Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and Arthur C. Clarke musing.

dumbest man on earth

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Valued Senior Member
I stumbled upon this "interview/discussion" on youtube. :

"God, the Universe and Everything Else", being only 52 minutes in length, it does not actually touch on "everything else".
It is a "layman's level interview", from 1988, with three very intelligent individuals; Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and Arthur C. Clarke.

Needles to say, it is 52 minutes that a lot of members of this Forum should enjoy viewing.

Check it out.

I stumbled upon this "interview/discussion" on youtube. :

Thread: S.H., C.S. and A.C.C musing:

"God, the Universe and Everything Else", being only 52 minutes in length, it does not actually touch on "everything else".
It is a "layman's level interview" with three very intelligent individuals; Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke, from 1988.

Needles to say, it is 52 minutes that a lot of members of this Forum should enjoy viewing.

Check it out.

Same thread, same title...not much attention to detail. :)
Same thread, same title...not much attention to detail. :)

Actually, different Thread, different Title, but the same content. In the original Thread, I used only the initials of the three main participants. When it got no response, I thought that possibly by including the full names instead of just the initials, other Members might be more inclined to "check it out".
It seems that some people respond differently to the same exact information, depending on who presents it or where they believe it comes from. In psychology it is most often (in layman's terms) considered or referred to as a type of discrimination or prejudice.

The "not much attention to detail" that you Posted is a somewhat vague statement. Would it be wrong of me to ask for you to clarify that statement?

If you do not consider it wrong, would you care to clarify?
A. When it got no response, I thought that possibly by including the full names instead of just the initials, other Members might be more inclined to "check it out".
It seems that some people respond differently to the same exact information, depending on who presents it or where they believe it comes from. In psychology it is most often (in layman's terms) considered or referred to as a type of discrimination or prejudice.

The "not much attention to detail" that you Posted is a somewhat vague statement. Would it be wrong of me to ask for you to clarify that statement?

If you do not consider it wrong, would you care to clarify?

I post plenty of threads that don't get a response, but that just means people have no questions to be asked...suits me.
I mean I certainly don't post threads for attention grabbing......I post them because in my opinion they are an interesting article. *shrug*
Again, I see it as either forgetfulness on your part, [hence the lack of attention to detail] or attention grabbing. again *shrug*
I post plenty of threads that don't get a response, but that just means people have no questions to be asked...suits me.
I mean I certainly don't post threads for attention grabbing......I post them because in my opinion they are an interesting article. *shrug*
Again, I see it as either forgetfulness on your part, [hence the lack of attention to detail] or attention grabbing. again *shrug*

You have to be right, of course.
There is no way that I would Post it because I thought that it was 52 minutes that a lot of members of this Forum should enjoy viewing. I mean after all that is the reason that I stated for Posting it, so how could that possibly be my true impetus.

You have to be right, of course.
It had to be just forgetfulness or attention grabbing on my part. Heck, most likely I just plumb forgot that I was just trying to grab...a...grab a...what was I saying?...
...oh yeah, you have to be right, of course.
It was my lack of attention to detail that I did not notice for 6 or 11 days that it was the same thread, same title.

You have to be right of course.

BTW, who were those guys - did you notice how they all dressed like they were still in the 1980's. Anyway they were saying science like words so I must have figured that I could look dumb less by Posting it to grab grab a...well any way thanks for letting me know why I did that.

I actually thought I Posted it for one reason, but you thankfully corrected me and...well...

You have to be right of course.