Valued Senior Member
Men do not see misogyny.
Uh, seriously.... Not true.
It seems to imply that men in general have a misogynous nature.
Men do not see misogyny.
Uh, seriously.... Not true.
It seems to imply that men in general have a misogynous nature.
The misogyny and misandry displayed by Elliot Rodger was a result of a lifetime of psychosocial dysfunction. His attitudes ran the gamut, there were times in his life when he desperately wanted to be liked and respected by the very men and women he had grown to despise. The broken social compass he was issued led him onto one wrong street after another, and his frustration over the inability to navigate to his desired destination ultimately led to the road rage that ended the lives of five men and two women.Geoff, am I not making myself clear? Am I blaming women, or anyone for that matter, other than the perpetrator himself? Or am I merely stating that it’s naive to assume that misogyny was the only thing guiding Elliot Rodgers?
The misogyny and misandry displayed by Elliot Rodger was a result of a lifetime of psychosocial dysfunction. His attitudes ran the gamut, there were times in his life when he desperately wanted to be liked and respected by the very men and women he had grown to despise. The broken social compass he was issued led him onto one wrong street after another, and his frustration over the inability to navigate to his desired destination ultimately led to the road rage that ended the lives of five men and two women.
Today, we live in the Age of Envy.
By Ayn Rand
“Envy” is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless; it is the only element of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify.
Envy is regarded by most people as a petty, superficial emotion and, therefore, it serves as a semi-human cover for so inhuman an emotion that those who feel it seldom dare admit it even to themselves. . . . That emotion is: hatred of the good for being the good.
This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view of the good with which one does not agree. . . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.
If a child wants to get good grades in school, but is unable or unwilling to achieve them and begins to hate the children who do, that is hatred of the good. If a man regards intelligence as a value, but is troubled by self-doubt and begins to hate the men he judges to be intelligent, that is hatred of the good.
The nature of the particular values a man chooses to hold is not the primary factor in this issue (although irrational values may contribute a great deal to the formation of that emotion). The primary factor and distinguishing characteristic is an emotional mechanism set in reverse: a response of hatred, not toward human vices, but toward human virtues.
To be exact, the emotional mechanism is not set in reverse, but is set one way: its exponents do not experience love for evil men; their emotional range is limited to hatred or indifference. It is impossible to experience love, which is a response to values, when one’s automatized response to values is hatred.
Consider the full meaning of this attitude. Values are that which one acts to gain and/or keep. Values are a necessity of man’s survival, and wider: of any living organism’s survival. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action, and the successful pursuit of values is a precondition of remaining alive. Since nature does not provide man with an automatic knowledge of the code of values he requires, there are differences in the codes which men accept and the goals they pursue. But consider the abstraction “value,” apart from the particular content of any given code, and ask yourself: What is the nature of a creature in which the sight of a value arouses hatred and the desire to destroy? In the most profound sense of the term, such a creature is a killer, not a physical, but a metaphysical one—it is not an enemy of your values, but of all values, it is an enemy of anything that enables men to survive, it is an enemy of life as such and of everything living.
They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence, and they keep running, each trying not to learn that the object of his hatred is himself . . . . They are the essence of evil, they, those anti-living objects who seek, by devouring the world, to fill the selfless zero of their soul. It is not your wealth that they’re after. Theirs is a conspiracy against the mind, which means: against life and man.
Rutgers University sociologist Martin Oppenheimer, who with his family fled Nazi persecution in the 1930s, argues that hate is sown among a group by identifying and exploiting their frustrations, insecurities, and/or fear of losing out on things they want or need. The trick is convincing people that the explanation for their problems is someone else who is threatening to take away things that ought to be theirs, or is a menace to their safety. Additionally, he says, organized hatred helps give meaning to the lives of those who feel marginalized. "These are the movements of growing numbers of the insecure, who seek islands of safety in a rapidly changing and increasingly insecure world," he writes.
