Nasor opens his big mouth still further and lets his ignorance flow as a demonstration of why he supports total quackery and remains TOTALLY ignorant of homeopathy:
Originally posted by Nasor
Homeopathy was vaguely plausible when it was developed (the early 19th century) because at the time no one knew much of anything about how or why people got sick. It has since been refuted by the basic principles of chemistry, pathology, and pharmacology.
That's a TOTAL lie!
First of all, Hahnemann was a pioneer in both bacteriology and virology (the "study of viruses"), and only somebody TOTALLY ignorant of homeopathy would make such an assinine remark!
Also, Hahnemann was a master chemist with no small number of original discoveries and compounds attributed to him (e.g., Mercurius Hahnemanni and Causticum Hahnemanni), and he was a master pharmacologist whose pharmacopia was the standard allopathic work of his day; so, once again, only somebody TOTALLY ignorant of homeopathy would make such an assinine remark!
Note these key words in the guy's remarks: when no one knew "how or why people got sick."
He is assuming, per his exceedingly ignorant and presumptuous kind, that this is important or in any way necessary to know in order to cure.
But homeopathy has PROVEN (despite their TOTAL ignorance of this proof and the arrogance that underlies it) for 213 years that such arrogant assumptions about disease and drug mechanisms (viz., Disease-Entity Theory and Receptor-Site Theory) are NOT necessary to know and DO NOT lead to actual cures, only to the appearance of them and dynamic suppressions and disorderings of diseases BY PHYSICIANS!
This is one of the reasons we have so many incurable diseases today, thanks very much to allopathic medicine.
When we bring before them this evidence for chronic diseases skyrocketting since the time when they almost destroyed homeopathy in 1910 with the infamous FLEXNOR REPORT of the Carnegie Foundation, they claim that this is a consequence of people living longer, but that is a TOTAL LIE!
The statistics show that it is completely independent of aging, and our cures and specifically the time-element of the Law of Cure prove that THEY are responsible for it!
For those who do not know the time-element of the Law(s) of Cure, it reads as follows: During cure, symptoms disappear in the reverse order of occurence.
We thus see lots of symptoms and diseases from previous years arising as a consequence of allopathic suppression of some natural disease or due to the vile concoctions of INSANE allopathic Minds called vaccinations.
Also, he assumes -- like the jackass he and his kind are -- 1) that all diseases have a discrete or proximate cause that can be discerned and 2) that it is necessary to know this in order to cure.
Again, homeopathy has proven these to be false assumptions of totally vain and arrogant fools.
These are, moreover, JUST TWO of their many erroneous assumptions constituting their TOTALLY backward, effete and antiquated model of health, disease, therapeutics, the nature of existence and the nature of the universe, NONE of which they can prove are other than remotely true and ALL of which we can prove are either totally wrong or very superficial and inaccurate in that way.
They arrogantly call this pathology, medical science and the natural sciences, which is a total farse since they thereby IGNORE the 10 Laws of Medicine that makes homeopathy the actual Science of Medicine or Therapeutics, which supercede ANY and all of the natural laws in chemistry and physics in exactly the same way that Newton's Laws of Motion are superceded by Einsteinian Physics.
How VERY ignorant and stupid of you guys, and it's arguably INSANE (ala the ignorant fool here named Hans) since they are thereby left with supporting the TOTAL quackery of allopathy.
This guy and his VERY ignorant kind think that Disease-Entity Theory -- and its extensions along the lines of the anciently famous Doctrine of the Proximate Cause, which has done yoeman's service to all of the myriad INSANE allopathic theories of diseases and disease causes for millennia -- is applicable to chronic diseases, but it is NOT!
This is, moreover, just ONE of the many reasons such jackasses cannot cure ANY of them and why they support killers in allopathy and very much deserve and are destined for death by those killers.
It's true that homeopathy does NOT adhere to the ALLOPATHIC concepts of pathology and the therapeutics from such nonsense.
But those concepts do NOT lead to ANY cures beyond generally banal bacterial diseases, which we cure just as readily and WITHOUT any problems like antibiotic-resistant bacteria since we use ultramolecular drugs that permit the organism to do away with the little beasties and correct their consequences, and are thus a TOTALLY wrong approach to therapeutics anyway.
Their notion of diseases rests at the heart of this error.
They assume that a causative agent is the key to therapeutics for the above INSANE reasons and their propensity to being total jackasses with big mouths CONSTANTLY proving they're ignorant fools with deserved iatrogenic destinies.
