Sorry now that I didn't chime in on this earlier. You are really good.

One of the weaknesses you didn't mention:

Relativity (both of them) are INCOMPLETE.

The first one is incomplete because it does not explain why the speed of light is constant. It is constant because there is only energy and time. The "space" we see is a superposition of individual one dimensional energy events that can occur in an infinitude of directions. Time is the only dimension energy can see, and this is limited by c. The world of matter is likewise limited by c because for matter to exist requires the Higgs mechanism, and the Higgs boson itself has mass.

The second one is incomplete because the source of gravity or its curvature is undefined. The principle of equivalence, on the other hand, is very well defined, and it is for that reason that anything that imparts inertial mass to matter likewise imparts energy to the Higgs field in space. It is part and parcel of the same interaction. The only reason the Standard Model is unable to predict this is because it is a continuous process, and unfortunately, time has largely been stripped from the mathematics of the theory in favor of unitarity and (evidently) topology. Blame Edward Witten for that last miscalculation.
Ohm's Law (the 'scalar' part of Maxwell's equations relating volts, amps) is 'unnecessary'? To what? Building a Faraday cage, perhaps.

There are important differences between a mathematical description of a vector field and an actual electrical field as well, but in the case of Maxwell's equations, they actually are pretty close. How are they different? What exactly is an electric charge? Simply quantifying it is not sufficient. Where does it come from? "Electrons" is not an appropriate answer either. Even quarks have fractional electric charge. What are they? Math alone, however fancy, does not serve. If it weren't for Faraday working with the nuts and volts, Maxwell would have had nothing whatsoever to apply his fancy-pants vector field math to.

THAT is why the scalar part is important.

Ohm's Law (the 'scalar' part of Maxwell's equations relating volts, amps) is 'unnecessary'?

Ohm's law isn't part of the Maxwell equations. The Maxwell equations deal with the electric and magnetic vector fields. In fact, two of the four equations are scalar equations (involving vector inner products) and the other two are vector equations (involving vector cross products).

There are important differences between a mathematical description of a vector field and an actual electrical field as well, but in the case of Maxwell's equations, they actually are pretty close. How are they different? What exactly is an electric charge? Simply quantifying it is not sufficient. Where does it come from? "Electrons" is not an appropriate answer either. Even quarks have fractional electric charge. What are they? Math alone, however fancy, does not serve. If it weren't for Faraday working with the nuts and volts, Maxwell would have had nothing whatsoever to apply his fancy-pants vector field math to.

Maxwell's equations are a model, just like everything that is important in physics.

THAT is why the scalar part is important.

Which particular scalar part are you thinking of? It's not clear from what you've written.
From joesphs' book , The Giza Death Star Deployed , pg. 174

" Note that this standard zero vector equation says nothing at all about the internal stress on a particle as a result of the two interacting vectors , v, x , y , summing to zero " .
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further from the same book , pg. 174

" Two interpretations are possible. One is that nothing translational or otherwise is happening. If one is trained in physics to replace the resultant with a zero -vector, then one implicitly is taught to assume no significant EM effects are occurring at all, if the only significant effect in view is translation , which is the only significant thing a vector analysis can model.

However , the other interpretation is that translation effects are only one subset of possible effects , and that non-translational effects , non-linear effects - electromagnetic or otherwise - may be occurring "

Taken out of context, I can't tell what this Joseph's guy is on about.

Taken out of context, I can't tell what this Joseph's guy is on about.

unfortunately I can't put down the equations because my computer doesn't have the ability to do so , it is frustrating , do you know of an app that could ?

otherwise I was hopping that some have the book , and look back at the page I'm referring to
it is all based based on Maxwell's Quaternion Electromagnetic Theory

and how quaternion geometry , differs from vector analysis

there are two types of effects the EM fields can have on charged particles

1) translational ( movement )

2) stress

fundamentally it is the stress that is missing from vector mathematics

Taken out of context, I can't tell what this Joseph's guy is on about.

