The fall of Trumpcare

We haven't seen this much incompetence since "Mission Accomplished."

Yes, we haven't seen that much "Mission Accomplished" since Baby Bush. How well did that work out for Baby Bush? Senators aren't protected by gerrymandering, and several Republican senators have noted they won't go along with the House bill and some have expressed a willingness to work with Democrats. If they are sincere, the bill which will emerge from the Senate will be very different than the House bill. And I'm guessing, this will not become law until after the 2018 congressional elections at the earliest, and come 2019 I think we will be looking at a very different Senate and House. I expect Democrats will pick up more seats and may regain control of the House.

Republicans wanted to scuttle Obamacare in order to fund their tax cuts for the rich. As long as Obamacare remains intact, Republicans cannot fund their tax cuts for the wealthy. It's a big problem for Republicans. It's not like the wealthy aren't wealthy enough. Wealth inequality in America is and has been a continuing problem.
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You just keep telling yourself that. Just like Democrats seek to distance themselves from their history of racism with the myth of swapping sides...

The modern Republican Party today is basically an all-white party. I wonder why minorities (asian, latinos and black) stay away in droves. Please explain.

....the abject failure of Obamacare by calling it a conservative idea.

If it was truly a "failure" it seems to me killing it would be easier than offering the public free money. Yet that's not happening. Please explain.
If it was truly a "failure" it seems to me killing it would be easier than offering the public free money. Yet that's not happening.
Indeed. 61% of Americans want to keep Obamacare vs 37% who want it repealed. In the same poll, 79% wanted Trump to make Obamacare work, compared to 13% who wanted him to sabotage it as he has said he planned to do.

Hard to claim it's a failure with that kind of support. (Doesn't stop Trump supporters from doing it, of course; they are almost entirely disconnected from reality.)
Indeed. 61% of Americans want to keep Obamacare vs 37% who want it repealed. In the same poll, 79% wanted Trump to make Obamacare work, compared to 13% who wanted him to sabotage it as he has said he planned to do.

Hard to claim it's a failure with that kind of support. (Doesn't stop Trump supporters from doing it, of course; they are almost entirely disconnected from reality.)

The fact is they've been lying now for 8 years about Obamacare so why stop now? They're lying about what Trumpcare does now too. Indeed if they spent half as much effort trying to make it work you have a lot more happier voters and better healthcare outcomes. What's inhumane actually is they are working to deny others what they themselves would never do without.
They're lying about what Trumpcare does now too.

One thang about it... GOP Trump-care will offer more policy choices wit a broader price range to fit individuals budgets... an the freedom to not have to buy health insurance an not be penalized for that choice.!!!
One thang about it... GOP Trump-care will offer more policy choices wit a broader price range to fit individuals budgets... an the freedom to not have to buy health insurance an not be penalized for that choice.!!!
Unfortunately the opposite is true. If you have a pre-existing condition, Trumpcare will allow insurance companies to put you in special high-risk brackets - where you will not have the freedom to purchase low cost insurance. You will be penalized for your cancer, or your sexual assault, or your genetic disease.
But dont it make sinse for the sickest to pay the most... an besides... ther will be subsides to help wit those higher premiums for people in the high risk pool.!!!
#tyranny | #WhatTheyVotedFor

Via The Hill:

Dan Heyman, a reporter for Public News Service, said he was arrested at the West Virginia State Capitol after trying to ask Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price a question about the House-passed healthcare bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

In a press conference held shortly after posting bail, Heyman said he asked Price repeatedly about whether domestic violence is considered a preexisting condition under the new GOP healthcare bill.

According to Heyman’s account, he waited for Price to come into the building and then reached past those accompanying Price with his phone and repeatedly asked his healthcare questions, adding that a number of other reporters wanted to bring up the issue of preexisting conditions.

He said capitol police at some point “decided I was just too persistent in asking this question and trying to do my job and so they arrested me.”

He couldn’t remember how many times he asked the question, he said, but he added that it is his job to ask questions, expressing disbelief that he was arrested.

“First time I’ve ever been arrested for asking a question. First time I’ve ever heard of someone getting arrested for asking a question,” he said.

Welcome to America. Sounds great. This is #WhatTheyVotedFor.


Beavers, Olivia. "Reporter arrested after repeatedly questioning Health secretary". The Hill. 9 May 2017. 9 May 2017.
Yes and that's called a death spiral. Insurance works by making everyone buy into it. It doesn't work otherwise. That's why every group is against it but his rubes.

Doctors, Hospitals Say Latest Trumpcare Version A Bigger Disaster
Hmmm... lots of food for thout an begs this queston:::

The GOP brags on Trump-care cause it gives young an healthy people the freedom to not buy health insurance... but i wonder if any of those GOP people thanks its a good idea for young or healthy people to not be insured.???
The GOP brags on Trump-care cause it gives young an healthy people the freedom to not buy health insurance... but i wonder if any of those GOP people thanks its a good idea for young or healthy people to not be insured.???
They have actually said "well, they have healthcare coverage - they can just go to the ER."
Hmmm... lots of food for thout an begs this queston:::

The GOP brags on Trump-care cause it gives young an healthy people the freedom to not buy health insurance... but i wonder if any of those GOP people thanks its a good idea for young or healthy people to not be insured.???

