His findings are to be understood as suggestions that never excluded exceptions. Let us not forget that Kent was making these pronouncements in his capacity as teacher of students at the Postgraduate School of Homoeopathics in Philadelphia, [i.e.,] that these students were already physicians who had become interested in homoeopathy. Consequently, they were beginners who needed such oversimplifications. According to Hahnemann and Kent, repetition must be guided solely by the patient’s condition.
These two cases were singled out for several reasons. First, they demonstrate that it is well worth while to attempt homoeopathic treatment in cases where regular physicians often recommend surgery. In addition, both patients presented in many respects a similar symptomatology which, in the final analysis, nevertheless [nonetheless] required different remedies. Furthermore, Kali iodatum was prescribed in both cases, and this fact might serve as an incentive to study this rarely used remedy. It is also timely to stop exclusively reporting cures achieved without complications, for we all encounter those in our practice. Such reporting might give beginners the impression that healing should always proceed in a perfect manner.
Some might have liked to see radiological confirmation of how (and if) the individual herniated disks had changed, since this would be cogent "proof" of the effectiveness of homoeopathy. However, even the regular physicians do not "prove" with X rays any healings herniated disks attained by conservative measures, but they are content with the mere clinical evidence of absence of complaints. From the standpoint of ethics, physicians are furthermore obligated to spare the patient any diagnostic procedures that would constitute additional physical or financial burdens.
1) RA II, p. 37 cf. ORG VI, § 147
Allen, T.F. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. I X. Philadelphia 1875 79. [EN]
Hahnemann, S. Die Chronischen Krankheiten, Bd. III. 2. Aufl. Dusseldorf 1837 (11828). [CK]
Hahmemann, S. Reine Arzneimittellehre. Bd. II. Nachdr. Ulm 1955 (31833). [RA]
Hartlaub, C.G.C. u. C.F. Tricks Reine Arzneimit- tellehre. Bd. III. Leipzig 1831.[HT]
Hering, C. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Vol. I X. Philadelphia 1879 91. [GS]
Kent, J. T. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Mate ria Medica. 2nd Ind. Repr. Calcutta 1973 (11897 99). [K]
Klaus Henning Gypser, M.D., Wassenacher Str. 23, 5471 Glees, Federal Republic of Germany
(Translated from the German by Hela Michot Dietrich, Ph.D., D.Hom., State University of New York at Binghamton, USA)
Editor’s Notes
*I changed this passage because it didn’t make sense to me. It said, “Regular therapy usually prescribes initial heat treatment” but now says “…prescribes heat treatment initially.” It would have had to be hyphenated as “initial-heat treatment,” but I have no idea what that means. Dr. Gypser gave me permission to change this.
**What he calls “individual, one-glass, high-potency remedies” must refer to potencies out of the same bottle. I recommend changing that to: “individual, same-lot, same-manufacturer, high-potency remedies.”