Again, please verify the following quotes...
Sam Harris
PhD in neuroscience from UCLA
“How can we be “free” as conscious agents if everything that we consciously intend is caused by events in our brain that we do not intend and of which we are entirely unaware? We can’t.”
“You can do what you decide to do
- but you cannot decide what you will decide to do.”
Jerry A Coyne
Professor of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
(Author of “Why Evolution Is True”)
“Free Will is an illusion so convincing that people simply refuse to believe that we don’t have it.”
There are many, many more quotes available from many other experts on the topic...
So, it seems that the raw Science is telling us that human free will does not exist.
If I go with the Science, as you guys are always telling me to do, I have to stop there, and say that the limitations of our physical brain matter and chemistry make the existence of human free will impossible.
But, you and I apparently both hold that free will is real and does exist.
And so I am just saying that if it does, it points to the reality and existence of the supernatural, simply because the physical material Universe cannot explain it.
And with that, I will hopefully end my side of this conversation inside this thread.