In the modern age, such persuasion to hate has become much easier, thanks to the development of communications technologies that enable hateful words and pictures to be easily disseminated far and wide. A 2010 study by Stanford University researchers Elissa Lee and Laura Leets, who measured teenagers' reaction to hate groups' Web sites, found that storytelling with implicit hate messages, rather than direct exhortations to hate, is the most effective way to persuade impressionable minds.
How do you manage to act like the troll all the time?@Bells
Who are you arguing with?
What's your point?
Is he a misogynist? Definitely.
A misanthrope too.
Is he mentally ill? Quite likely.
Nobody is disagreeing with those points are they?
How do you manage to find arguments, even when everyone is in agreement?
Women rarely see it either unless it is right in their face, being flaunted like a nuclear explosion or something. It's all pervasive.
We see it in hindsight.
Not to be disrespectful, but I'm a guy and I see it.
No one said it was the only thing guiding him.
I don't know? Is he?
When someone enters a thread about rape and defends a guy who has often and repeatedly claimed that rape wouldn't happen if women just gave men what they wanted and didn't dress in a way that invited it, and then that person tries to redefine rape, is he supporting rape? I mean is it really rape? Or just a biological imperative to fuck because he's horny? Is such a question supporting a rape?
Context.. as I said, is everything..
Funnily enough, this is precisely Trooper's point. It doesn't appear to be complicated. The only thing you're adding is rage.
Well, since you're confused again, the answer is clearly no to all those 'questions', and especially to the malicious way in which they were posed. I realise you'll just run from these again, but: in which way did I defend this person again? Where has he done these things? What exactly am I 'defending' in that thread? Where did I 'redefine' rape? So many questions. None of which will be answered, on basis of... well, there's cowardice, I guess, to start with. Intellectual dishonesty. There are probably others. I've bolded the more egregious idiocies; please feel free to write back and ask for clarification on the points you don't understand, although you won't dare. It astounds me that a character with so much purported association with social justice and law doesn't comprehend the most basic points about not slandering other people.
Context is everything in the situations in which you proclaim that it is, apparently. In other situations where you don't like the context, you seem to supply your own context and, ultimately, meaning.
Without being a social scientist, he's actually doesn't seem to be completely wrong here. There must be essential sexual factors underlying the act: if a display of power were the singular motivation, one could simply physically assault another without any sexual interest. The crime of rape is in a way 'tailored' to females; the woman in the London pub for example was physically assaulted after she was sexually assaulted via a grope. Now, that's a layered crime, presumably with different activators - (inappropriate) sexual interest in the first offense, pride/chauvinism in the second - but the initial interest is implicit. Many interviewed offenders do Texpress a desire for power over women, but without some kind of sexual activating factor, why rape? there are crimes of violence against women without the sexual act, there are crimes of violence against women with the 'sexual act', if I can so put it in such a case, and so causation seems to be essentially heterogenous. Is it the popular objection to biological psychology that drives the consideration of power motivation so uniformly?
And before Bells attempt to excoriate me, the above isn't an excuse for anything.
This topic is beyond me at this point in life, I read a story where a girl posted how she was hurt by a rape and it was much more than sex, it was violent. I don't however believe rape is always done merely to give the perpetrator a sense of power over someone, that's psychobabble IMO. I think men rape women they find sexy most of the time and can't screw any other way. If they weren't horny there would be no rape period. Anyone that says its about control has never had an erection, it's maybe about control and sex but SEX is always the main factor IMO
I and others were horrified and disgusted. What the hell were you thinking?Well, I'm not sure about this. I think that one of the problems is our classification system, which I was going to bring up before but forgot in my charged consideration of the sweaty sexiness of a prison sink: we explicitly categorize sexual behaviour, on both sides of the gender (actual physical gender) divide. What was at a glance bivariate (hetero- vs. homosexual) is actually part of a semi-valued ordinal series ranging from complete homosexuality to heterosexuality, with various bisexuality in the middle - and, in fact, really isn't an ordinal series either, because - well, why do we call it a state? What are you measuring? Preference? Frequency? Well, that's really just a quantitative series with each individual sexual event being just a dynamic threshold state (do it vs. nope, not today). So the concept of human sexuality as expressed really constitutes a quantitative scale with high frequency at high heterosexual intercourse, a sort of variable slope and another smaller peak at high frequencies of homosexual intercourse. It's not a true binomial (or even an ordinal) like polledness in cattle. We use hetero-, homo- and bisexuality to describe ranges in behaviour, but it's not descriptive of the dynamic.
