Strong and weak Atheism.

Please read OP first. Where do you stand on the Scale?

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And this practically means that you impose your own interpretation of their intentions and actions on other people, and then judge them according to that imposition?

Well you know if anyone is stupid enough to try and convince me that God is talking to them. Need I say more.
Yes, I do text some, but yes, at least my OPs Must be much more well written. I think my best written post was on my journey to atheism and that was completely spontaneous! Can u give me some links on planning and writing a post?

I think you do fine getting ideas across. But people that text a lot use a lot of short cuts like ur and I notice you don't use a spell checker to catch the typos. Did you know that the latest Firefox has a built in spell checker. When I bring up a reply window it underlines miss spellings in red.

Anyway I understand you just fine, but some on a science forum expect more when what you write can be read by others all over the world and whatever you write will stay posted for years to come.

Hey! Sometimes I have the urge to take short cuts. But I usually catch myself before I hit the submit button. :D
Are there any 'strong' atheists? I think the idea of God is ridiculous, but wouldn't declare utlimate knowledge of his non-existence. That's as absurd as believing.

I dislike the term 'strong atheist' anyway, it should be 'anti theist'.
But people that text a lot use a lot of short cuts like ur and I notice you don't use a spell checker to catch the typos.

To tell u the truth, I text only like 1 or 2 times a day, hardly "a lot" for a 17 yr old. But being a student of animation, I dont have to write much and so the habit carries well into the little that I do write. In fact, other than 5 or so pages of notes every week, the only writting or typing I do is here on sciforums.
I would like to get some advice on posting [I aspire to be like those guys on wordpress, with their long and elaborate, beautifully worded and well reasoned posts.]
To tell u the truth, I text only like 1 or 2 times a day, hardly "a lot" for a 17 yr old. But being a student of animation, I dont have to write much and so the habit carries well into the little that I do write. In fact, other than 5 or so pages of notes every week, the only writting or typing I do is here on sciforums.
I would like to get some advice on posting [I aspire to be like those guys on wordpress, with their long and elaborate, beautifully worded and well reasoned posts.]

Me too. But I have to tell you, start practicing on Sciforums and you will find yourself improving. Find a couple of posters you like an emulate their style.

The problem with long and elaborate, beautifully worded and well reasoned posts is they take a lot of time. I like a quicker more active style of posting and if I get caught with foot in mouth, I can apologize and move on.:D
Lols, I wonder if they ever consider if the voices are actually real.

The New Evangelical Movement teaches that the very self-critical voice inside the head of depressed persons and abuse a demonic spirit or spirits. They exorcise this. I kid you not.
These "exorcisms" do work. You see...children in repressive/abusive families aren't allowed to feel, usually. They will be punished, made fun of, or told not to feel like they feel.

So if you suddenly give these children, now adults, a whole congregation-full of people paying attention to them, permitting their most painful feelings, and validating them as well, this can be transformative.

....Too, I tried to struggle through the Koran, I've read part of it. It really struck me how the thoughts seemed to cycle repetitively.

It strongly reminds me of some of the people who have gotten thrown off this forum for posting dispatches from their own psychotic side-spur of reality.

Yes...that's right. I just said Mohammed might have been psychotic when he penned the Koran....
I'm going to hell now!!!:p
the very self-critical voice inside the head

OMG! That the only special thing some of our species have got. Grated, some other species have it to in some amounts, but these, these stupid f*cks EXORCISE the only thing that makes us different! If there is a god, the first in hell will be priests, bishops and exorcists. The pope, of course, will get special torture sessions with the devil.

No offense to religious people, but seriously, these people need to be hit over their head with a big, heavy, dusty book [which they often have with them].
....Mohammed might have been psychotic when he penned the Koran....
I'm going to hell now!!!:p

His life, like the life of Jesus, is largely left to tradition. He is only known, like Jesus, through the accounts in the scripture, although they at least purport to be his own words. Who knows how long these accounts drifted before they were committed to written text.

But even in the traditional portrayal of him, he is not only hearing voices, but he also sees the angel Gabriel. The story establishes that these hallucinations are connected to long periods of meditation in a cave. Some experts have reason to believe he was prone to seizures.

Yes, today he would be admitted for psychotherapy, and there he would undoubtedly meet a whole flock of prospective converts, also prone to hearing voices and seeing the Virgin Mary's face appear in the chips of peeling paint on the wall.

Of course, they would be equally likely to try to induce him to hold hands in a prayer circle with copious utterances of code words like "praise", "saved" and "amen".

The true scope of mental illness and its influence on the development of world religions remains for us to speculate. Just reading the texts, there are inescapable references to dreamlike states, and (moreso in the west) rants of rage and ideations of violence mixed with fantasies of being forgiven.

Add to this that the genesis and survival of ancient writings depended on the scant availability of scholars. Who knows what the mental health condition of any writer was, especially when traces of authorship have largely vanished. It is also conceivable that the rudimentary means of committing hearsay to text did not include editors or peer review!

Thus in the purview of the modern atheist religion does not really seem to be merely the opiate of the people, but a long, crazy, weird communion with ultimate reality that may be better associated with angel dust, tequila, LSD, peyote and ayahuasca, served up in a cocktail with generous snorts of powder cocaine, as needed, to take the edge off. :eek:
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Originally Posted by chimpkin
the very self-critical voice inside the head
OMG! That the only special thing some of our species have got.

Yeah, but if it makes you try to kill yourself, hit yourself, slice yourself up, beat your head into things, drink, take drugs, binge on food then puke it back up, eat needles, nails or razors, starve yourself, gamble, shoplift or have sex with everybody you possibly can (among other compulsions and addictions)...this may be a *slight* problem, yes?:rolleyes:

Thus in the purview of the modern atheist religion does not really seem to be merely the opiate of the people, but a long, crazy, weird communion with ultimate reality that may be better associated with angel dust, tequila, LSD, peyote and ayahuasca, served up in a cocktail with generous snorts of powder cocaine, as needed, to take the edge off. :eek:

I can say definitively 6 hits of windowpane did not make me want to write anything like the Koran...I did melt the car on the way home though. Talk about pouring through a turn! :cool:
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