Sleep Paralysis Can Be Cured By Net Curtains During The Summer


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
I had a flash of inspiration that remembering my own case of sleep paralysis, which seemed so "real" at the time, I happened to be sleeping in the spare room of a friend's house. There weren't any curtains up and I had the window ajar because it was summer time. It was also a clear night.

It's possible that there was a giant flying insectoid which spotted me sleeping through the glass of the window. These have been witnessed in many UFO abduction-like experiences. The hypothesis could be easily be tested by analysis of when the experiences actually happened. I predict an increase in events just like the conditions of my own i.e. no net curtains, or with a clear view through glass to the outside, with an open window and during clear summer nights.

Edit: I've just read through similar sleep paralysis threads and have made a connection. People of sleep paralysis report vibrations around the neck area which fits with a sighting of a Mantis man;

vibrations too, like around my back and my neck and my feet.

Apparently about a year ago my friend and his brother were down at Stephen's State Park fishing right around dusk. During this time, while his brother was roughly 50 yards downstream fishing, he said he felt this strange vibration in his right ear and from that he turned and looked to the right. When he turned and looked to the right he said he saw this 6 to 7 foot praying-mantis-looking-man... just standing there and unable to believe that he could see him. He said the creature was black and gray and to be quite honest, the way my buddy was telling me this story, I was having a tough time. I know he saw this thing... because I could see it in his face.
Your thread caught my eye. I've never experienced 'sleep paralysis.' It doesn't seem uncommon, from what I've read about it, and occasionally friends of mine, telling me that they've experienced it.
You're very lucky then. I only had it that one time, but it was like a living nightmare. I bet you sleep with thick curtains and never under a clear glass window. Am I right? It's a lot more common than people think, as you say.
You're very lucky then. I only had it that one time, but it was like a living nightmare.

That's weird you say that, because of my friends who have commented on their experiences with it, they say the same thing. Sorry to hear. :(

I bet you sleep with thick curtains and never under a clear glass window. Am I right?.

Actually, I have very long hair, and I will cover my eyes with it when the sun shines through the window in the morning, to keep things...'dark.'
I can't believe I'm sharing that here. haha :p
That's weird you say that, because of my friends who have commented on their experiences with it, they say the same thing. Sorry to hear. :(

Actually, I have very long hair, and I will cover my eyes with it when the sun shines through the window in the morning, to keep things...'dark.'
I can't believe I'm sharing that here. haha :p
hah - I appreciate the concern but I now can put it down to "what ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Hah - thanks for the details. I knew it :)
Every once in a while I'll experience sleep paralysis. I've have family members in my room doing all kinds of socializing and activities, people I don't know doing things in my bedroom, all the while I can't move. Then I would wake up and nobody was there.

There are some people who are trying to use sleep paralysis as a doorway into astral projection.
Do you regularly sleep under clear glass windows without curtains by any chance Mazulu?
No, afraid not.
Okay, but from what you've said about your personal history, you've had a very disturbing and troubled childhood to deal with. In your case, other issues might be at work. No offense intended of course. Thanks for replying.
I had one or two sleep paralysis episodes a week some years ago, usually circa 5:00 in the morning. The noise of a small fan would get transformed into the sound of a skull drill during the occasional alien intruder entering the bedroom variety. (Those pesky ETs apparently never progressed beyond electric-powered motors.) Having survived all those fan-induced surgical attacks over the course of several months, I surely debunked the Korean phobias about fans and air conditioners. ;)
I had one or two sleep paralysis episodes a week some years ago, usually circa 5:00 in the morning. The noise of a small fan would get transformed into the sound of a skull drill during the occasional alien intruder entering the bedroom variety. (Those pesky ETs apparently never progressed beyond electric-powered motors.) Having survived all those fan-induced surgical attacks over the course of several months, I surely debunked the Korean phobias about fans and air conditioners. ;)
Thanks for the post. I've never heard of "fan death" fears. I suspect that it's to do with the noise being similar to the vibrations felt by the gaze of insectoids through glass windows. I seem to remember that cot deaths are reduced in rooms which have fans and the windows closed, incidentally, which is the opposite effect.

The effect of insectoid gaze on the human mind is to increase brain activity as well as the feeling of being in the presence of a very wise entity imv. This effect will likely cause complete panic at some point. It's this evolutionary strategy which will out an individual animal from the group and make it run away in a frenzy, perhaps injuring itself and defecating along the way. This is a food source for giant flying insectoids, even if the individual recovers and makes it back to the group.

The kind of panic depends highly on our preconceived perceptions of the threat in hand. If one already believes the entities to be from outerspace, like I did, then they might be highly altruistic, which is what I believed at the time. Therefore I didn't have such a bad experience during the early evening when I was at work at a technical site. I even managed in improve my own model of creation etc which I'd been working on. Other people also witnessed the UFO lights in the dark sky and I was looking through binoculars.