Joseph Farrell is this guy:

He seems to have no background in science whatever and has pursued a (very undistinguished) career as a sort of theologian, who has latterly diversified into books about the pyramids and death rays. He may, nonetheless be a brilliant self-taught physicist, I suppose.

Or possibly not.
Joseph Farrell is this guy:

He seems to have no background in science whatever and has pursued a (very undistinguished) career as a sort of theologian, who has latterly diversified into books about the pyramids and death rays. He may, nonetheless be a brilliant self-taught physicist, I suppose.

Or possibly not.

His father was an engineer , what I can't remember

Anyway , address my points made on my post # 370 , thats all that is really important , in the end

Can you please explain how stress would manifest in something like an electron?

What practical impact would that have, and what kind of experiment would we use to measure it?

Can you please explain how stress would manifest in something like an electron?

What practical impact would that have, and what kind of experiment would we use to measure it?

from pg. # 175 , from the same book

" That is, quaternion cross products produce non-zero scalar resultants that may be understood as indicating the non-translational stress of the medium itself. Since this scalar resultant has no electromagnetic translation involved ,

it does not interact with the electron shells of the atom. Instead , it passes through the electron-shell ' Faraday Cage ' surrounding the nucleus and interacts with the highly non-linear nucleus. What is now oscillating is the electromagnetic potential ( charge ) of the nucleus itself. The energy density of the charged nucleus - and hence its electromagnetic potential-is being oscillated as a periodic function of time. The oscillating potential , however , is deterministically substructured ( internally polarized ) by the infolded electromagnetic multivector system . "
You didn't answer my question. What practical impact would that have, and what kind of experiment would we use to measure it?

A magnitude is the quantity of a particular property. The fundamental magnitudes are: length, mass and time. According to their nature magnitudes can be: physical, geometrical and philochron. The length, mass, force, speed, etc. are physical magnitudes. In geometry are magnitudes: length, area, volume, pi, angle, etc.

The adjective philochron means:
- relative to Philochrony
- All last, long or short, but last.

Thus we say that time is a philochron magnitude because this is the magnitude of the duration. Time is not a physical magnitude because it is not tangible.

Let's consider the following relation:

space ...................... extension ............. length
matter .................... mass ..................... weight
becoming ............... duration ............... time

The answer to this question depends on how we perceive time:

a) changes are sensitive (becoming) and,
b) intervals (duration) and measurements (time) are intelligible.

The becoming is the inherent property of matter and bodies to experience changes. The duration is the term or continuity of beings and phenomena in reality: the world and the universe. The time is the interval or distance between two moments. The becoming-time is the continuous succession of ordered moments from beginning to end. No becoming no duration, no duration no time.

The concepts of becoming, duration and time are intelligible and their actions or manifestations are changes.

1- The transreality is the set of abstract nouns.
2- The transchrony is the intelligibility of becoming-time and duration.
3- In general, all concepts are abstract, but concrete have a tangible reference.

The dimensions are characterized by direction and sense.

The abstract timeline:
..... past .... present ..... future

Space is tangible. Time has historic direction (not spatial) and sense from the past to future. The future is historic in potency. An abstract line is required to represent the intangible time to be intelligible.

If space had one dimension beings would be lines and points. They would know the forward-backward (and viceversa), but not the up-down or left-right. In the time we know the beginning-end, but not the end-beginning. The natural sense of time is of the clock hands. Time is the dimension of becoming, not space.

Seven problems related with time:
(The choice of the Philochrony is in bold.)

1- real or illusion
2- reversible or irreversible
3- dimensional or dimensionless
4- objective or subjective
5- independent or spatial
6- tangible or intangible
7- intelligible or unintelligible

The branch of the clocks corresponds to the field of the Physics. The branch of the calendar corresponds to the Astronomy. The branch of the concepts corresponds to the Philosophy. And the branch of theories corresponds to the Philochrony.


NOTE: replacement of the image