Syrian Poison Gas Conspiracy

I'd think by just taking Assad out would be the primary thing to do , not try and find WMD's for they are mobile many times. I think that would show what happens when you start using gas, you die.
I'd think by just taking Assad out would be the primary thing to do , not try and find WMD's for they are mobile many times. I think that would show what happens when you start using gas, you die.

Assad will not be targeted in order to effect a faster political solution. A dead Assad makes the quest for a political solution more difficult. It's similar to why the Japanese Emperor was not targeted during WWII.
Really? The last time they claimed they had evidence of WMD's, they were either wrong (best case) or actively lying about it to achieve a political goal (worst case.) What's different this time?

Except, there was no last time for this administration, this is a new government. Obama’s administration has never lied about WMD or been wrong about WMD. It was George Junior’s administration that lied about WMD in order to advance their global military adventurism. George Junior’s days of playing with his toy soldiers ended when he left office over 4 years ago.
Except, there was no last time for this administration, this is a new government.

No, it's a new PRESIDENT. Most of the same representatives and senators as last time - and they make up the government as much as the president does.

Too many people think the President is a king, and runs the government. He doesn't. He's just the head of one of three branches of government - and not even the most important one when it comes to deciding who to go to war with.

Obama’s administration has never lied about WMD or been wrong about WMD.

Correct. But the Senate and House voted on it last time and they were wrong last time. Looks like they will be voting again and will have another opportunity to be just as wrong.

It was George Junior’s administration that lied about WMD in order to advance their global military adventurism. George Junior’s days of playing with his toy soldiers ended when he left office over 4 years ago.

Yep. Now Obama gets to play with toy soldiers. Will he be smarter than GWB? I hope so - but so far it looks like he's heading down the same road.
LOL, refusing to acknowledge reality doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t make your unpleasant realities any less real. And there is ample evidence, go back and reread the posts.

At this point, you don't even know what evidence of what it is you're alleging, let alone know what the evidence is.

But then it does require a bit of knowledge and intellectual ability to recognize fallacies and to recognized neurotic patterns of behaviors.

Again: you neither know what a fallacy is, nor can you define neurosis in a practical sense. I think I'm done wringing you out here.


As I stated in my 1st post:
"These are some of the articles that I have been researching (any help on this story from fellow Sciforums Conspiracy Trackers would be greatly appreciated):"

I created this thread so that other Conspiracy Enthusiasts of this tiny subforum could openly discuss the possibilities of a known and ongoing Conspiracy without being harassed. I did not create this thread for detractors (and trolls) to insult, attack, or even to be morally judgmental regarding the subjects involved. I never will do this to any thread that you might create here at Sciforums.

In my previous post, I respectfully asked for these trolling posts to be removed voluntarily by those who have been posting them. I am sorry, but I again respectfully ask the following members to remove their postings at their next logins:


I am sorry about this . . .

Me too, in that I am refusing your kind request.
At this point, you don't even know what evidence of what it is you're alleging, let alone know what the evidence is.

Again: you neither know what a fallacy is, nor can you define neurosis in a practical sense. I think I'm done wringing you out here.

Me too, in that I am refusing your kind request.

LOL, I see you didn't take your meds today.
No, it's a new PRESIDENT. Most of the same representatives and senators as last time - and they make up the government as much as the president does.

Too many people think the President is a king, and runs the government. He doesn't. He's just the head of one of three branches of government - and not even the most important one when it comes to deciding who to go to war with.

I didn’t say, in fact no one has, that the POTUS is a king. You alleged that this government has a history of lying. And that is not true. The former POTUS, George Junior and his administration lied. His administration didn’t included congress or the individual congressman who were in office when George Junior reigned. Those congressmen didn’t lie either. They bought into the lie like many others.

Correct. But the Senate and House voted on it last time and they were wrong last time. Looks like they will be voting again and will have another opportunity to be just as wrong.

Yes congress bought into George Juniors lies about Iraq. So what, who has not bought into a lie? It doesn’t mean this POTUS is lying. And in contrast to Iraq, this POTUS has 1,400 recently deceased bodies to back up his claim.

Yep. Now Obama gets to play with toy soldiers. Will he be smarter than GWB? I hope so - but so far it looks like he's heading down the same road.

That is a serious revision of recent history. Let me remind you this POTUS has withdrawn US combat forces from Iraq and will withdraw the remaining US combat forces from Afghanistan next year. That is rather a strange maneuver for a POTUS who likes to play war with is toy soldiers. Further, this POTUS is not proposing invading Syria. He is proposing sending Syria, North Korea, and Iraq a message about the use of WMD by degrading Syria’s ability to deploy WMD. That is not what George Junior proposed and did with respect to Iraq or Afghanistan.
You alleged that this government has a history of lying. And that is not true. The former POTUS, George Junior and his administration lied. His administration didn’t included congress or the individual congressman who were in office when George Junior reigned.

