On Michael Behe
I quote :
"Behe's claims about the irreducible complexity of essential cellular structures have been rejected by many members of the scientific community, and his own biology department at Lehigh University published an official statement opposing Behe's views and intelligent design."
In other words, no matter what his credentials in biochemistry, on evolution he is just another crackpot.
Evolution is a scientific theory. The word 'theory' in science is quite different to the same word as used in everyday English. In science, the word 'theory' imparts respect, because it is an idea that has been repeatedly tested, and survived that testing process.
This theory can make predictions. It has done so. Those predictions have been tested and found to be correct. In order to speed the process sufficiently that results can be achieved in one human lifetime, this work is done on rapidly reproducing bacteria, or other fast breeders.
Opposition to evolution as a principle is inevitably restricted to religious nutters. I challenge any anti-evolutionist to name me a single, Ph.D. level biologist who is a religious non believer, who opposes this principle. Inevitably, qualified opponents of evolution turn out to be religious zealots.
Or to put that another way, opposing evolution is totally non scientific.