I'm not seeing much science in your "science of God", so far. Do you have any?
You said that "everything is in consciousness". What, then, is "reality"? Is it distinct from consciousness, or part of it?
Whose consciousness is everything in? Yours? Or is that where the God comes in?
Is it a thing, or an abstract mathematical model of a thing?
That's not at all obvious to me, just from thinking about it. Can you prove it?
So, the source of, say, Mount Everest is within all of us.
How did Mount Everest get out of all of us?
Also, it seems to me that individual human beings don't last forever. In fact, science thinks that Mount Everest was here before there were any human beings. So, where was the source of Mount Everest when there was no "all of us"?
Are you able to access it? Do you experience Christ consciousness? What is it?
What's an endomorphism?
And I take it you're not going to show me the actual math. Why not? Have you actually done any math for your "science of God"?
Are reality and consciousness both the same thing, then? Why two words for the same thing?
Doee the math show this?
You don't know you're correct, then? Your "science of God" is incomplete and/or untested?
How do you know? Does the math show that?
What do you mean by "entangled", in this context?
Isn't it your claim that the mind and reality are the same thing?
Can you please link me to the logical proof, then?
I can't find any agreement by scientists than the universe is like a computer. Can you help?
Who discovered it? Was the discovery published? Where can I read about this discovery?
Who proved that the universe has a boundary? Where is the boundary? Where can I read about this?
I asked you how you define it. You don't need to worry about how I can define it, for now.
What do you mean by "within". Is there something outside consciousness? Or did you mean to say that everything is consciousness? Your meaning is not very clear.
Please post the relevant empirical data (or links to it) and the chain of logical that proves your claim.
So you're yet to find an actual logical argument. You're just trying to find one?
Nah. I prefer to think of frequency in the usual scientific way. Frequency isn't energy.
You didn't tell me the frequency of reality in Hertz. Why not? Did you forget? Or haven't you worked it out yet?
I look forward to seeing some actual science in your next reply, Apostic777. Because, so far, you haven't posted any.
Also, when are you going to explain your science of God? So far, you've talked about minds and consciousness and "reality" (whatever that is), but not at all about God, although you did mention something you called "Christ consciousness".
Where's your science of God?