Actually I consider further exploration of the physical world around us a mere interesting curiousity. Science, our method of discovery, is an important way to proceed into the future. But why proceed into the future? With what purpose? This, purpose and reasons and such, is a far more interesting place to explore. I have no doubt that as we move on, we will be able to go wherever we can imagine, do whatever we can imagine. Actually I think that is a fait accompli, and the only difference between such capability and our current situation is time. It will happen. So for the purposes of asking questions in this regard, we can leave it out of the discussion for now. That set aside, what is left to discuss? Why will we do things? Do we have the right to do those things? How do we decide such rights? Who gives a damn, and why? Finding absolute, hole-proof logic to explain these "Why"s is something which is far less certain or inevitable than the fact that we will do those things.