This is a long description of that basic joke about "gay until release", but the latter has real merit: preferences, like any behavioural trait, are subject to environmental modification. (Forget not that heritability only accounts for something like 30-40% of variance in sexual behaviour with respect to homosexuality.) For the rape to actually pan out, surely there must be erection (pardoning my term again), for which does there not need to be some kind of sexual impulse or attraction? In desperation, anything might be possible; hell, masturbation is a kind of reluctant acceptance that no willing partners are currently available. You might hate Marmite, for example - or would, if you were not raised in the upside-down part of the world - but if driven to it, you might devour it. Activity must scale with availability in some sense.
How powerful is it? Not as powerful in humans as elsewhere. There's the above example, as I read it. I've seen moose hump what must be very alluring knots in maple trees, and read about interspecies hybridization between wolves and coyotes in borderline areas where wolves are so rare that at some point they must look at a coyote in the mating season and conclude "Well, close enough". This is not to say that humans must be so subject to such influences that their behaviour is excusable - as I look down at my keyboard, I find that I am typing with at least one hand. But I think some of that pressure must surely be 'biological' or sexual, if you see what I mean.
To suggest that it's a biological trigger is to suggest it's a biological urge, that cannot really be controlled or maintained.
Oh, absolutely not. People have horrifying urges all the time - against the jerk in the checkout line, or the woman that cut you off, or the guy that's trying to have you fired. None of the above triggers mean that you should have license to murder them, or even to beat them up. Think about it: and so much less so because you wear a tight skirt. No, we can and legally are expected to understand and control all other impulses to violence and to any assorted evil or mayhem. There would be no reason to grant such license from the more distal basis - and I avoid what I perceive as the legal term cause here - of sexual urge. I'm urged to greed also, but I can't steal, and wouldn't in any event. That would be wrong. I know of no conception of morality or legality that would excuse rape specifically; in fact, and pardon my terms here, there always exists a relief to such urges. It's even more inexcusable, if that's a phrase.
Bells said:Just as your biological trigger does not explain heterosexual male/male prison rape.
I disagree. I'm about as heteroseuxal as one can be, and yet I still don't see human sexual behaviour as a kind of complete ordinal series; even if I saw the selection of one or another sort of gender as being a factorial (all-or-nothing) effect, there are still probably circumstances in which that gender line, which probably amounts to a kind of threshold trait informed by genetic and environmental precursors, could be 'swamped' by circumstance. Male-male exclusion might be one of these, predisposing the liability the triggering of male rape. I don't think the biological cause is exclusive but I think it significant. In the wild, erroneous or unusual copulation does occur. There must be something to that drive that exists despite all countering reason: a moose does not go after a hole in a log because it thinks something will come of it, but because this drive exists. This would be analogous to heterosexual rape in prisons: neither can children come of that, but there must be some drive triggering it. Having said that, I reiterate that this is not justification in humans: we have reasoning faculties far in excess of those in the remainder of the Kingdom and that, coupled with social education, obviates any such futile defense of evil. This is the reason it's a criminal act; because we, in possession of such ability, are not rote animals.
Bells said:
I mean what's going to be next from the foil hat brigade?
