And have you asked the question why are they stooping so low to even attack Civilians to begin with? When you answer that question, you will get the answer yourself.
Like how US helped Saddam kill his own people? Mind you how US supported so many other ruthless dictators?
And you are patently one-eyed and misinformed. How is it a peace stance to be occupying another country's land, CONTINUING to destroy their homes on their land and CONTINUING to build SETTLEMENTS on THEIR LAND a 'peace' stance. Seems more like a grand idea of "destroy them, fill the place with your 'own people', then yell to the world LOOK LOOK this place is 100% Jewish people, Israel should now have the right to annex the place"
And occupation, continually building settlements is a recipe for peace.
Get real. Unless Israel ends the occupation, and STOPS building settlements which are ILLEGAL by international law, no possibility exists except continued violence.
Lets just cut the crap and see what's going on. Palestine goes to UN... and what do we hear?
Heavy price for what? What negotiations? So Palestinians go to the UN, to be recognized as a state according to the borders of the UN Resolution ITSELF, and doing so would mean paying a heavy price? So weren't Israel the one crying how 'no one wants to recognize them as a state in the Middle East'... yet THEY don't recognize Palestine according to the UN Resolution!
Man this whole 'peace talk' is bullshit.