Once again you are conflating the administration with the government. They are not equivalent. The US government is far more than just the president.

In fact, most of the US government is the same. CIA? Mostly the same. Military? Mostly the same. NSA? Mostly the same. And mistrust in the entire government - including the parts that led us astray last time - is an excellent approach.
Yes congress bought into George Juniors lies about Iraq. So what, who has not bought into a lie? It doesn’t mean this POTUS is lying.
Agreed. When it turns out his information is faulty he will say it was all just a big mistake, and anyway stopping Assad's WMD program wasn't the reason for our attack anyway.

Worked for Bush.
Balerion to quinnsong said:
Assad dropped the bombs to kill rebels, not civilians. He could use the same rationale that we do.

The only legitimate gripe you have here is that he used gas, which I agree with, but don't think that it makes him the next Stalin.

If he had the the military apparatus and the intelligence apparatus that Stalin did he would, because everyone is a psychopath's enemy.

Very valid observation, quinnsong. Especially when we know that Russia is presently 'ruled' by the same people who view 'the good old days' of the cold war and Stalinist Purges in an alarmingly nostalgic and selective memory manner. Even today, all those Russian citizens politically opposing/exposing the Russian Regime can look forward to sudden disappearance and murder by person or persons unknown.

So since a "Stalinist' regime/ruler in Russia is the 'sponsor' and 'military advisor' and 'weapons supplier' etc etc to the Assad regime, it's no stretch of the analogy to see that Assad is a Stalinist Murderer-in-training-by-Russia who would do just as Russia/Soviets and Stalin did then and are still doing now within their own borders and 'by proxy' in Iran and Syria.

Balerion, don't be fooled. See the real menace and parallels in what is happening now with what was happening then.

Let's learn the lessons of history when it comes to appeasement/excusing of crazy megalomaniacal regimes which have no democracy principles or institutions to curb and correct their crazy megalomaniacal excesses against their own citizens and against democracies who stand up to them.

Good luck to us all. :)
Once again you are conflating the administration with the government. They are not equivalent. The US government is far more than just the president.

No I am not…quite the contrary. You are trying to conflate the George Junior administration with this administration. And they are too different administrations. One lied to us, the George Junior administration. And because George Junior lied, it doesn’t follow that this administration is lying to draw us into a war.

In fact, most of the US government is the same. CIA? Mostly the same. Military? Mostly the same. NSA? Mostly the same. And mistrust in the entire government - including the parts that led us astray last time - is an excellent approach.

So…they didn’t lie to us. They did their job. They reported to the previous administration, the George Junior administration, that they were fabricating a lie (e.g. the Plame Affair). Just because one branch of the government lied, it doesn’t mean all branches of government lied to us.

Agreed. When it turns out his information is faulty he will say it was all just a big mistake, and anyway stopping Assad's WMD program wasn't the reason for our attack anyway.

Worked for Bush.

Yeah lying worked for George Junior. But Obama is not George Junior. Obama didn’t need legacy admissions and gentlemen C’s to get into and through college. Obama has not delegated his presidency to his vice president and President Obama has not lied and is not lying about WMD. And he has 1,400 recently killed dead bodies to prove it.
If he had the the military apparatus and the intelligence apparatus that Stalin did he would, because everyone is a psychopath's enemy.

If he did...
If he had...
If he was...

But Bush did...cause a war based on a lie in Iraq and economic recession in a country (and by the way US did use chemical weapons using phosphorous in Iraq)
But USA did...the only country to use nuclear bombs in a war on civilians and justify it like nothing ever happened

Now in hypothetical scenarios, which are plenty out there, he could have, and he would have, and he might have...But he didn't.
... is not lying about WMD. And he has 1,400 recently killed dead bodies to prove it.

claritatem, pax, serenitas?
Manifestum est mihi, quoniam bello turbatur odor pacem et tranquillitatem.

Sure he is not lying, just like every other president before him.
I'd think by just taking Assad out would be the primary thing to do , not try and find WMD's for they are mobile many times. I think that would show what happens when you start using gas, you die.

Trying and finding the WMD's, which are plenty in US supplied terrorist hands, is not hard at all, but it sure is a greater more catchy and publicly approved theme than just "kill the evil Assad". That tune has been played before, people are tired of bullshit from Iraq. Maybe if they said "Bringing freedom to Syrian doors" as a military theme, would work better.