Why don't you ask Trooper and Balerion? Trooper doesn't think he even hated women, but hated men more because, well.. he killed more men than women while she obviously ignores his plan and attempts to go to the sorority house to murder as many women as possible.. So it's not really misogyny, but his hatred of society and men in particular and he apparently didn't hate women at all.,,,,,,,,,,,
He was a misogynist. He did have a sense of entitlement. He was a spoiled brat, and as a child, his temper tantrums worked for him. But you’re using this tragedy to air your grievances against all men, which doesn't seem right to me. You’re chalking this entire incident up to misogyny, while ignoring the mental illness. He killed more men than he did women. He hated and envied more men than he did women. He used self-delusion as an escape from reality. He was troubled, and like most spree killers, he targeted people who he felt had wronged him, men and women.
Say it ain't so GeoffP..
And who was not completely wrong?
and noted that it was about power and dominance[/URL] (and there is a wealth of information supporting this very issue)
I and others were horrified and disgusted. What the hell were you thinking?
How did you respond to this particular point?
GeoffP said:Oh, [people are] absolutely not [let off the hook for such impulses, whatever the level]. People have horrifying urges all the time - against the jerk in the checkout line, or the woman that cut you off, or the guy that's trying to have you fired. None of the above triggers mean that you should have license to murder them, or even to beat them up.
Bells said:The urge you may have to beat someone up because they are a jerk in a checkout line or cut you off or because you are greedy is not biological.
Power, privilege, ownership, domination.. naw.. All those studies must be wrong.
I wasn't the only one disgusted by your argument, GeoffP.
I think the problem is that so few do see it.
And I think it's awesome that you do. If only more were like you and saw it and spoke out about it..
Maybe you could try doing the same.Try reading what people actually write, rather than what you would wish them to have written.
Then you won't need to have big rows over nothing.
Read it slowly.
He....... was....... a........ misogynist.
Wait, it wasn't you writing that ridiculous claptrap?GeoffP said:Well I would, except that it does appear to be so. You select deliberately to misrepresent.
Let's see..Ahh - darksidz! And? When Hitler wanted to get the trains running on time, he wasn't 'wrong' there either. You're sort of dissant-interested in Venn diagrams: there is overlap between darksidz's reprehensible opinions and his propositions, but it is possible for him to identify something with a factual basis now and then, as a broken clock is right twice a day. Ideas are not innately wrong because of he or she who voices them. Let's have an example here: if darksidz says that the sky is blue, is that wrong by definition of the speaker? That's classic ad hominem and is dismissed on that basis. It hardly means I'm defending him in essence, Bells. Nuance. Remember that thing?
darksidZz said:This topic is beyond me at this point in life, I read a story where a girl posted how she was hurt by a rape and it was much more than sex, it was violent. I don't however believe rape is always done merely to give the perpetrator a sense of power over someone, that's psychobabble IMO. I think men rape women they find sexy most of the time and can't screw any other way. If they weren't horny there would be no rape period. Anyone that says its about control has never had an erection, it's maybe about control and sex but SEX is always the main factor IMO
Oh you mean the scenario you took and blew out of proportion and turned it into a short story to prove how Bubba isn't really raping his victim, but is just horny and wants sex, when I used that minor scenario to discuss rape in prison? You turned that scenario into something offensive.Yes, and by creating an offensive scenario designed to attack my own feelings, which as I recall is something you've done before. I'm not sure why it is you have to create fantasies about sexual assault on myself to argue your point, here, but I'd like it to stop, immediately. I allowed a little license on that front for the sake of collegiality, but your attitude indicates no such collegiality. It's offensive, and probably illegal, so cut it the fuck out. I would never make such a post leveled against you and it's disgusting that you think you can do this to me. Just what the hell is wrong with you?
Bells said:A different perspective.. If you're in jail and a big guy named Bubba corners you in the shower, slaps you around a bit, bends you over and violently rapes you. Is it because he was just horny and wanted sex? Or is he making you his bitch? After all, Bubba could simply just give you a beating to assert his dominance and power over you. But raping you? Why do you think Bubba does it?
