Wow, I hadn't checked this thread since leaving that bit of throw-away sarcasm/parody, but talk about your knee-jerk PC over-reach....
But in an international community I'm surely not the only one who didn't get the joke.
Problem seems to be more to do with the level of
idiocy, than internationalism.
In retrospect, I realize the Poe's Law dictates I should have been more careful. But frankly I'm shocked to hear this response from anyone who is the slightest bit familiar with my output here. I have been very consistently and vocally on the side of gay rights and marriage equality since forever - where have you been? Taking your knee-spring in for maintenance, to ensure its superior jerkiness?
If it was a joke I'd apologize to him for not getting it,
It was.
but I'd also smack him upside the head for being so dumb.
Those are fighting words, right there. That's a literal threat and a personal insult. I'd be bothered by it, except for the fact that you're making a complete ass out of yourself, you have no real way of locating me physically to follow through, and even if you did I'm fairly confident that an old fart like yourself would not really present a serious physical threat to the likes of me (unless you were armed or brought a gang or something).
But the point is that this is hardly the sort of thing that somebody who is engaged in an exercise in PC sphincter-spasming can afford to engage in. You're deep into facepalm territory here,
even if you'd been justified on your initial complaint.
We don't let people use the N word as a joke.
Actually, I'm not sure that such would be objectionable in a comparable context (i.e., lampooning a dipshit racist). Dave Chappelle certainly got away with it, on TV and everything. Not that I'm about to try it, but I reject the implication of your analogy there (as well as the analogy itself - "homo" is not comparable to "nigger," and such is exactly why I did not use any of the stronger anti-gay slurs that
are so comparable).
It's only allowed in the Linguistics forum, on rare occasions, when it's clearly the word itself that is being discussed.
Looks like your going to have to ban me again, then, Mr. PC Diction Dictator.
The same applies to the H word, at least in America.
That is just flat-out bullshit. If anything, the "homo" slur is troublingly commonplace and acceptable. More to the point, it's highly juvenile - more associated with dumbass elementary school kids who don't even really understand what sexuality (straight, gay or otherwise) consists of in the first place, than with nasty bigots. I expect that you know what word they prefer as well as I do, and it is not "homo."
It's considered "hate speech." Walk into a bar and start tossing it around and you can be arrested for "fightin' words," i.e., language so inflammatory that can reasonably be expected to start a fight.
This is just so much bullshit. Please, cite a single instance of anyone in the USA ever having been arrested for uttering the word "homo."