The branch of the clocks corresponds to the field of the Physics. The branch of the calendar corresponds to the Astronomy. The branch of the concepts corresponds to the Philosophy. And the branch of theories corresponds to the Philochrony.


According to the mathematical law of the senses time flows from the future to the present or becoming of moments (<----), but events are presented to us in a direction from the past to the present or to the future (---->). When we think about an event that happened we project to the past and when we think about an event will happen after now we project to the future.

......... B-A
........ past .... becoming ... future

b is beginning, p is present, B is before and A is after. Present is a flowing and dimensionless point that the subject projects to the past or to the future. The becoming is the present. The whole scheme integrates the becoming-time.

Peircean Philochrony (Charles S. Peirce)

Types of images or signs: icons, indexes and symbols

- The icon is similar to the object.
- The index is directly related to the object.
- The symbol is given by a law or convention.
- All words are symbols.


The space (icon)


Coordinate axis (index)


Dimensions (Index)

----------------------------> Direction and sense.


The Clock (icon and index)


Calendar (Index)


The law of the senses (index)

........ B-A
........ past .... becoming ... future

Note that an arrow in the space indicates direction and sense, but in the time indicates only sense.

An interval is the distance between two points in space or time. The definition given by dictionaries about interval is incorrect, because in the time there can be no space or distance, but continuous activity (CA) with orderly pace (OP). This is the CAOP. In a time interval there is activity, no space. The space alone is motionless. The CAOP is manifested in all phenomena: physical, chemical, biological, meteorological, etc. The measure of time (duration) does not measure distance, measures the CAOP.

Examples of CAOP are astronomical cycles:
- The succession of day and night.
- The succession of the seasons in the year.
- The phases of the Moon.
Conventionally, we have the succession of days and months (names).

In all processes we find the CAOP. This is an universal principle. This explanation is to establish the difference between the intervals of space and time. In the space bodies move from one place to another and in the time beings pass from one moment to another.

When we talk about activity in Philochrony we refer to the CAOP (continuous activity with orderly pace).
The CAOP is inherent to time.


When we see this symbol we must remember that in a time interval there is no distance or space, but activity.

- The apex of the A points to 12:00.
- The opposite ends to the apex point at 5:00 and 7:00 respectively.
- The center line marks 9:16.

Time is the perception of becoming, as well as the color is the perception of the wavelength of visible spectrum (light). Both are objective, but differ in that the color is particular and the time is abstract. A certain amount of time "t" is the product of an objective abstraction. The becoming-time duality is analogous to the wavelength-color duality (light). We already know that the first one is called duration.

The interpretation of the colors and their relation to emotions are subjective. Emotions can also affect time. Time seems to pass faster when we are happy or distracted than when we are sad or waiting for something.

When we think about an hour, we do not remember everything that it happened in that period, but we abstract the distance or interval between the beginning and the end of the hour. Time is an abstract but objective distance; the space is concrete. With age it makes easier to us to abstract longer time periods each time.
The biggest weakness I have found with GR is the missing part of the Maxwell equation

Namely the part of the equation , the quaternion equation , which was originally included by Maxwell but was dismissed by Oliver Heaviside

That missing part of the equation is scalar potentials
What do the scalar potential/quaternion parts explain that the rest of the equations do not, river?
What do the scalar potential/quaternion parts explain that the rest of the equations do not, river?

The nucleus of the atom

The internal stress of the atom

Even though the equation =0

ask me more , this is new to me too
Last edited:
on pg. 171 of joseph P. Farrells' book , The Giza Death Star Deployed

the title of this segment is called , " Maxwell's Quaternion Electromagnetic Theory "

" there two types of effects that electromagnetic fields can have on charged particles : (1) translation and (2) stress "
its complicated to me

anyway again to quote ( there is an equation given , I just can't duplicate it because of my computers limitations )

" Note that this standard zero vector equation says nothing at all about the internal stress on a particle as a result of the three interacting V, X, Y , summing to zero ".

" Two interpretations are possible. One is that nothing , translational or otherwise, is happening. If one is trained in physics to replace the resultant with a zero vector , then one implicitly is taught to assume no significant EM effects are occurring at all, if the only significant effect in view is translation, which is the only significant thing the vector analysis can model ! "
to quote again

" However , the other interpretation is that translation effects are only one subset of possible effects, and that non-translational effects , non-linear effects---electromagnetic or otherwise -- maybe occurring "
Where did that quote come from?
This is apparently from a lunatic named Joseph P. Farrell. The quote is from his book The Giza Death Star Deployed, a book that argues that the pyramids were actually weapons for shooting down flying saucers or something.:rolleyes:
I have heard over and over how an objects mass increases when approaching the speed of light. Please explain in detail what physically happens to the object if it were a spaceship and was being observed close up. What would you see happening.
I have heard over and over how an objects mass increases when approaching the speed of light. Please explain in detail what physically happens to the object if it were a spaceship and was being observed close up. What would you see happening.

The object's mass appears to increase from the point of view of a remote distant FoR.
It would appear shorter in the direction of travel....
and clocks on the spaceship would appear to be ticking slower....
This is apparently from a lunatic named Joseph P. Farrell. The quote is from his book The Giza Death Star Deployed, a book that argues that the pyramids were actually weapons for shooting down flying saucers or something.:rolleyes:

Joseph Patrick Farrell is an American theologian, scholar on the East–West Schism and the author of a number of books on alternative history, history, historical revisionism, archaeology, andscience/physics.

I'll raise your :rolleyes:, with a :rolleyes::rolleyes: and a :D
It sounds like Joseph P Farrell probably isn't likely to be an authoritative source on quaternions.