Temporary banning of Lord Hillyer and Prince_James

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Actually, all of them are from credible academic journals subject to peer review. Do some research on the journals. Even Wiki will tell you their status as peer-reviewed.

Also, the ones from the 70's were irrelevant, and the ones noted were recent (I believe no ones were older than 2000).

Actually, that thread stands as mute testament to what extent you will refuse to tolerate facts against your pseudo-scientific dogma. :)
You can't even give me a peer-reviewed paper showing the evidence of human races.


i dated a girl who was studying to become a biologist, for about five years. i used to proofread her papers to make sure her punctuation, etc etc was correct.

one of the most eye opening things i ever read was a study by an asian gentleman that very pointedly proved that race is almost purely cosmetic. prior to reading this article (and others that followed....it got me interested), i had no idea of this.

but, its pretty basic when you get down to it. environmental factors and closed gene pools created different looking people. thats all there is to it.
Specifically, this journal article (not on that list) affirms the usefulness and reality of race:

1 Risch N, Burchard E, Ziv E, Tang H. Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease. Genome Biol 2002;3/7/ comment2007.1–2007.12.


Affirms the reality of race:

The emerging picture is that populations do, generally, cluster by broad geographic regions that correspond with common racial classification (Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas).


Did you read that article????

We show that racial classifications are inadequate descriptors of the distribution of genetic variation in our species.

A conclusion:
But 'races' are neither homogeneous nor distinct for most genetic variation.

The article is pretty much projecting the view of individualism. It ends like this:

all individuals, independently conceived, are genetically unique.
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And you fail to add that:

Although populations do cluster by broad geographic regions, which generally correspond to socially recognized races, the distribution of genetic variation is quasicontinuous in clinal patterns related to geography. The broad global pattern reflects the accumulation of genetic drift associated with a recent African origin of modern humans, followed by expansion out of Africa and across the rest of the globe.

Aka: It may not work in all instances due to migration and drift and variation within races, but because...

The emerging picture is that populations do, generally, cluster by broad geographic regions that correspond with common racial classification (Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas).

...it works SIGNIFICANTLY and races are verified biological fact.

Moreover, it is clear from the article that the reason that race is also considered inadequate is that race, like taxonomic genera, is a broad category. Sub-races of races would describe, in large part, the variation beneath it. For instance, you could have:

Species: Homo sapien.
Race: White.
Sub-Race: Celtic.


Species: Homo sapien.
Race: Black.
Sub-Race: Pygmy.


Species: Homo sapien.
Race: Oriental/East Asian.
Sub-Race: Tibetan.
Race Doesn't Exist Huh?

[link deleted]

A story came down the pike this week about a black guy who needs blood transfusions. The American Red Cross is trying to help. Now, "we all know" that blood is blood. Hey, we all bleed red blood, right? "Gee, Ward," gushes a low consciousness, semi-sentient, June, "I'm white and this other person is black, but if you cut both of us we'll both bleed red blood. See, that just proves we're all the same and that race doesn't exist. It just makes me want to run right out and hug all of humanity."

That's the kind of crap that the genocidal blenders have been propagandizing us with for years. To understand that people who have different color skins, and different facial and other features, and different attributes of all types--different races--also have different types of blood is to reinforce a correct belief in the reality that there are different groupings of humans that we can logically call races, and that the races are different from each other from their blueprints on up.

Blenders don't want whites to think along these lines, because if they do so they may wake up from a blender induced hypnotic trance and begin questioning the blending premises. Whites might actually begin throwing off the conditioning and they might begin thinking for themselves again. They might even completely free their minds from the flat-world propaganda prison that so many white people find themselves in that is ringed all about with hate terms such as "racist," and "bigot." And, horror of horrors, whites just might start feeling good about being white and they might even start finding their true selves and begin demanding their God or nature given rights to self-identification, self-determination and separation.

