The Big Show Theory


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I propose that the universe has always existed and will always exist as it is in its current form, though our perceptions of it may change as we become increasingly aware of it. I propose that the notions of "space", "time" and all the other notions that we have of reality are illusory and tied directly to our perception of their existence. As such, the universe emerges from our perception of it and only exist as long as we can perceive it. The consistencies we observe are also directly tied to our perception and our interactions with the universe and vice-versa.

I call this theory The Big Show Theory, because the universe is merely a big show that our consciousnesses put on. :D

Prove me wrong. :bugeye: :m:
I propose that the universe has always existed and will always exist as it is in its current form, though our perceptions of it may change as we become increasingly aware of it. I propose that the notions of "space", "time" and all the other notions that we have of reality are illusory and tied directly to our perception of their existence. As such, the universe emerges from our perception of it and only exist as long as we can perceive it. The consistencies we observe are also directly tied to our perception and our interactions with the universe and vice-versa.

I call this theory The Big Show Theory, because the universe is merely a big show that our consciousnesses put on. :D

Prove me wrong. :bugeye: :m:

Not necessary at all to prove you wrong.
What you propose does not have one bit of evidence to support it, or to invalidate the standard BB/Inflationary model, with space/time [as we know them] coming into existence at that instant.
You need to show some evidence to invalidate that model...just one observation will do.
Prove me wrong. :bugeye: :m:

Invisible unicorns that control the earth's weather live on the moon. Prove me wrong.

The point being you cannot prove something wrong - science uses observations, experiemntation, and modeling to support a theory not to prove it right or wrong.
I'm just guessing, but you might have had some revelations while under the influence, since your post has the marijuana gif at the end.
I propose that the universe has always existed and will always exist as it is in its current form, though our perceptions of it may change as we become increasingly aware of it.
There is a version of the Cosmological Principle which conveys a similar sentiment; look up "the Perfect Cosmological Principle". Its premise is that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic in a grand scale, and has been so for eternity. You can take that to be consistent with your view that the universe has always existed in its current form, if by form you just mean it has always looked about the same on a grand scale.
I propose that the notions of "space", "time" and all the other notions that we have of reality are illusory and tied directly to our perception of their existence. As such, the universe emerges from our perception of it and only exist as long as we can perceive it. The consistencies we observe are also directly tied to our perception and our interactions with the universe and vice-versa.
We could attribute those thoughts to the implication of the gif you use at the end of the post, lol. However, according to the predictions of quantum mechanics, the state of the universe is in superposition until it is observed, and that could be consistent your description, to an extent.
I call this theory The Big Show Theory, because the universe is merely a big show that our consciousnesses put on. :D

Prove me wrong. :bugeye: :m:
I suggest you enjoy the show, and the heightened experiences of thought without restraint, and let your mind and time sort things out on an ongoing basis :).
Not necessary at all to prove you wrong.
What you propose does not have one bit of evidence to support it, or to invalidate the standard BB/Inflationary model, with space/time [as we know them] coming into existence at that instant.
Which instant and where?

You need to show some evidence to invalidate that model...just one observation will do.
Just did.
Invisible unicorns that control the earth's weather live on the moon. Prove me wrong.

The point being you cannot prove something wrong - science uses observations, experiemntation, and modeling to support a theory not to prove it right or wrong.

I know the burden of proof lies on me, I was just joking, dude... :p
I'm just guessing, but you might have had some revelations while under the influence, since your post has the marijuana gif at the end.
No, I was just joking. This is how I actually think.

There is a version of the Cosmological Principle which conveys a similar sentiment; look up "the Perfect Cosmological Principle". Its premise is that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic in a grand scale, and has been so for eternity. You can take that to be consistent with your view that the universe has always existed in its current form, if by form you just mean it has always looked about the same on a grand scale.
Likely... though "eternity" doesn't make much sense... from our perspective, it could seem like "eternity", but there isn't really such a thing as "time"... Our "time" is only defined by what we can observe. Anything beyond that, the function "time" can't actually be defined.

We could attribute those thoughts to the implication of the gif you use at the end of the post, lol. However, according to the predictions of quantum mechanics, the state of the universe is in superposition until it is observed, and that could be consistent your description, to an extent.
Yes, it is evident in that scale.
Sometimes it is really hard to tell with the stuff that ends up here. Was the eletric universe thread a joke too?
No, it wasn't. I was trying to assess what the general consensus of the theory was. Not to say that I believe it or agree with it, I just consider it.