They therefore accept, like the jackasses they are, the identification of diseases per pathological categories of them.
Here is where they make possibly their most fundamental mistake, and remember that we are talking about millions of jackasses in all allopathic fields and all of the natural sciences.
They assume that naming of diseases per their COMMON symptoms can be used for therapeutic purposes, but homeopathy has proven this wrong FOR 213 YEARS and them jackasses for as long.
Okay, jackasses, here we go; try to keep up this time since I have REPEATEDLY said this here.
My specific suggestion to all of you: screw on your other head this time, or pull it out of your bottom orifice where it doesn't belong anyway.
There are two basic kinds of symptoms: COMMON and UNCOMMON.
Those that are COMMON are identified by their being suffered in common with everyone in some disease-diagnostic category.
Ignore the idea of causative agents, for that has absolutely nothing to do with such categorizations except as regards infectious diseases, all of which are a very MINOR fraction of all diseases anyway, bozos!
Diseases in allopathic terms are therefore nothing more than statistical abstractions because EVERYONE who's still curable also has UNCOMMON symptoms!
Assuming I do not have to endlessly repeat that fact, we thus proceed.
To thus ignore UNCOMMON symptoms, which all allopathic Minds INSANELY do, is to view diseases in an arbitrary way according to something that does NOT exist ANYWHERE in the world, i.e., it is a TOTAL phantom of imaginative allopathic Minds who ENDLESSLY name diseases without being about to cure ANY!
Hopefully, all of that is clear, but I expect the idiots here to ignore this fact and rant about some INSANE allopathic lie or distortion of reality since all of the bozo opponents of homeopathy ALWAYS do that till allopaths finally kill them and rid us of their half-truths and lies for the best good of all concerned.
Those that are UNCOMMON are identified by their NOT being suffered by everyone in some disease-diagnostic category; i.e., they instead are suffered ONLY by a few people needing the same medicine per a REMEDY DIAGNOSIS.
(To diagnose something means to "thoroughly know" it, and it thus requires an adjective, but we are so thoroughly allopathically brainwashed as a worldwide civilization that most people just assume "diagnosis" means a disease diagnosis -- wrongo!)
These UNCOMMON symptoms, which are very few in number in any case, lead to an unambiguous prescription precisely because they are strange, rare and peculiar.
A practical example will thus serve here.
An insulin-dependent diabetic patient has vertigo lying on his back, is not thirsty and LOVES the window open during sleep in the winter in a cold climate.
These three uncommon symptoms each contain a list of medicines that have produced them in the healthy and cured them in the sick.
These lists are found in the repertory (symptom index) to the homeopathic materia medica.
A primary repertory is Kent's (
Cross referencing these symptoms will lead to a very small list of medicines with all three uncommon symptoms, often being between 1-3 medicines in well-taken cases.
These few medicines remaining after this cross referencing or repertorization of them are then read in the actual proving reports within the various materia medicas for homeopathicity or the closest symptom match.
This matching necessarily includes the rest of the symptoms, the COMMON ones, and thus the homeopathically famous totality of symptoms.
One of them will be closest and will thus cure.
People only superficially understanding this process ask stupid questions in attempt to sustain their INSANE arguments against homeopathy and for allopathic medicine.
One they thus come up with here goes something like this: what if that medicine closest in symptology hasn't been discovered yet?
One medicine will be closest.
It will necessarily be the simillimum or "thing most similar."
A few others will be close but not as close.
They are classified as the simile (both a singular and plural word).
The vast majority of other drugs (2500+) will be completely dissimilar and thus will do nothing.
Before we found drugs with the greatest similarity for particular patients, we did our best with several drugs over a much longer period of time.
A famous question in homeopathic history addresses this dilemma very succinctly and goes like this.
Shortly after Constantine Hering introduced Apis into our materia medica, he and Adolf Lippe (both hyper-expert Hahnemannians) were talking about it with Calvin Kneer listening.
At a lull in their discussion, Kneer asked them: "What did we do before Apis?"
A bit of silence, and then Lippe said: "We zig zagged cases," meaning that we used several drugs over a longer period of time.
Since this has happened repeatedly, now watch the fools here who're opposed to homeopathy open their very big mouths and prove themselves TOTALLY ignorant of homeopathy and adherent to the absolute quackery of allopathy.
You guys are pitiful and pathetic!