We can be pretty sure that the American Red Cross, like most organizations and people in our society, are under the sway of the blending message--it's the temper of the times. However, that message sometimes comes in conflict with the Red Cross's desire to save lives. That's the case with the black guy mentioned above. Apparently, the Red Cross chapter involved in this story has plenty of sources for red blood, "Hey, we all bleed red blood." The problem is that they don't have that many sources for the right kind of red blood. They need black red blood. Most of what they have access to is white red blood. You see, the black guy they're trying to save needs red blood from black people. Not red blood from white people. Not red blood from red people. Not red blood from brown people. Not red blood from yellow people. Only red blood from black people will do. Upon reading the above, some of the flat world numbnuts in our society who don't believe in races will probably think this is all just some sort of racism. "Hey, blood is blood," they might say, with all the white aracial indignation that they can muster from their sorry brains. Sorry, numbnuts, blood is not just blood.

So, just how did the Red Cross advertise for blood without really using or boldly indicating the "r" word (race)? Simple. If the news report is a clue, then they just substituted the word "culture" for "race." Culture? Of course, those who aren't up on blending double-speak might have gotten confused by this and thought the Red Cross wanted blood from people who are part of Hip Hop culture or something similar, and a few wiggers might even have shown up to donate blood in order to show solidarity with their black bro. Of course, "culture" isn't really what the Red Cross meant. To make things a bit clearer, the Red Cross explained that the guy's culture is African-American. Get it? Right. They didn't say his race is African-American; it's his "culture" that is African-American. You see the subtle shift of course. "African-American" does indicate race, but it gives something of a euphemistic twist to the concept of race because Africa and America are continents, not races. "Negro blood" would have been a more descriptive term for what they wanted to get, but the term Negro plops race right out there where everyone can see it straight on, and that's not what is desired by the blenders and those who have internalized the big lie about there being no races.

Why all the verbal dancing? The blenders demand it. Clearly saying that you need blood from people of one race is the same thing as saying that race exists. This isn't what the blenders want. The blenders are trying to eradicate the whole concept of race and they're pretending it doesn't exist. Why? Because their ultimate genocidal goal is to eradicate all separate races and have all humans breed together. Some blenders hope this will wipe out the present races and replace them with a person who carries genes from all races and who thus has allegiance to no race--the Tan Everyman. All hail the Untermensch, for an under-man he will be, as he huddles under the center of the bell curve like something out of Goldilocks. "This person is too white and this one is too black. This one in the middle is just right. This person is too tall and this one is too small. This one in the middle is just right."

Another story that also came down the pike this week was about black women often being fatter than white women because many black women have a much higher level of the hunger hormone ghrelin that causes them to eat more than white women. Must be another one of those cultural things. Can't have anything to do with race or the basis of race, genes.

Then there's the well known fact that one must get bone marrow transplants from people of one's own, ah, "culture" or the bone marrow won't take. Somehow, our racist bodies know if bone marrow is from this "culture" or this other "culture" and if it's from the wrong "culture" our bodies will reject it and we'll die. You see, our evil bodies are prejudiced and bigoted and just don't like people of other colors. When we're sleeping, our evil racist bodies (if we're white) probably go out and burn crosses on nice black people's lawns. "Golly, Ward, I didn't think I was a racist," says June while crying and wringing her hands. "I go out of my way to tell people of other 'cultures' that I love them and that I hate many people of my own 'culture,' but now I hate my body because it's a racist. I think I'll have to just jump off a building to get rid of this racism that is within me. Oh, why was I ever born. I hate myself."

"Now, now," says her fatherly husband. "Why don't we just adopt a black baby instead of having any white racist children."

"Ooooh, Ward, you're the grooviest. With a black trophy baby, I can proudly push him or her around the supermarket and just stick it to those evil white racist bodies that are all around. And, having a black baby will help me expiate my original sin of being born with a white racist body. I'll prove to the world that I'm not a racist. And, when we get old and die, our black baby will bear our name and we will have wiped out our racist lines. The children are our future, Ward."

