Look, James R – the only difference between "objective" reality and "subjective" reality is that the size and speed of everything in subjective reality is MAGNIFIED and MOVES FASTER than it does in objective reality.
That explains why everyone always drops things when trying to catch, right?
I mean, if everything in my subjective reality moves faster than it really does, how do I manage to get my hands up in time to catch a ball?
The answer, of course, is glaringly simple: it's nonsense.
For example – a 6 month old child crawling around in the kitchen "looks up" at the bottom of the kitchen table – while an 18-year-old adult "looks down" at the top of the table.
So it's all about height?
What if I'm lying on the floor and "looking up"?
Or a child is standing on the table "looking down"?
The "subjective reality" of a 6-month-old is MAGNIFIED and SPEEDED UP by about 500% compared to the subjective reality of an 18-year-old.
Did you know that 88% of all statistics are made up?
I look forward to you supporting your claim, though.
Further, as has been explained to you before,
time is actually experienced slower when you're younger, not faster.
But, hey, don't let the science stand in the way of your "proof", right.
Weeks lasted for a long time, summer holidays were almost endless, etc.
Maybe you can't remember that far back, but some of us can.
Okay in Relativity a magnification and speeding up of "space-time" is called by Einstein – A CURVATURE of space-time.
No, it's not.
There is no such concept as "speeding up of 'space-time'" (although if you honestly think there is, please cite sources that explain it).
Time speeds up (relatively speaking), sure, as you move from a deeper curvature of space-time to a more shallow one, such as moving further away from a massive body.
Space-time itself, though, does not "speed up".
Nor does
space-time itself "magnify", although I'm not sure what you are trying to express: do you mean
So you're not off to a great start here.
And obviously here the "curvature of subjective space-time" is caused by HUMAN GROWTH itself.
You have yet to show that there is a "curvature of subjective space-time".
You think things speed up as you age, when pretty much all the literature will tell you that you're wrong.
Things are certainly perceived as bigger when we are younger, so you may be half-right, at least.
But then all you're doing is offering a
metaphor between our subjective experience and relativity of a space-time curvature.
A metaphor is not proof.
Being able to describe one thing in terms of another does not itself link them as anything else.
Which is a fundamental weakness in your approach littered throughout your "proof".
As has been explained to you repeatedly.
So, still a significant number of issues to resolve just from this snippet of your "proof".
Oh, wait, I need to take all the garbage in to account before I can identify any flaws, right?
Now the fact is that as a worldwide population average the "average adult" is actually about 15% "growth stunted" which makes the world looks 15% larger and 15% faster then it ACTUALLY IS.
Where is the support for this 15% that you repeatedly claim?
You tried to provide it once before, accidentally posting data supporting 15% of children between 0-5 as being stunted, not that the average stunting is 15%.
This was pointed out to you previously, and still you have not provided the support requested.
Or, more accurately, you misunderstood the data, and are too dishonest to change your "proof" to account for it.
Also, repeating a point I made earlier, if we experience the world as 15% faster than it is, how do even children manage to catch balls?
How do you suggest you are able to catch something you perceive travelling 15% faster than it actually is?
Suppose you're going into battle with an opposing army and when you get on the battlefield every opposing soldier suddenly looked "15% larger and 15% faster" then he actually is. The result would be TERRIFYING. And this is what the average person sees in the "Sound And The Fury" of the every day world...
Suppose you're going to write something that isn't an appeal to emotion, or an appeal to authority, or based on flawed concepts.
The result would be SHOCKING.
– and this is known as – "the phenomenon of God" who mediates and determines the size and speed of the world that you are going to actually SEE.
Again, pointing at something and going "this is God" is not "proof" of anything other than that you have labelled something as "God".
I suggest you do some further research, Mr. Hammond, on this perception of time that you've confused yourself with.
Such as:
That's, of course, if you're serious about your endeavours.
More likely you will just dismiss them so that you can continue in your ignorance and narcissistic delusion of grandeur.
And there is no appeal from it – it is the most powerful force (phenomenon) known to Man.
On what basis do you assert this?
Bearing in mind that you are still erroneously claiming that our experience of time slows down, contrary to all the, well, actual
And incidentally the WHO, CDC, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Bank data indicates a worldwide "g" of about a 15% human growth shortfall.
If you're still referring to the data you somehow misrepresented previously that I kindly pointed out to you, then you're deliberately lying.
Otherwise, please provide this data that suggests the 15% "human growth shortfall"?
I know you must have some academic credentials or you wouldn't be a Sciforums administrator – I hope this simple explanation succeeds in framing some kind of a simple picture of what the "Scientific Proof of God" (SPOG) is all about.
To anyone with scientific credentials who bothers to read this garbage it is clearly all about
you: your narcissistic delusions of grandeur,
your dishonesty,
your ignorance, and
your inability to actually support any of your assertions.
But that's what cranks do.