The MIB Ufologist

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Me killing Leninist Obamite Traitors who come all the way out here foolishly thinking that they could threaten and intimidate me into doing as they say would be self-defense... of both myself and America.

If you want to accuse me of actively wanting to kill someone, then point out Adam "King" Schiff.

I often ask Zeus to get to be the person who executes Adam Schiff on 10 or 20 counts of treason.

There's this thing about helicopters with DIA & I, and my plan is that they can bring him in by helicopter and we can execute him against the big forked tree on the side of my house.

You could land a Blackhawk in my "front yard"... maybe even two.

The Obamanation
Soviet Union II: An Intelligence State

Agent Jay, The Comedian
What can I say...

Agent Jay

“Never let yourself be persuaded that any one Great Man, any one leader, is necessary to the salvation of America. When America consists of one leader and 158 million followers, it will no longer be America.” - Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower

"If a problem cannot be solved... enlarge it!" - "Majesty"
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"The time to repair the roof is while the sun is still shining." - John F Kennedy

"Things don't happen. Things are made to happen." - "Lancer"
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronny Raygun (Yuri said the same exact thing, remember?)

"I promise not to use my opponent's youth and inexperience against him." - "Rawhide, The Comedian"
If you are any good at it, which you aren't... I would not be able to prove that China exists.
Don't get touchy just because I spiked your cannon. I know UFOs exist, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.
But, if you want me to believe they come from outer space, and there's no reason why they shouldn't, then just show me very good evidence that they do.

HUMILIATE YOURSELF by attempt to provide me with ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL that the Great Wall of China exists.
I just shot down your Sunday Punch above.
OMG. I've just noticed this is now in the Cesspool.
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Don't get touchy just because I spiked your cannon. I know UFOs exist, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.
But, if you want me to believe they come from outer space, and there's no reason why they shouldn't, then just show me very good evidence that they do.

I just shot down your Sunday Punch above.
OMG. I've just noticed this is now in the Cesspool.

I am not getting "touchy" and it is plain for everyone to see that you did not "spike my cannon". Those are both amateurish attempts by you to paint a false image of people in the minds of the audience... the drooling, red faced screaming lunatic. Like the still video images the KGB Media scours frames of video to catch DJT or other Americans in just the wrong "impulse of time" of facial expression. They were probably actually very happy and showing it "in that moment". You are attempting to do the same thing here, because you are a brainwashed useful idiot who has been literally programmed to "Get The Boogeyman" any way you can, however you can, any lie that works.
I had to go into town for some things... No CIA anywhere, of course.

Unfortunately, they are all still wearing their Get The Boogeyman Trump Coward masks and the plexiglass was all still there, The Virus (mild flu that pretty much only kills people who are already almost dead from something else) has been pretty much dead and gone for about two weeks now.

All it ever was was a WEAPONIZED typical flu that got away from the Chinese because they are primitive cavemen who don't have 80 years of experience like America & Russia do. There is only the statistical illusion of a high number of deaths, because it rapidly spread across the entire planet... because it is a weaponized mild flu. You are supposed to be scientists, you should see that yourselves without me having to tell you.

Antifa Commander Serleena Pelosi's Brown Shirt attack on America was to prevent things from going back to normal. Listen to Yuri again, the KGB is attacking the “Normalization” stage to prevent it from happening and to keep the “Crises Stage” going. “It's Just A Game...”

The Brown Shirt attack on America is all about preventing THIS from happening!!!

Take off your Obamite Coward Masks, take down the plexiglass, and if any Katrina People have anything to say about it... tear off their Coward Mask and breathe heavily in their face!

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Don't get touchy just because I spiked your cannon. I know UFOs exist, and there's no reason why they shouldn't.
But, if you want me to believe they come from outer space, and there's no reason why they shouldn't, then just show me very good evidence that they do.

I just shot down your Sunday Punch above.
OMG. I've just noticed this is now in the Cesspool.

Oh, and I haven't talked about UFOs yet, other than a single phrase that Phil Klass would agree with. You are putting words in my mouth, you said these things, not me. I have only said a single sentence about the actual UFO's. It is towards the beginning of the first post.
You don't want to know the truth about the UFOs, remember? Nobody will ask that question for some strange reason...
And, as any HONEST SCIENTIST will tell you, if you do get the virus... the most effective cure known to medical science, BY FAR, is "The Boogeyman Trump Drug"!!!

Welcome back to reality, brainwashed useful idiots!

Antifa Commander Serleena Pelosi: "I go by the science! Science... Science... Science!!!!"
I love my wife, so I want to fundamentally transform her...

I love my children, so I want to fundamentally transform them...

This is a great new house! Let's fundamentally transform it!!!

Baby Bond, Word Wizard

Since I know how these things actually work, I will tell you.

For you Coup Plotters & Civil War participants who LOOK EXACTLY LIKE LENIN OR THE NAZI'S coming to power... WE HONESTLY CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE...

In order to "fundamentally transform" America from Ike to Lenin... you have to win a war against Ike's People. You better figure that out fast, because you have absolutely no chance at all of winning the war that you have ALREADY STARTED without realizing it.

"The Sleeping Dragon Has One Eye Open Now"
Sometimes, especially back in the 20th century, your militant gay activist type would recognize the “Patton” in you (I like to say “LeMay” instead, so people don't interpret it as me comparing myself to one of the greatest generals of all time. LeMay is, too, but only us “Buffs” know that... Haha!!!). So they would get in your face about wanting an argument, because they like to argue. I'm not insulting them, so do I. Obviously.

EFM's “Word Wizardry Response” to “I am gay, what do you think about that", which I saw him use at least 3 times... “I am glad that you are happy...” with a big smile on his face. :)

"The middle of the road is the only usable surface. The extremes, the left and the right, are in the gutters." - "Ike"

"The 6-foot cinderblock wall is obtrusive and ugly, "Black". But at the other extreme, "White", it's still ugly and you might trip over it and hurt yourself. Isn't a 3-foot White Picket Fence pretty? Balance..." - 008 Ball, Baby Bond, Professor Pratt

Just for fun... a couple of obscure sci-fi refs...

The first one is one that you've all probably heard before because it's like the chain letter inside joke of sci-fi! About 20% of the fans get it, and know where it is from... the rest of you assume that it came from comic books or something. Nope, it started in games... “Adamantium Armor”.

The second one just comes from SFB, so only SFB players know it. But anyone can appreciate it. There are “Plasma Torpedoes”, and the one of the most effective long range weapons is the “Plasmatic Pulsar Device”. But most know that the true inspiration was...

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