What is a DEVELOPED COUNTRY ???...Excuse Me but are you talking about...in spanish...CONSUMISMO ???...Do you know that it didn`t work in the World or you think that money is food ???
A developed country is one with a thriving economy and an infrastructure that is up to date with industrial technology and information technology. It's implied that such a country will have a fair distribution of surplus wealth or "capital" so that only a tiny fraction of the population lives in poverty, and moreover that the people who live in poverty nonetheless have access to considerable public resources such as education and healthcare.
By this measure the EU and Japan are arguably the most "developed" nations with large populations, with the U.S. steadily falling behind.
Money is not food. Money is merely a record of a debt, a technology that was invented in the Bronze Age when the economy became too complex for people to simply remember who owed how much to whom. The advantage of money is that it is denominated in abstract figures rather than "I owe you two gallons of olive oil" or "I owe you four hours of farm labor." This way we can take our money to any workman, shopkeeper, farmer, etc. and redeem it for anything we need, instead of having to find the person who incurred the debt.
So although money is not food, money is an instrument that makes it easy and convenient to
procure food, as well as clothing, housing, transporation, medical care, housework, gardening, and virtually anything else that is for sale in the public arena.