Never mind the whole business case behind insurance which is always the people who have few or no claims pay for the people who do. If low accident drivers could opt out and only high risk drivers bought auto insurance there would be no insurance because high risk drivers could not afford the premiums. The well pay for the sick. And in national health care the young pay for the old as one day they will be old and they will need the young and working to put into the pot.
They have actually said "well, they have healthcare coverage - they can just go to the ER."
But... but thats not "health care"... the ER is very expensive an for emergencies... an improperly used just raises the cost for people who do have insurance :?

Never mind the whole business case behind insurance which is always the people who have few or no claims pay for the people who do. If low accident drivers could opt out and only high risk drivers bought auto insurance there would be no insurance because high risk drivers could not afford the premiums. The well pay for the sick. And in national health care the young pay for the old as one day they will be old and they will need the young and working to put into the pot.

Come to thank of it... im near 70 an ive had health insurance ever day of my life... just like ive been covered by auto insurance ever sinse i started drivin :cool:


Its ignorant/stoopid/immature/poor citizenship to promote bein un-insured.!!!
They have actually said "well, they have healthcare coverage - they can just go to the ER."
But... but thats not "health care"... the ER is very expensive an for emergencies... an improperly used just raises the cost for people who do have insurance :?
Well, right. But keep in mind that the Republican representatives who voted for this already have Obamacare coverage (they kept it for themselves) paid for by taxpayers. So why should they care what everyone else has?
If it involves the free market, it's not a solution, it's theft. Even Obamacare was a horrible way to provide health care. We need single payer, government insurance with zero profit motive. We already know it works, and President Pumpkin said so about Australia.
Zero-sum false dilemma. LOL! So now you agree with Trump? Who's the Trump supporter now? :p
It's just history. They decided to support the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and they lost all the racists.
Wishful thinking.
But keep in mind that the Republican representatives who voted for this already have Obamacare coverage (they kept it for themselves) paid for by taxpayers. So why should they care what everyone else has?

I thank the theory is... if you cant afford health insurance you prolly failed at life an dont deserve health care... an if you can afford health insurance you deserve a big tax cut.!!!
The modern Republican Party today is basically an all-white party. I wonder why minorities (asian, latinos and black) stay away in droves. Please explain.
Loud lies are easier to believe than the quite truth.
If it was truly a "failure" it seems to me killing it would be easier than offering the public free money. Yet that's not happening. Please explain.

On Monday night, news broke that one of the five largest insurers in the US, Aetna, was leaving 70% of the counties in which it offers insurance through the Affordable Care Act's public healthcare exchanges.
Now, however, it appears a large reason for the shift in tone was the Department of Justice's lawsuit to block Aetna's merger with rival Humana.

The department filed suits to block the merger of Anthem and Cigna as well as Aetna and Humana. The combined value of the deals was roughly $91 billion.

The suits, filed in US District Court in Washington, DC, said that the mergers would not be in the best interest of consumers and would be anticompetitive, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a press conference announcing the moves.

"They would leave much of the multitrillion health insurance industry in the hands of just three mammoth companies, restricting competition in key markets," said Lynch.
So Obama's Attorney General brought a suit to stop a merger, fearing less competition, that now is actually killing Obamacare...which already had a competition problem:
People trying to purchase insurance on a government exchange only have one provider to choose from in 32 percent of the nation’s counties, according to late 2016 data from Kaiser.
That means 21 percent of Affordable Care Act enrollees, or about 1.9 million people in 2017, can only pick from one health insurance provider.

We rate Trump’s claim True.

But with insurers choosing not to participate, in part because they are losing money by covering people who are sicker and seeking out immediate care after having insurance for the first time, people who shop for these plans are left with even fewer options to choose from. Some will have only one plan to select, and at least one – Pinal County, Arizona – will have none.

The Obama administration's response is to point out that health insurance companies are still adapting to the law and that millions of people will continue to receive coverage. Officials also point out that health insurance companies can leave or join the marketplace each year. But for many customers, Aetna's pullout will be more than just an inconvenience.

Loud lies are easier to believe than the quite truth.
The quiet truth is that the Republican Party is white, its financial backing is from billionaires with a capitalist corporate agenda, its core voting base is racial bigots and fundamentalist Christians, and its organization is fascist.

It has one basic agenda: further unburdening the wealthy and their corporate investments of taxes and regulations.
It has one subsidiary agenda: expanding the scope and power of these same wealthy and their corporations worldwide.

The rest is noise - including Obamacare, which unless modified will fail as was predicted by liberals and lefties decades ago, when it was first proposed by the Republican leadership as an alternative to socialized medical insurance.
The quiet truth is that the Republican Party is white, its financial backing is from billionaires with a capitalist corporate agenda, its core voting base is racial bigots and fundamentalist Christians, and its organization is fascist.

It has one basic agenda: further unburdening the wealthy and their corporate investments of taxes and regulations.
It has one subsidiary agenda: expanding the scope and power of these same wealthy and their corporations worldwide.

The rest is noise - including Obamacare, which unless modified will fail as was predicted by liberals and lefties decades ago, when it was first proposed by the Republican leadership as an alternative to socialized medical insurance.
Yeah, the GOP organization is fascist, even though the Dem super-delegates ensured Bernie lost, and the GOP leadership couldn't stop Trump. The GOP is racist, even though the most racial segregation and income inequality exists in democrat-controlled cities and Dem policies effectively perpetuate a permanent, significantly black underclass to farm for votes. GOP is financed by billionaires, even though the Dems regularly raise more money.

Oh, you seem to have a decades-old definition of "liberals and lefties". Like I said earlier, where have you been living?
In that case, I'm a classic liberal.