The Durupinar Noah's Ark Site

The rock will never move. Hence, the power of prayer is falsified.
That's not correct: not demonstrating an ability on demand does not falsify that the person has the capability, or has done it in the past.
The power of prayer is actually unfalsifiable. As is God.
If Quantum Mechanics controls our thoughts then our thoughts would have to be indeterminate.

And therefore untrustworthy.
Sure. (I will go with your archaic word for science.)

Scientists can predict what will happen inside a nuclear reactor with great accuracy. Specifically, they can set up a reactor, fuel it, withdraw the control rods, and see exactly (to within a tenth of a percent or so) the energy production they expect. They do this via science; the process of experimentation, hypothesis, test, then validation. The process called science works.

Yes Naturalism is indeed archaic, just as you said.

Science cannot be used to prove Naturalism, such an experiment has never even been attempted.

Again, the Scientifically known and proven, cause and affect limitations at the scale of our brain chemistry and neurological pathways prove you have no free will. (See Sam Harris)

And Quantum Mechanics applied to our brain makes your thoughts indeterminate and untrustworthy.

Cutting off the legs of Reason itself.
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And Quantum Mechanics applied to our brain makes your thoughts indeterminate and untrustworthy.
The processes of the brain have evolved to to think in terms of macro outcomes.
Our bodies have evolved from processes that work on a scale after the averaging out of quantum uncertainly.
The same for plants, they turn to follow the sun without thinking, where is the quantum uncertainty there?
I know I can put six small eggs in an egg box made for six small eggs, where is the quantum uncertainly there?
That's not correct: not demonstrating an ability on demand does not falsify that the person has the capability, or has done it in the past.
True. I guess it would be more accurate to say that no experiment has ever demonstrated the existence of the supernatural.
Yes Naturalism is indeed archaic, just as you said.
Natural philosophy is the archaic term for science, yes.
Science cannot be used to prove Naturalism, such an experiment has never even been attempted.
Natural philosophy IS science.
Again, the Scientifically known and proven, cause and affect limitations at the scale of our brain chemistry and neurological pathways prove you have no free will. (See Sam Harris) And Quantum Mechanics applied to our brain makes your thoughts indeterminate and untrustworthy.
You just contradicted yourself.

Either we have no free will and everything is predetermined, or things are NOT predetermined and thus free will is possible. You can't have it both ways.
Natural philosophy is the archaic term for science, yes.

Natural philosophy IS science.

You just contradicted yourself.

Either we have no free will and everything is predetermined, or things are NOT predetermined and thus free will is possible. You can't have it both ways.

Or we actually do have free will, because we all have supernatural minds, spirits, or souls. And are not strictly limited by either Newtonian or Quantum mechanisms.
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Please verify the following two quotes for yourself before accepting them...

(Christian Sources sometimes take quotes and use them unfairly out of context, and I do not want to do that out of my own ignorance.)

David Chalmers
Philosopher and Cognitive Scientist

“Consciousness experience is at once the most familiar thing in the world and the most mysterious. There is nothing we know about more directly than consciousness, but it is far from clear how to reconcile it with everything else we know. Why does it exist? What does it do? How could it possibly arise from lumpy grey matter?”

Thomas Nagel
Naturalistic Philosopher

“So long as the mental is irreducible to the physical, the appearance of conscious physical organisms is left unexplained by naturalistic account of the familiar type. On a purely materialist understanding of biology, consciousness would have to be regarded as a tremendous and inexplicable extra brute fact about the world.”


“The existence of consciousness is currently explained by the existence of the Supernatural.”
The processes of the brain have evolved to to think in terms of macro outcomes.
Our bodies have evolved from processes that work on a scale after the averaging out of quantum uncertainly.
The same for plants, they turn to follow the sun without thinking, where is the quantum uncertainty there?
I know I can put six small eggs in an egg box made for six small eggs, where is the quantum uncertainly there?

Do you think we have free will, or are our thoughts just the results of an unending chain of bio-chemical reactions?
Chemical reactions are probabilistic, not deterministic.
Chemical reactions are probabilistic, not deterministic.

Ok, then are you saying that our thoughts are all probabilistic as well?

How could a bio-chemical probabilistic mind ever truly be conscious? And how are we able to reason correctly with probabilistic thoughts?

How could I control my thoughts if they are probabilistically caused?

My thoughts would just happen on the basis of some bio-chemical probability, right?

If so, why should I trust them?

Wouldn’t my thoughts even be predetermined to be probabilistic, without any willful control at all on my part?

How is reason itself not destroyed?