

Registered Senior Member
The people convicted of MJ and other bs crimes like prostitution should be systemically transitioned to bud managers (horticulturalists) and MJ industry specialists and technicians without economic penalty.

As time allows: Prison reform
Prisons are in-humane. Rooms should have 4 walls, be at least 9x12+, and have some comforts of living.

Prisons are not meant to torture or terrorize. They are simply to remove the offender from civilization. That is enough penalty. Humane treatment means having a job or a thing to enjoy doing, for if you are not enjoying life you are doing it wrong. Much reform of the social institutions could occur. in this badly torn country.

The job shouldn't be called guards, but rather caretakers, and they should have access to all the latest medical (etc.) information and instruction that they need to care for these people. Start with the food. It needs Army trained world class chefs. Let this be a lesson, and a paradigm.

Another: The education (academic) system should be integrated with the hospital *health care system.

Sorry for my English randomness. I am remembering important things, and writing them as I recall them in real time.
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The people convicted of MJ and other bs crimes like prostitution should be systemically transitioned to bud managers (horticulturalists) and MJ industry specialists and technicians without economic penalty.

As time allows: Prison reform
Prisons are in-humane. Rooms should have 4 walls, be at least 9x12+, and have some comforts of living.

Prisons are not meant to torture or terrorize. They are simply to remove the offender from civilization. That is enough penalty. Humane treatment means having a job or a thing to enjoy doing, for if you are not enjoying life you are doing it wrong. Much reform of the social institutions could occur. in this badly torn country.

The job shouldn't be called guards, but rather caretakers, and they should have access to all the latest medical (etc.) information and instruction that they need to care for these people. Start with the food. It needs Army trained world class chefs. Let this be a lesson, and a paradigm.

Another: The education (academic) system should be integrated with the hospital *health care system.

Sorry for my English randomness. I am remembering important things, and writing them as I recall them in real time.
The goal of prisons, is to torture prisoners, and turn them into violent, hardened, psychopathic and masculine men, so that if and when they get out, they become even more hardened than before, plus society wont give them a job either, plus can't get welfare either, so they go back to committing as much crime as possible, so that they can be sent back in prisons, so that prison owners can make more money, until America eventually decays to the point where any man with a hint of masculinity is in prison, or lives in the forest in the wild, and the rest of the males are spineless obedient worker drones of cubicle land. At this point the prison owners will be trillionairres and the average american will have pennies, at which point of american collapse the russians, chinese, or whoever can come over and take what's left of what used to be america.
That seems to be the outcome. So either that that IS their goal, or it's a failed agenda.

In the 70's the country was transitioning from manufacturing to a service economy. Investors pulled their money out of manufacturing companies. Companies, and the small businesses that supported them went belly up by the thousands. The manufacturing equipment got shipped to China and Mexico. The investors continued to make money through the sideways transactions of the banking system, and as money talks they ended up poning the government, reducing the size of watchdog agencies, and eliminating any entity that dampened the flow. They broke it pretty good, and now that the money is at the top of a broken pipe it's going to be a hard fix to get it down without system failure.

Step back to your handle: Companies are taking video games, and turning them from entertainment to pay to win micro-transaction revenue platforms. Activision, for example is running $5B annual revenue. That's got to be frustrating at best for players who don't pay up. No one is coming out of this social system unscathed, and for many the wounds go deep.
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The people convicted of MJ and other bs crimes like prostitution should be systemically transitioned to bud managers (horticulturalists) and MJ industry specialists and technicians without economic penalty.
I doubt either kind of street-corner dealing qualifies anyone as a horticulturist. But, certainly any garden-type therapy would help.
We urgently need to turn those heat-spewing flat roofs of all those downtown skyscrapers into lawns, vegetable plots and orchards.

Rooms should have 4 walls, be at least 9x12+, and have some comforts of living.
Like a window? And privacy. Actually, there are very different types of prison cell already, from terrible to quite civilized.

Prisons are not meant to torture or terrorize.
This is what some nations have not been able to decide. Revenge is high on the agenda of many Americans; rehabilitation doesn't always make the list. Which is pretty dumb, since the incarceration of any inmate is expensive anyway - all they're doing with long sentences is wasting more money to make people even less able to function in society, and thus, even more expensive, whether they re-offend or not. Very often, they have no choice: if legitimate work is denied ex-cons, they have only welfare or crime to fall back on.

Much reform of the social institutions could occur. in this badly torn country.
Should occur - if there were a demand for it. But even if Americans care, they rarely get what they vote for.

The education (academic) system should be integrated with the hospital *health care system.
Good, heavens, no! Each of those portfolios is big and complicated enough already. Very difficult to keep track of what's going on, let alone plan for contingencies. In fact, we need (I'm looking at the Ontario, Canada situation; am not familiar with how it's organized in the US) to cut out some lower-level departments and streamline the administration, while allocating resources for local initiatives.
(Without giving too much power to back-water bigotry.)

I am remembering important things, and writing them as I recall them in real time.
You're not on a clock. It's okay to think through what you want to discuss, figure out how best to state your position, and post one subject at a time. We'll still be here tomorrow (gw/ia/wal)
You might qualify for public assistance if you qualify under the homeless assistance act amended by HEARTH, which is a 50 page list of this not that's including ands and ors, and if 'your lawyer (one of the only people on Earth who might be able to read it without falling asleep)' can understand and apply it to you. Makes me think that Donald might use (me) to cover a divot on one of his playgrounds. Admitted, and difficult not to be salty.
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This is what some nations have not been able to decide. Revenge is high on the agenda of many Americans; rehabilitation doesn't always make the list. Which is pretty dumb, since the incarceration of any inmate is expensive anyway - all they're doing with long sentences is wasting more money to make people even less able to function in society, and thus, even more expensive, whether they re-offend or not. Very often, they have no choice: if legitimate work is denied ex-cons, they have only welfare or crime to fall back on.
Good, heavens, no! Each of those portfolios is big and complicated enough already.
I shouldn't have said hospitals. While schools at university level often have scientific research projects, I was thinking (applied) science based institutions should be more closely integrated beginning at the first levels of the education system, maybe in a funnel shaped system where many sciences are directly involved with education. For example, a child psychiatric association should be working directly with other scientists across a range of fields to ensure that students get properly structured, deep, accurate, and hands-on experiences that they can understand. The idea that the more money you pay the better education you get is failure. The idea that educators should be solely responsible for the basic nature and needs of education is failure. Educators should be the technicians that make it happen, but the resources should be plentiful, and proper for the tasks.
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Very often, they have no choice: if legitimate work is denied ex-cons, they have only welfare or crime to fall back on.

If I remember correctly, felons don't get American welfare?

Also, logic is not the forte' of the average American. In Christian dominant states are usually the one preaching either in favor of the death penalty or harsher punishments for criminals. I guess Jesus's whole thing about forgive and forget went in one ear out the other.
per Amerikaans, Jesus was a shiftless, hippie wuss for 32 years, then finally did one thing right.