Show THAT Homeopathy works

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Originally posted by Persol
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Or if you're extremely ignorant of this, then you advise people to sell their houses to pay for something that medicines are made to cure, you very dumb man.
Funny, I thought that's what insurance was for.

Then too, if you want to promote allopathic medicine, you promote their therapies and admonish against taking a chance on a well-proven and supremely scientific therapy like homeopathy because you're extremely ignorant.

Please demonstrate how it is well-proven. My 'attachment' to modern medicine IT being well proven. If you actually have any evidence (which has not already been refuted) I would like to see it.
Oh, yeah, then there are the assholes who support the injustices of the insurance companies.

They are just as guilty as the killers themselves.

Well, you are stupid enough to say there is no proof because you are TOTALLY ignorant about the subject and yet open your big mouth anyway.

That should be enough to prove your opinions are totally worthless.
Calling us assholes doesn't accomplish anything. This thread is supposed to be about deciding if homeopathy works or not.

You are contribuiting nothing to the conversation. You are just saying "I'm right, you're wrong". If that's all you have then don't bother posting.
Originally posted by Persol
Calling us assholes doesn't accomplish anything. This thread is supposed to be about deciding if homeopathy works or not.

You are contribuiting nothing to the conversation. You are just saying "I'm right, you're wrong". If that's all you have then don't bother posting.
No, it is NOT!

Tim and I are here looking for help.

You guys insist we prove homeopathy in an allopathic way.

Well, go do it!

It won't prove diddly squat, except that you're stupid enough to do it.
Ok, read this slowly... because you don't seem to understand.

If homeopathy has any effect, it is quantifiable.
1)ANY quantifiable effect can be tested statistically.
2)Statistically, homeopathy has demonstrated not to make a difference.

As such, there is no reason to believe you that it actually works. On the contray, there is tons of evidence that:
1) it doesn't work
2) homeopathic believers will flat out lie to make people believe

You are saying "I'm right, you're wrong". That is not science. That is not a reason to investigate further.

All of these reasons are reasons NOT to support homeopathy.

You claim that it works, yet have no reason why. In truth, you only BELIEVE it works. You have no demonstratable proof.
Originally posted by Persol
No, it is even simpler then you make it out to be.

The 'evidence' for homeopathy that has been presented is all either faulty or just plain wrong (as I explained in the last post, although I stopped after researching the first 3 claims took half an hour and were false anyway).

I didn't notice you explaining how the research I mentioned was wrong.

Ok, read this slowly... because you don't seem to understand. If homeopathy has any effect, it is quantifiable.
1)ANY quantifiable effect can be tested statistically.
2)Statistically, homeopathy has demonstrated not to make a difference.

You are the one who fails to understand.
You use the word "Homeopathy" as though there is just ONE type of Homeopathy. You also fail to recognize that the design of these experiments may be fundamentally wrong, based on the Scientists' lack of understanding of Homeopathy. WHO, in the world of Homeopathy, ratified these experiments?

You fail on many other counts too but that's all the time I have to waste on this.
This subject is closed due to several members who insist on complaining about each other through reported posts. Further opening of the same subject, either through reopening the subject or re-titling as something else will result in more closed threads or the deletion of the thread. Grow up people.
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