a) To count: The subject counts objects, events and periods one by one or in groups. These periods may seem to the subject shorter or longer according to his/her age or experience. This subjective assessment is duration.

b ) To measure: The subject applies the method of comparing an amount with a corresponding unit in order to find out how many times the first contains the second .

c ) To calculate: The subject performs operations with numbers using the formulas of equations. The formulas are often used in Physics, Astronomy, Statistics, Chemistry, Economics, Accounting and Engineering.

The subject counts or measures directly or indirectly with the help of an instrument or not. The subject counts indirectly the days of the year with the help of the calendar. Clocks and timers count the hours, minutes and seconds then we interpret as duration.

To count is a form of quantification, but not a proper measurement. In the duration, subjective, we compare an interval with an unit of time. To do an objective measurement of the time this should be reversible, but that is impossible. We are limited to count similar periods and therefore we use the duration.

The becoming is a philosophical concept. Time is a physical concept (Physics), the duration is a psychological concept and the becoming-time is a philochron concept.


- The becoming are constant changes. It is objective.
- The time is an interval between two moments. It is objective.
- The duration is the measurement of time. It is subjective.
- The measurement is the relation between an unknown magnitude and a corresponding unit.
- The imperceptible is also unknown.
- The duration is subjective because the time units are imperceptible.
- It is in the mind where are processed (measurement) the difference between two time intervals.
- Clocks and calendars serve us only as a reference.

The philochroanalysis is the philochron analysis of reality.

The reality is composed for beings and phenomena. Beings (as well as living and nonliving) are classified in bodies and objects, and phenomena are continuous changes experienced for beings. The phenomena form a continuum. The becoming (to become, to be born) gives origin to all beings and phenomena and time supports their continuity in the reality.

As I explained in another message we count time taking for reference uniform regular periods. The duration (subjective) is the elapsed time in an interval a-b (moments) abbreviated d = t, a-b.

The process of philochroanalysis is as follows:

BECOMING-BEING-PHENOMENON-TIME-ENDING (of the phenomenon or the being)
................... BEGINNING (of the being or the phenomenon)
First of all, there is no one time dimension -- time is the measure of a ponderable body's worldline, and is path-dependent. But all such bodies are constrained so their futures lie within all the future-facing light-cones of their nows, so any four-dimensional vector which remains inside the light-cone $$c^2 \, ( \Delta t )^2 > ( \Delta x )^2 + ( \Delta y )^2 + ( \Delta z )^2$$ singles out a $$time-like$$ direction.

Being not free to independently choose your time coordinate is not evidence that time is not a dimension, anymore than being not free to arbitrarily choose your height above sea level is evidence that height (or radial distance) is not a dimension. The requirement that four coordinates are needed to specify where and when a rendezvous or an event happens means that we have 4 dimensions, and this breaks down naturally as three spatial and one temporal directions. Two null directions (light-like) and two spatial directions can also be used, but there is a certain unnatural arrangement of singling out the null directions in environments without spherical symmetry.

A second way that the time coordinate is like spatial coordinates is that you swap between them when you change coordinate systems in a way that preserves physics. The simplest system that does this is the Lorentz transform, but it is apparent in general covariant transforms.
$$c^2 \, ( \Delta t )^2 - ( \Delta x )^2 - ( \Delta y )^2 - ( \Delta z )^2 = c^2 ( \Delta \tau )^2 = c^2 \, ( \Delta t' )^2 - ( \Delta x' )^2 - ( \Delta y' )^2 - ( \Delta z' )^2$$
which lead to:
$$E\vec{v} = c^2 \vec{p} \\ E^2 - ( c \vec{p} )^2 = ( m c^2 )^2$$

Nice post. The first sentence is a good definition of the time dimension.

The river metaphor.

The new concept of becoming-time arises from the philochroanalysis process (see post # 305). Before I think about this process we considered the becoming always flowed from the beginning to the end of an interval (all river in the metaphor). Now, by definition of this term, we consider that the becoming (to be born) gives birth to all beings and phenomena and time supports their continuity in the reality.

In the river metaphor we see that the becoming gives birth to the river (beginning) and the route is the time. The mouth is the end of the interval, the end of the river. The becoming of a day is the midnight and time are all its stages. We perceive time in each phase of the day. The first moment of a song is its becoming and remaining moments are its time to the last.

PS: Time is the inherent property of matter to experience changes.
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This is a different view on the issue of measurement. Here the levels of measurement are: counting, comparing and calculating . See post #301: Quantification in Philochrony on December 6, 2013 . We measure the extent or the distance by comparing their magnitudes with the corresponding unit (m, cm, km). We measure the potential difference or voltage of a circuit comparing its magnitude with the corresponding unit (volt). We calculate the speed with the formula s = d / t. Cars also have their own speedometer.