If on the other hand, you believe them to be malign demons or nasty ETs, then the panic will be much worse and harmful, especially if at night and you are initially asleep. This is more of the effect I had in my one time sleep paralysis with feelings of very unpleasant effects which I managed to reason were exaggerated from mild unpleasantness in my past. An example of this was the feeling of an entity lying close beside me with a right arm around me in a spoon-like position which was *really* weird. I remembered my long time girlfriend doing this one time and I just didn't like it at all, (I much preferred myself being the one who did the hugging).

Does any of this make any sense to you?
For what it's worth with my personal experience... and it may be worth noting I'm also rather adept at lucid dreaming/dream control, so this may play a part, but when I have experienced sleep paralysis I have never had the notion of being in any kind of danger, much less anything being in the room watching me. Through the years I have slept both with and without curtains/screens (and occasionally even in rooms without windows at all, and for a while in a basement with only small egress windows with no curtains or screens of any sort).

At the same time, I also believe firmly in a secure sense of self and power providing protection against such forms of "attack"... I'm on the fence as to whether astral attack (or other such "aura-based" attacks) are truly possible, but having attempted and experienced what I can only describe as some form of astral projection myself (which to me felt merely like a projection of my senses to view the events surrounding my sleep-state body from above, nothing more impressive such as long-range communication or the like) I do feel it may be possible for a being on such a plane of existence to effect change upon the unprotected person. However, not to brag, I have always had a powerful aura about me, to the point that people upon first meeting often tell me they feel a sort of radiance from me (which I typically pass off as my carrying myself professionally and/or positively) that I feel protects me from such things.

It is an odd state and place to be in... on the one hand, the more rational and scientific part of my mind challenges the very notion... yet having been there and experiencing it first hand, I have little else to reconcile it against... it was unlike any other dream-state I have been in, and so waving it off as some sort of construct of a semi/super conscious mind seems... absurd?

As such, I feel little to no panic when encountering sleep paralysis, and have found ways to overcome it through... I dare not call it force of will, but perhaps force of knowledge? I simply command my body to become aware of itself... it leaves me capable of motion, though I am subdued, sluggish, and lacking in certain tactile feedback (liken it to how a limb falls asleep... that is the feeling I get when overcoming sleep paralysis through sheer force). most often when I do this, it is because of a need to use the restroom, a pretty typical post-wakeup ritual of mine (funny how we get into such patterns) but I have been roused from slumber by odd noises that should not have been there and warranted investigation - typically they were caused by either a late arrival home (be it parents when I lived there, or our roommate now) or other such non-threatening thing... it is comforting for me to know I have the capacity to be at-ready should the need to defend myself and mine arise though/
Thanks for the post. You seem to be describing an alert kind of dreamstate which is self induced. I do just about remember having these kind of experiences when I was still open to the idea of "astral projection" and floating above one's own body etc. I now believe that worldview to be erroneous so I simply don't have them anymore, although I do have very vivid/strange dreams especially now I'm in a new semi-stressful state of starting-up a business whilst living back with my parents.

You haven't had a UFO induced experience or sleep paralysis through open glass. I would advise that you sleep with thick curtains from now on. Having a "powerful aura" won't help you in these potential horror situations I suspect.

Good luck all the same.
This is the kind of experience which is of the extreme kind:

I read your website with great interest some time ago. I have long been suspect regarding alien claims. In addition, I'm a scientist, so, you know, a bit Cartesian.

On January, 2007, my life changed at around 2AM. Briefly, I heard a two-tone very loud digital sound, awoke, thinking there were children outside being loud. I awoke and found a large creature next to my bedroom window and bed. It looked to me like a cricket, of course, like a praying mantis, by your description. I had an odd calm feeling of recognition, I told it, oddly, "it's about time you're here." I then "saw" some sort of craft, two disks rotating around each other, it gave a clear impression of orange, yellow and red, radiation and glowing, rotating around a common axis. Over an hour and a half passed by the time I looked at my clock again.

I am including computer images I created, I don't pretend to be a computer artist. When I saw your website (Jim G's Praying Mantis accounts), I felt sick.

I woke up with a revelation this morning. It's simply insect intelligence which mistakes humans for other giant insectoids. They look humanoid to us and we look insectoid to them. It's simply their brain waves which induce heightened brain activity in humans which produces paralysis. Simple simple.

This bit is going to sound weird, I know. I even had the idea that the hooded with stick and non-hooded entities are female/male pairs which are looking for someone to hold their stick for them. I got the idea after seeing this youtube clip [ed- can't find it now!] was a strange floating image caught on a trail cam made of bright lights which I suggested was fireflies mating. Perhaps the insectoids evolved from mating on a twig and that same strategy has stayed with them, even though they can now levitate. It would make evolutionary sense to have a hovering insectoid managing the floating stick as well keeping look out. Strange I know, but just about feasible imv!