Let me begin by saying I am not a polically correct person. Far from it. I could really give a rat's %@! what people think of me. So if you are one of those whining subhuman victims who gets easily offended by comments made from someone you will never meet in person, then do me a favor and don't read my post! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
Furthermore, don't even waste your time trying to cut me down or make stupid whining reactionary comments back to me...because I DON'T CARE! I'm expressing a legit opinion...did you get that!?...an OPINION about fat people who fly on planes.
Tune out now if your fat and can't handle the truth...
First, I was on a flight last nite and was put in row 10, section B. When I arrived to my seat, I knew I was in big trouble...no pun intended. Sitting next to the window was a very large woman...about 215-230lbs. She was short and wide. The seat (what little of it was left) next to her was barely empty because sitting in the aisle seat was her husband...who was approximately 350 lbs.
My first reaction was anger. But I showed no emotion and politely squeezed in between them. They had the armrests up, which was very disrespectful and thoughtless! So I sat...no, I squeezed in and had to lean forward on my seat.
The flight was at night. Once the plane left, about 90% of the lights in the plane went off. But the two fat people, one to my left and one to my right, could care less that I was trying to sleep. They were talking over me, around me, through me like I wasn't even there. And guess what these overweight obese #$&! were talking about? All the buffets they enjoyed while they were in town (Vegas)....and their favorite potato chips...and all the desserts they ate...etc, etc.
I was going f'n crazy. But I sat...no, stewed silently. Now, what made matters worse is I'm a 6'2", 210 physically fit man. So basically, my row consisted of about 800lbs of human flesh in 51 INCHES of seat space. Do the f'n math...that is wrong! WRONG!
After 45 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I had a 3.5 hour flight and I was jammed in my seat like a f'n Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Cookie. These two people are 2 M&M's away from "Holy Sh-T!" and I'm supposed to sit there and take it?! I think not.
So listen up fat people who fly! Do us all a favor! If you are going to fly together as a couple, then buy an extra seat because it's flat out disrespectful and torture to the person sitting next to you, or in my case, in the middle of you. Or, maybe...here is a brilliant idea! If you don't want to pay for an extra seat, then maybe get seats NOT IN THE SAME ROW! How about aisle to aisle, or back to back. Or maybe, move your fat a--es next to each other so the guy on the end can at least lean out in the aisle and f'n breathe!