The real stinkeroo of a news story this week, however, was one about a bunch of so-called scientists who met recently and formed a consensus among themselves that race doesn't exist. One guy, Alan Goodman :rolleyes: , who is apparently the incoming president of the American Anthropological Association, said: "Culturally, I'm white-ified. People see me as white. That has something to do with how I look, but it has nothing to do with biological variation."

Huh? Biological variation has nothing to do with the way white-ified Goodman looks? Nonsense. Biological variation has everything to do with the way one looks, Mr. Goodman. That's the way it works. Biological variation made you white-ified. You were born that way. You had white-ified parents and they gave you white-ified genes. Now you have white-ified skin. You have these things and some other races don't precisely because of biological variation.

Then again, perhaps some of these white-ified so-called scientists believe that people of the, er, white-ified cultural persuasion have somehow just acquired, after they were born, cultural artifacts such as white-ified skin, certain white-ified color and texture hair, certain white-ified color eyes, certain white-ified bone and muscle structures, a certain type of white-ified blood, and millions and millions of other white-ified things that differentiate them from people who are, oh, black-ified, or brown-ified, or yellow-ified or red-ified. Perhaps some of these white-ified scientists should take their white-ified selves to the Red Cross and see if they can use their white-ified blood to help the black-ified man who needs black-ified blood. "Golly, Ward, did you see that neighbor kid, Bobby? He left the house this morning all white-ified and he came home tonight all black-ified. Goes to show you that race doesn't exist as a biological reality. The kid just changed from white-ified to black-ified. It's all cultural."

If some of these white-ified folks have dogs, one wonders if they talk in terms of breeds or whether they say things such as "I have a Boxer-ified dog or I have a Collie-ified dog."

Race does exist. It is the equivalent of breeds of dogs or other animals. Race is not a cultural construct or an illusion. It's a genetic construct and real. That's why people of different races have different medical needs and why race specific blood and bone marrow work better for race specific people. It's also the reason that police investigators can tell the "culture" of a person by DNA--a hair, a fleck of skin, a drop of saliva or other bodily fluid.

A closer read of this last news report about the so-called scientists who have reportedly decided among themselves by consensus (consensus doesn't always mean unanimous and it can mean a simple majority) that race doesn't exist, gives a clue to my white-ified brain as to why there was such a consensus. These so-called scientists were part of a National Science Foundation and Ford Foundation (look up those two foundations to see their biases) project to put together a traveling museum exhibit on race (that will, I imagine, try to prove to easily suggestible minds that race doesn't exist). In other words, many of them were probably all pretty much of like minds when they were selected.

Intelligent, conscious people see the agenda of those who want to deny the reality of race and genes and know that in these matters we can pretty much trust our senses to tell us who is us and who is not us. We have been given our senses to be in the world and to survive. We have a sense of smell. If something smells bad to us, it probably is bad for us. We have a sense of taste. If something tastes bad to us, it probably is bad for us. We have our sense of hearing. If something sounds bad to us, it probably is bad for us. We have our sense of touch. If something feels bad to us, it probably is bad for us. We have our sense of sight--usually our main early warning system--If something looks bad to us or doesn't look like us, it probably is bad for us or probably isn't like us.

Trust your senses unless you have an iron-clad reason not to trust them. White-ified people aren't the same as non-white-ified people. Your eyes tell you that. Your eyes aren't lying to you. You have your eyes to help you survive. Deny what they tell you at your own peril.

If you ever need a bone marrow transplant, you'd better pray that your doctor isn't a blender or he might try to fill you with bone marrow from someone of a different race--and you'll die--and you'd better also pray that your parents and ancestors mated with their own kind, because it's almost impossible to find matches for multi-racial people.
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And you fail to add that:

Although populations do cluster by broad geographic regions, which generally correspond to socially recognized races, the distribution of genetic variation is quasicontinuous in clinal patterns related to geography. The broad global pattern reflects the accumulation of genetic drift associated with a recent African origin of modern humans, followed by expansion out of Africa and across the rest of the globe.

Aka: It may not work in all instances due to migration and drift and variation within races, but because...

The emerging picture is that populations do, generally, cluster by broad geographic regions that correspond with common racial classification (Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas).