Well, that's the thing. Bubba could simply beat me up, if my protestations of my understanding about the socioeconomic deficiencies in the South were insufficient to make an ally of him, but instead he chooses rape. So why is that? I mean, I could well feel the same thing - the beating bit, not the rape bit, if you follow me. Let's explore this.
Maybe Bubba has a sassy bitch mouth, and I think that he needs to shut it. But instead of wildly humping him over the fixture sink, as Big Tom two cells down seems to feel the need to - hey, Tom, how's it going, bit of rough with the wife today? yeah, me too - I just kick the everloving shit out of him; because he voted for Perot, for fuck's sake. I mean, really? Really, Bubba? Let alone make a random selection between two equally balanced assholes in that election, you had to obviate your own choice by picking the dark horse candidate that was going nowhere. But I don't think I have any imperative to fuck him. It's a bridge too far, and as I sit considering it now I don't think Extra Geoff - and that's its name, yes - could 'get the job done', if you follow me. There'd have to be some kind of essential interest in that, somehow. You might argue that after several months in the can without a constitutional that I could overlook Bubba's political foibles and perhaps see the sensitive, artistic soul inside, but I think that would still back up a kind of biological argument. (Backing up a biological argument about being "backed up", if you'll excuse the inappropriate pun.)
What a damn shame you didn't read the rest of it.You also included the phrase "And it's not just about having sex." Done. Your link goes to the symbolism of war rape: that also implies the existence of non-symbolic undertones, something social scientists seem a little dissant about themselves. Why did medieval invaders take concubines? As an exclusive symbol of power? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. The basis is probably a lot more heterogenous than they'd like to believe. Here's the very first paragraph from your other link: "Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by-product of war but are used as a deliberate military strategy, it says." There's that word again: just.
Possibly because your point was to excuse it under the basis that perhaps he's just horny and wants sex.In context of the slanderous way you've carried on here, the hell with your pretensions. I was thinking you might have an intelligent comment. You're invested absolutely in rape as the sole expression of power, and have never even once addressed my points regarding other possible underlying bases. Not once has there been an intelligent rebuttal by you of why it's selected over simple assault; instead, you clutch some offensive political dynamic and go for the smear. You still have not apologised for this. Reprehensible.
Nice changing your quote.. Talk about ridiculous poppycock.That is ridiculous poppycock. Aggression is a very biological phenomenon, well aside from the intellectual construction of aggression in humans. Don't comment about issues you don't comprehend. There is no more license to attack a human being for any of the above than there is license to sexually assault them for any possible basal biological trigger. I get that you don't like the concept of biological psychology: don't use your distaste in libel format again. The only person attempting to excuse such behaviour is you: time and again you imply that such a trigger could or would be an excuse. I don't. Don't give me this shit that humans don't engage in power struggles for no apparent intellectual cause.
Yes, and the guy who openly admits to not having even read up into the subject has to be correct just because that's what he thinks it is.Oh, yes: the social scientists invested in their own narrative couldn't possibly be off base in any way. It's the very proof that they've solved all of society's problems that surely illustrates how off-base any other writ must be.
Most of the staff, actually.Identify one other, and when you have: Tough shit. Think or get off the pot. I'm horrified by the idea that you think a biological basis would excuse sexual violence, and doubly so that you think that anyone veering from your stagnant political line must secretly be out to get women, you sick freak.
Pusssy does strange things to men they need antipusss llaw courses to prrevent favoritim and to teach it in schools as well i o however.See how thiss could be creepy he should hve aasked her during the stop
Wait, it wasn't you writing that ridiculous claptrap?
You think this is correct?
Then it is clear you have never actually studied "rape". You know, that is the word that is used for it. "Rape".
It's because of comments like that from Darkside that people refer to him as a stupid neanderthal.
And you? You think that is correct.
