The End... and the Beginning? (My little theory)


Registered Senior Member
Energy: the End and the Beginning? (My little theory)

I posted a thread a bit similar to this one, but titled it "Cosmetic Origin", which did not attract many viewers. I think this is a fun idea, and would very much like to hear your comments about it, thanks :)

I think that everything in the universe is a cycle. In 3rd grade or so, i learned that the same rain has fallen countless times, around that time, a bit later maybe, I also learned that the earth revolves around the sun. Last year (9th grade) i learned about the economy, and the cycle of prosperity... recession... depression, and so on.

A bit ago, as I started "serious" physics in high school (I'm only 15) I learned that matter can be converted into energy and vice versa. Not only that, but that matter can be converted into a lot (in proportion to what we have around us) of energy.

I think that therefore, I can safely say that the cosmos, or at least our galaxy supercluster, currently, has more matter than energy.

Was it always like this?

I don't think so. I think that this is another huge cycle. I disagree with the theory of the Big Bang, at least with the form of it that we learned. I don't believe that there was not time and no space before a certain moment. This reminds me too much of the end of the earth that ships would fall off of.

I think it was all energy once, and very little mass.

This energy formed black holes. Not black holes of mass, as we have now, but black holes of energy. These started melting together making bigger or denser black holes untill it all became too much (I am not positive about how this works, but i have heard/read about many theories about how black holes explode when they get too massive) and *BOOM*: lots of matter, little energy. And now it all begins again... Untill we all get inevitably sucked into another big black hole and all turn back into energy.

I also had a couple of questions that my teacher was uncertain about:
Can energy exist without matter?
If not, then can matter exist without energy?

Thats about it feel free to post comments/modifications/totally new theories. Thanks.
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Ok... sorta weird... about max 10% of all people that view an article post follow-ups, c'mon guys, you must want to say SOMETHING about it... if only a word or 2, good idea? bad idea? impossible? i personally couldnt read 3 threads on here before sighning up and replying :) anyway, PLEASE tell me what you think/your ideas/theories. ;)
Do not expect a lot of replies in one hour. The idea looks good. All matter has residual energy that makes the electrons circle. I think at certain time after the big bang, the hydrogen atom formed, then other matter came. So before that all was sub-atomic partilces that you can describe as energy state. Certainly photon was part of it, so could be electron and positron....

Cycle, Yes. Waves? Yes
Now if you can predict from these cycles, what comes next - you will be richer than Bill Gates....
Im not asking for replies...

Just sorta funny... one out of about 10-20 visitors replies...

"Self-Reliance" by Emerson...

Its all about your opinion, how did he say it...

To believe your own thought, to believe what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -- that is genius.
Hi GRO$$!

I think that since you are only 15 people are reluctant to answer you, because thay feel the responsibility of being absolutely right. We do not want to misinform a youngster like yourself . ;)

I don´t know very much about physics, but my theory is that energy is all that is, and that it CAN exist without matter( as the soul for example), but matter on the other hand can never exist without energy, it´s just impossible. Since everything is made out of energy, then that is all that is. Matter is just an illusion we have in this physical version of the universe. :)

I hope I didn´t...or, no...I hope I DID confuse you! :D

Matter is energy. There can be no matter without energy.
It is a question of On or Off. Energy off, nothing at all. Energy on, excistance.

And from what I understand a black hole is created by a mass to heavy to be supported by the fabric of space. It falls through, ripping a hole in reality (this "solid" dimension) as opposed to exploding :)

I´m not a scientist, I am a hardcore stoner. My points are valid :D
GRO$$ ...

I think MuliBoy has it right re. matter/energy.

It might be easier to think of it using the analogy of water: Solid, liquid, gas - depending on the energy level. It isn't one or the other, but all ... it (energy) just takes different forms.
Hmmmmm for some strange reason it sounds a bit like my theory of Cosmic Origin. Hehe Just joking but it is pretty close witht he black hole and energy part. Check my post out on thoery of cosic origin. It's somewhere around here.:)
No, no, nooo...

Don´t believe anything that MuliBoy is saying. He is only trying to fool you....:D
My understanding on Cosmic Origins or What an atom is made from is simple, A blackhole is stong enough to suck almost everything into it, Any mass entering is going to undergo such a compression that it will be turned into pure energy, Of course the first thing to enter a blackhole is light direct from stars, and rebounding of floating debris is space.

This light effect gave me a clue as to how the first atoms were born.

With the use of my trusty diagrams (that aren't too clever) I shall try and explain what I percieve occuring.

Something I once noticed form allowing a floating object in a bath to spiral around the plug hole as the water retreated down the drain. When it got to a certain point it's own bouyancy made it stay in a fluctuating position within the very neck of the whirl pool.

recently I realised that at some point something like this (Not for the same reason) could occur within a blackhole, I also realised that something like a dripping tap might be the output of a blackhole, so I forumlated an understanding of how Hydrogen and other Atoms could be created from the use of a blackhole and nothing more than Light.

First in the image is my Diagram (A), this represents a blackhole when it reachs the smallest size it gets too, when it eventually "reaches its drain" (In a preverbial sense).
Through out the length of the neck, different sizes of energy will be amassing, this is where energy from a whole bunch of directions accumilates, to which I 've drawn circles to represent them. You will notice the near to the mouth of the blackhole the larger the circle, this represents that it's not compressed, so it's density is less, while the circles towards the drain will be smaller, more densely compressed.
Although the circles are suppose to have the same contents of energy, they react differently to their size.

The reason I used circles is shown in Diagram (B), this diagram attempts to show the directions that light and "recycled energy" are coming from, notice that one of the arrowed lines actually spirals around the other arrows, to symbolise packets of energy being created, (Some energy won't be pulled into the first circle, and will manage to continue past to make a smaller fractal packet of energy.)

In Diagram (C), I show the circles how they would be seen if they were seen at a frequency level and moving in a direction at speed, you will notice the larger circles eminate at a frequency that eventually intersects with the smaller circles. This is where I realised that a smaller circle could represent both a Proton and Electron at the same time, and the larger circle is like a nuclei, once the mass of this Newly formed atom occurs, it weighs enough to be slowed down and "exist" (The understanding is why these energy packets are travelling they are nothing more than really highend frequency, and might be percieved as blackbody/electromagnetic radiation, until they slow down into what we percieve)
[There is a possibility that if the energy packet thats a proton/electron exists with a nuclei and they both undergo compression it might be the reason that the atom is created and bonded.]

Diagram (D) just shows a very crudely drawn Hydrogen atom (A nuclei with an internal proton and external electron.)

All of this would mean that if in the start of the universe it was nothing more than space, a backhole could have emerged that had a universe with mass on the other side, and slowly the light gets suck through from the universe with mass, into the balckhole to become atoms and emerge in the universe with just the blackhole opening and suddenly... The universe is filled with mass.

I hope thats simple enough to understand, I would of course like to hear Kmguru's thoughts on it.
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Some scientists think that the black hole pumps out matter at the other end. No matter what ones theory is, as soon as you have matter or energy filled an universe, the question comes, where does that come from? It is that chicken and egg...

I am sure black holes play a major role in our reality matrix. So does time, dark matter and other dimensions... your idea is as good as any...