...it works SIGNIFICANTLY and races are verified biological fact.

You are just cherry picking. The article is opposed to the notion of biological race.

conclusion of the article:
In this review, we focus on the biogeographical distribution of genetic variation and we address the question of whether or not populations cluster according to this popular concept of 'race'. We show that racial classifications are inadequate descriptors of the distribution of genetic variation in our species.

Moreover, it is clear from the article that the reason that race is also considered inadequate is that race, like taxonomic genera, is a broad category. Sub-races of races would describe, in large part, the variation beneath it. For instance, you could have:

Species: Homo sapien.
Race: White.
Sub-Race: Celtic.


Species: Homo sapien.
Race: Black.
Sub-Race: Pygmy.


Species: Homo sapien.
Race: Oriental/East Asian.
Sub-Race: Tibetan.

that's not in the article at all. That is your racist mind talking.
the plain and simple fact is that racism is not welcome here.
the number of posters that are against you in this thread should spell that out to you PJ.

as far as the ban goes how do you know how a black person feels about such threads?

furthermore recreating the threads is in effect overriding a mod edit.

as far as a "black only" club or thread i am positive it will be met with the same posters bashing the shit out of the creator.

you have to admit PJ that an attitude of "i'm better than you" sucks.
differences? sure we are different, all of us, but not seperate.

You once again post the same thing. I showed you that said "inadequacy" is based on:

1. The variation within races.

2. The fact that migratory patterns continue to occur.

However, the article -repeatedly- affirms the biological and population-genetics basis for racial types. Concluding, explicitly, that indeed the major racial types are represented.

okay, explain why you aren't black PJ, given that the same substance that makes blacks "black" is in your skin.

Genetics. My racial type does not correspond to the black one.

the plain and simple fact is that racism is not welcome here.
the number of posters that are against you in this thread should spell that out to you PJ.

Popular opinion != truth.

Moreover, there has been a complete lack of evidence offered for my supposed "racism". In fact, I have called James R. out and he has so far produced nothing. Bells also managed to produce two out of context things only, with no further evidence of racism on my part.

as far as the ban goes how do you know how a black person feels about such threads?

Make a black only club, I'd say.

furthermore recreating the threads is in effect overriding a mod edit.

SF Open Government is for open government. Deleting said threads was a flagrant abuse of power to direct it away from critique of the despotic policy of James R.

as far as a "black only" club or thread i am positive it will be met with the same posters bashing the shit out of the creator.

You'd be surprised.

you have to admit PJ that an attitude of "i'm better than you" sucks.
differences? sure we are different, all of us, but not seperate.

Why shouldn't we be separate? We all ready are.

You once again post the same thing. I showed you that said "inadequacy" is based on:

1. The variation within races.

2. The fact that migratory patterns continue to occur.

However, the article -repeatedly- affirms the biological and population-genetics basis for racial types. Concluding, explicitly, that indeed the major racial types are represented.

Only a racist would read that in that article. That article is so politically correct it puts James R to shame.

But since you still didn't get the message; racism is not wanted on sciforums.

The emerging picture is that populations do, generally, cluster by broad geographic regions that correspond with common racial classification (Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Americas).

What about the above do you not understand?

Aka: Geographic distribution and genetic population studies, CORRESPOND TO COMMON CONCEPTIONS OF RACE.
I already repeated the real conclusions of the article several times. I see no need to do it one more time. I don't believe in wishful thinking.

But i still don't think you got the message that racism is not welcome on sciforums.

I have not preached racism, only scientific fact, political viewpoints, and cultural love.
Your article derives the definition of race from the following peer reviewed article.

Racial Profiling in Medical Research, Schwartz, Robert S.

Race is a social construct, not a scientific classification. In a 1999 position paper, the American Anthropological Association stated the following:

It has become clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups.... Throughout history whenever different groups have come into contact, they have interbred. The continued sharing of genetic materials has maintained humankind as a single species.... Any attempt to establish lines of division among biological populations is both arbitrary and subjective.
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