Darkside doesn't believe women have the right to say no, GeoffP. Which is why to men like darkside, rape is just about sex. It is just about the rapist taking what he wants from the thing denying it to him. Women aren't people to the likes of darkside. Mere objects for men to dominate or control.
No one is saying that you can control your arousal. What rape advocates believe (like darkside), that men should not have to control their arousal, that they should simply just be able to fuck when they want to fuck and it is up to women to not a) be sexy or b) just fuck the men when they want to fuck.
You are arguing that a man forcing his cock into someone without that person's consent is just biological?
You are insulting all men in doing so.
That, sir, is what defense lawyers say all the time for their rapist clients. And that is the leading argument about how and why women should simply act differently, so that men don't get turned on and want "sex".
But keep defending the rape apologist, GeoffP. You do it so well.
Oh you mean the scenario you took and blew out of proportion and turned it into a short story to prove how Bubba isn't really raping his victim, but is just horny and wants sex, when I used that minor scenario to discuss rape in prison? You turned that scenario into something offensive.
What a damn shame you didn't read the rest of it.
And what a damn shame that you still don't understand why it's even a war crime and seen as a form of genocide.
Rape and sexual abuse are not just a by-product of war but are used as a deliberate military strategy, it says.
The opportunistic rape and pillage of previous centuries has been replaced in modern conflict by rape used as an orchestrated combat tool.
A report by Medecins Sans Frontieres says it first came across rape as a weapon in the 1990s.
"In Bosnia systematic rape was used as part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing," it said.
"Women were raped so they could give birth to a Serbian baby."
The same tactic was used in a "very strategic attack" by state-backed Pakistani troops during the fight for Bangladesh's independence in 1971, Ms Sahgal said.
"They were saying 'we will make you breed Punjabi children'," she said, with the aim of weakening the integrity of the opposing ethnic group.
Possibly because your point was to excuse it under the basis that perhaps he's just horny and wants sex.
I addressed your points and provided you with ample proof and evidence of why you were wrong. Instead you kept harping on that it's simply a biological urge to have sex.
Nice changing your quote.. Talk about ridiculous poppycock.
Because the desire to punch someone who cuts you off is the same as the biological desire to stick your penis into someone as they keep telling you no and try to fight you off? I am well aware that aggression is biological, dumbass.
But you are demanding that all the years and years of research in rape simply be ignored because you think it's just a biological urge to have sex. Even though it has been proven to you repeatedly that you are wrong
And yeah, don't try and twist your perverted ideals about rape onto me.
And before you call me a sick freak because I disagree that rape is not biological or because men are just horny like you have tried to argue, does not mean that I am arguing a political line, remember, you're the one who was taking so much joy dreaming up and enhancing a prison rape scenario
and arguing that it wasn't really rape
As I noted, my rapist and his ex wife claimed the same thing as you have argued in this and the rape thread. Funny that, huh?
You’re trolling and unfounded accusations ruin the experience for everyone.
As I was saying earlier, malicious envy seems like the primary motive to me.
Funnily enough, this is precisely Trooper's point. It doesn't appear to be complicated. The only thing you're adding is rage.
JamesR said:And this after Bells pointed out the rampant misogyny in Rodger's "manifesto".
Now, admittedly, Trooper, you did at one point agree that Rodgers was a misogynist, but you think ... what? That his misogyny was a minor motivator in the crimes he committed, and that really they were mostly about envy?
I'd like to ask a question that Bells already asked you and that you avoided: why do you think that Rodgers made such a point of making women his targets in his manifesto? (It doesn't matter a jot that in practice he killed more men than women. As it turned out, and as Bells has pointed out, he was denied the opportunity to carry out his killings as planned.)
Bells said:I think it is just sad that you still don't understand what I said. His greatest crime was what he did. What led him to do it, however?
Bells said:It was his hatred of women that ultimately led him down that path.
You’re chalking this entire incident up to misogyny, while ignoring the mental illness.