- Now, under this view, clocks measure time by counting hours, minutes and seconds.
- Now we measure time by counting the days with the help of a calendar.

Duration is our mental clock and works by applying the formula: d = aex + t . " aex " is accumulated experience. The plus sign (+ ) indicates a fusion between time and the subject. Experience is not only external but also internal. Emotions and intuitions are part of our inner experience. The duration is acquired adulthood and reflection in the different units of time. Musicians make frequent use of the duration in their work.

Time is irreversible and unrepeatable, but a way to keep it is duration. Thanks to the duration we can organize our memories and plan for the future .
Posted by Sibilia:
Among the clocks in the GPS satellites traveling at a speed of 14,000 km / h, and the clocks on Earth It has been found the insignificant difference of 38,000 nanoseconds.

This difference is due to a measurement ERROR, not to the time dilation. If my clock is advanced is that his progress is not well synchronized with solar time. There is a measurement error.
Posted by Sibilia:
Among the clocks in the GPS satellites traveling at a speed of 14,000 km / h, and the clocks on Earth It has been found the insignificant difference of 38,000 nanoseconds.

What in the world makes you think 38,000 ns is insignificant? How many meters of error does that cause? Since that's the error in distance you say is added per hour, go figure out how long it would take for that distance error to equal half the circumference of the Earth.

Since GPS has been working a very long time now without any accumulation of errors like this, then something is very right about the system and something is very wrong about your beliefs about how it works and how relativity works.

You may simply be suffering from acute chronophobia, exacerbated by periods of morbid chronophilia. But there's hope: a little math and science can go a long way towards re-establishing the mental balance upset by the trauma of the scientific news from 100+ years ago, in which it was disclosed that time and space are relative, both under conditions of relative motion as well as differences in gravity.

Space is the extension in three directions (3D) of a given location (absolute) where the objects and events that occur have a "relative" position and direction. In this definition we find that the space is "absolute" and that objects and phenomena have a relative location.

Space is objective, absolute and imperceptible directly. We arrive at the concept of space through intuition. The space is a priori. Size, distance and location are objective, relative and perceptible. According to Isaac Newton, space was absolute, in the sense that it was permanent and existed independently of matter.

P.S.: Personal attacks should not be part of the discussion. That's off topic.
Space is not absolute, neither is time.
Both these aspects have observational and experimental support.
If you have evidence invalidating those aspects, or if you have a new model with evidence, then why do you come here?
Why not get it peer reviewed?
That would be the logical way to go....IF, you were genuine.

Time is objective, absolute and perceptible. Time is the inherent property of matter to experience changes which manifest between a beginning and an end (duration). The duration is objective, relative and imperceptible (It is a priori). Duration is the interval between two moments.

Time is absolute because it doesn't have a cause. Time is the first cause, the first motor. The duration is relative, not due to the movement, but the sequential order in which events occur. We have three events a, b and c . "b" is earlier with respect to "c", but is also later with respect to "a". Also the duration is relative because it depends on several factors: the intensity and pace of events and the consistency of the bodies.

The high speed does not affect time, but it alters the perception of objects subject to it. For example, when we go in a car on the road and we look to a side, we see that things are moving in the opposite direction to the car .

- The becoming is the beginning of an interval or a phenomenon.
- A priori is intuitive.
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Time is objective, absolute and perceptible. Time is the inherent property of matter to experience changes which manifest between a beginning and an end (duration). The duration is objective, relative and imperceptible (It is a priori). Duration is the interval between two moments.

Time is absolute because it doesn't have a cause. Time is the first cause, the first motor. The duration is relative, not due to the movement, but the sequential order in which events occur. We have three events a, b and c . "b" is earlier with respect to "c", but is also later with respect to "a". Also the duration is relative because it depends on several factors: the intensity and pace of events and the consistency of the bodies.

The high speed does not affect time, but it alters the perception of objects subject to it. For example, when we go in a car on the road and we look to a side, we see that things are moving in the opposite direction to the car .

You can quote all you like. Time is not absolute.......That has observational/experimental evidence supporting that fact.

1 - The speed of light is constant regardless of the reference frame is considered.

2 - The light does not accumulate inertia because it is not matter.

3 - So, what the external observer observes is not a real diagonal but an optic illusion.

4 - The theory of relativity is based on an optic illusion to outline that time is relative.

5 - The motion and its trajectory are relative, but space and time are absolute.

I am sorry. I did not find any video in English to show you.


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So basically this thread is just Sibilia's personal blog. Is that really acceptable here?

If you do not want to participate, I write in this thread.

This is the third thread in both views and replies in this forum (Alternative Theories).
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