Should overweight people pay more for seat in a plane?

Should obese people be forced to pay for an extra seat on an airplane?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
Absolutely they should pay more and get bigger seats. I paid for my seat, and when a very fat man sat down next to me (in the middle) last time I flew, he was overflowing into my area. I couldn't even put the armrest down. If it was an international flight, I could not have tolerated it.

If they cannot be accomodated they should not be allowed to fly at all.
Once you start instituting differential payments based on body type or previous condition you open a large can of worms.

Consider it opened.

Just like Av said. We're discussing airplanes where weight can be an issue but the available space is the most important aspect.

Like I mentioned Till, you'll change your mentality when you have to sit next to a fattie; someone who is sitting in only one seat that should be in two.
Nickelodeon is right, a plane can take up much more weight than people weight, but it also costs more to transport that weight.
How about an airplane seat at the ticket counter, with restrictions on dimensions for one seat.
I'll wager money Avatar is thin as a rail.

It is not related to the safety of the flight at all. The airplanes can accomodate a certain amount of weight and that weight limit is not even approached when an overweight person gets on the plane. Avatar's post makes it clear that it is related to Avatar's comfort while seated. The 'fat' person takes up too much room.

If comfort of other passengers is the criterium being used people who wear too much cologne or perfume should be forced to purchase seats away from other passengers. People with body odor should be kicked off the plane. Families with crying children should be left on the tarmac.

When you partake of what is basically a form of public transportation you have to learn to put up with the public. Not all of that public will meet your personal standards but accepting them is part of the price you pay.

If you are so offended by people who encroach on what you consider your personal space hire a private plane.
There is always pressure to make seats smaller and smaller, as operators want to be able to cram in as many seats as possible (because they make more money per flight that way). You could have some wider seats in economy class, but then you would be flying fewer people and therefore making less money.
Consider it opened.

Just like Av said. We're discussing airplanes where weight can be an issue but the available space is the most important aspect.

Like I mentioned Till, you'll change your mentality when you have to sit next to a fattie; someone who is sitting in only one seat that should be in two.

I fly fairly regularly and have been seated next to overweight and even fairly fat people before. Yes, they are annoying but no more annoying than the person who hops up and down constantly, forcing you to get out of your seat to let him pass, or the person with too much perfume, or the chatterbox who won't simply let you close your eyes and nap.

If we start making people pay extra because they are annoying a lot of people are going to find their air fare increased.
...It is not related to the safety of the flight at all. The airplanes can accomodate a certain amount of weight and that weight limit is not even approached when an overweight person gets on the plane. ....

No, not one overweight person, but what about a flight full of 300 lb people, with the max luggage. Why even bother weighing the luggage then? Just count pieces.
How big of a plane are you talking about. How much fuel?
Flawed thinking (again), Till.
The criterium is the space you use and the weight you carry both yourself and with your luggage.

People pay more to get more space on airplane (business class), so if you need more space as a fat person, you should also pay for it.

It's really simple, but I guess you have worms in your brain.
You're making quite a big assmption, a flight filled with 300 pound people all of whom have extra luggage. Have you ever seen anything remotely like that?
I read the same article you did, Avatar so don't try to pretend this is some original thought you came up with.

I see you have resorted to ad hominems, the first sign that someone feels he is losing the discussion. If you want to discuss the topic based on its merits, fine. If you want to start name calling I will consider you in the same class as any other troll.
If a restaurant can refuse service or charge kids/seniors less to eat there, why shouldn't an airline charge more to people who take up more space?
Should fat people pay more for seat in a plane?

The clothing and footwear industry has already taken up a similar consideration, at least some companies. There was a time when all the sizes of the same model cost the same, but this is not necessary common practice anymore.
Ie., same model, different size, different price. The bigger the size, the bigger the price.

If it takes more (material, work) to make it, it obviously costs more.
It seems economically reasonable to apply this principle elsewhere as well.

I think the reasoning behind "same model - same price for all sizes" was that it's not a person's choice how big their feet are or how tall they are, so why should they pay different prices for different sizes. But that was probably a reflection of the post-war humanism-liberalism boom.
I haven't read any article, but a discussion at the BBC website on the same topic.
And I usually call people stupid if they show inability to use logic, such as:

1. Airlines charge more for more space - business class
2. Airlines charge more for more weight - if luggage exceeds 20kg
3. Therefore obsese people should also pay for more space if they need it, and they also should pay for the weight, if it together with luggage exceeds a particular limit.
4. As I have bought a limited space on an airplane I should get what I pay for, not half of it because someone can't keep his body together.
Avatar said:
so that your personal space is not violated by someones elses excess fat.

This, from the first post starting this thread shows that Avatar is concerned with his personal comfort. If that is the case there are more things than overweight people making a flight uncomfortable for others. The overweight person makes the person immediately next to him uncomfortable. The overly perfumed person, the overly loud person, the overly active person can make the flight uncomfortable for more than one other passenger. Should we, as Avatar suggest for overweight people, charge them more or have a special section where they are seated?