The Only Form Of Discovery Left


The Art Of Fact
Registered Senior Member
There are no more continents to discover... No mountains to climb... No oceans to cross. The only form of discovery left on this planet is to look at something everyone else has seen and to think something no one else has. Happy exploring!
Incorrect. The oceans are not fully known. And look down. The subterranean world is even less known than the oceans.
:eek: Lol, I was hoping that woudn't come up. But you still get my point. It is a form of discovery not given as much credit as the others.
Actually I consider further exploration of the physical world around us a mere interesting curiousity. Science, our method of discovery, is an important way to proceed into the future. But why proceed into the future? With what purpose? This, purpose and reasons and such, is a far more interesting place to explore. I have no doubt that as we move on, we will be able to go wherever we can imagine, do whatever we can imagine. Actually I think that is a fait accompli, and the only difference between such capability and our current situation is time. It will happen. So for the purposes of asking questions in this regard, we can leave it out of the discussion for now. That set aside, what is left to discuss? Why will we do things? Do we have the right to do those things? How do we decide such rights? Who gives a damn, and why? Finding absolute, hole-proof logic to explain these "Why"s is something which is far less certain or inevitable than the fact that we will do those things.
Ah, so we are nothing but an ant colony, and really, what is the point? But the thing is you can not effectively remove yourself. You are an ant in the colony as am I, and so we bustle about protecting the queen, etc...

But why proceed into the future? With what purpose? This, purpose and reasons and such, is a far more interesting place to explore
That being my point exactly. That is the form of discovery I refer to.

P.S. I like your avatar, lol.
A reply

Well, if I ever find the answers, I'll let you know.
Mabye you should not try to find THE answers. Mabye you should worry about finding YOUR answers. It is YOUR answers that define the questions particular to how you know yourself. THE answers will slowly leak in no matter how hard you try to find them.
We are not looking to better understand ourselves. We are looking to better understand our surroundings.
I disagree on multiple levels. Parts of the inner earth are still unexplored, the same can be said for the deep ocean. Not to mention most of the universe. We still do not know everything about ourselves, or other earthly lifeforms for that matter...Many answers to many questions still lie hidden for us to discover. We have a long, long way to go.
Funny. I have but recently come to learn alot about myself... And you're right Goofy, I seem to understand my surroundings alot more now... Or is that simply a deception? Hmmm...