Because, you neanderthal numbskull, that implies you think it reasonable to expect a woman to have to take defensive measures herself, rather than being able to dress normally and rely on civilised behaviour on the part of the offending men.Does women dressing ,( Burka ) reduces sexual harassment ?
If so since women don't like to be floundered and touched why not dress so they would not inspire man ?
Does women dressing ,( Burka ) reduces sexual harassment ?
If so since women don't like to be floundered and touched why not dress so they would not inspire man ?
No... seriously timojin... that statement is fucking stupid for a number of reasons.
First and foremost - if a guy doesn't have the self control to NOT simply grab a woman they find attractive... then they deserve to be, at best, put in a mental health institute, or more likely a prison.
This goes numerous ways - it is no different than a guy walking up to you, grabbing you by the sack, and calling you buttercup because he finds you attractive. Guess you ought to wear a burka as well to prevent that happening?
I'm sure that brought any number of red flags up in your mind, not the least of which is "Why the hell should I change how I dress because some sick fuck tried to touch me?"
Ding ding ding, there's your answer.
Can you rephrase that?Wait, I don't have with controlling my desires. But there is a problem in the society. The people who are en power things might be presented to them as an easy opportunity so they might take advantage, we don't know if the female flirted , in order to get a favor, the important part is the flirt . Things don't start on the street by grabing the but or a tit .
If I may......Can you rephrase that?
Can you rephrase that?
What country do you live in?I believe a young female with all well developed parts of body,is attractive. A male is a predator , if she works under a male , and she will display her position as a flirt, she is at the danger of the predator to make a pass at her.
I believe a young female with all well developed parts of body,is attractive. A male is a predator , if she works under a male , and she will display her position as a flirt, she is at the danger of the predator to make a pass at her.
wrong. you forgot one key discrepancy at the outset and that is she would not be considering it harassment if she had flirted, which would mean that she was wanting that type of attention.
you don't even have to flirt and it doesn't matter how you dress either. all you need to be is a female period to be made a pass at and continual harassment until you become blatantly hostile because predators do not respect your rights.
they heinously think they can bypass you to get to you, which is sick by wearing you down or looking for some vulnerability or if you are alone or single etc and has nothing to do with any type of compatibility because their motives are really only about themselves and what they percieve they can get or use you for; you are an object.
these experiences prove just how many bad or creepy males are out there, which is quite a lot. this all ties into the idea that there are not that many sociopaths but there is a lot. they are just not known until an opportunity presents itself for it to play out in some way. they will not be harassing married women (usually), those in a relationship or those they don't find physically attractive but that still leaves a lot of people.
just in the past couple years, i've been harassed by several men due to my living situation when i rented a room and in two different states. the first one was immediately after i separated from a relationship and it was an onslaught by three men, two of them extremely aggressively. i did not flirt with any of them. i did not even find them remotely attractive. as a matter of fact, i hardly spoke to them but that didn't stop them either.
the second time was when i first moved and had to rent a small place due to less money and again, i was harassed by two men even when there was another female renter there because she had a boyfriend. i did not flirt with them. i had to move again. this time i have my own place so that gives me a barrier and lessens vulnerability to that type of exposure.
one has to consider that the average person is not that keen on intelligence or morals but just enough to get by and not go to prison, couple that with the fact that even more intelligent or people of higher status can also be immoral towards someone, the reality is people are not innocent or the 'good' label that society touts itself to be. "some" of them are, most are just opportunists in every situation.
what i've realized is, there are people who already commit crimes even with the laws in place to deter them but the majority of people do not commit the most obvious or heinous crimes because of the law (not necessarily because they respect that law) and the risk of punishment/jail but if there were no laws or they knew there wasn't going to be any backlash or punishment in society, they would do the same thing as in rape, steal, murder etc. in other words, you would see even a worse society and world.
think about it. if society as a whole was actually that good, then they could be trusted without laws and there would be no change in the levels of crime with or without laws, right? you would have to be an idiot or totally dishonest to believe that.
In Sydney in around 2000 we had a situation with five young males coaxing young women to isolated park and conducted gang rapes and other disgusting actions forced on the unlucky girls. Those boys just happened to be Lebanese Muslim and their disgusting antics saw them sentenced to around 240 years in total in jail. After they were jailed some ratbag Muslim cleric blamed the girls and the seductive way that they dressed, likened them to a slab of raw uncovered meat, attracting flies.
Those animals are still in jail.
The Sydney gang rapes were a series of gang rape attacks committed by a group of up to fourteen Lebanese Muslim Australianyouths led by Bilal Skaf against Anglo-Celtic Australian women and teenage girls, as young as 14, in Sydney Australia in 2000. The crimes, described as ethnically motivated hate crimes by officials and commentators,[1][2][3] were covered extensively by the news media, and prompted the passing of new laws. The nine men convicted of the gang rapes were sentenced[when?] to a total of more than 240 years in jail. According to court transcripts Judge Michael Finnane described the rapes as events that "you hear about or read about only in the context of wartime atrocities".[
The gang rapes led to the passage of new legislation through the Parliament of New South Wales, increasing the sentences for gang rapists by creating a new category of crime known as "aggravated sexual assault in company".[31]
Married individual is less of a predator.
uh no. married people or those in a relationship are less predated on because they are attached and males are more intimidated by other males. not all of them but most of them.
sexual harassment is not about mutual flirtation or even someone trying to find out if someone is interested. predators harass people even when it's not welcome. this is because they are sick or narcissistic in the head/heart and see you as an object. they will do this even when it's blatantly clear someone is not interested. if they really respected other people's rights, then they would back off immediately when it's clear it's unwelcome.
honestly, it is exactly the same as a rapist's mindframe, even if they don't take it that far because the root of it is no respect for the other person's rights. compatibility or mutuality is not the consideration.
you have to be an asshole to not care about how the other person feels or what their choices may be, which may not be you. so what? rejection is as a part of life and if you want to be able to exercise choice, then you should respect the same for others. what's even more obnoxious is they also reject women that they are not interested in and expect their choices to be respected but their values are hypocritical. they are just trying to see if they can get over on someone.
Women in Iran, for example, have said that it basically makes things worse.Does women dressing ,( Burka ) reduces sexual harassment ?
Floundered?If so since women don't like to be floundered and touched why not dress so they would not inspire man ?
I see you have taken a trip and left reality behind, once again?Wait, I don't have with controlling my desires. But there is a problem in the society. The people who are en power things might be presented to them as an easy opportunity so they might take advantage, we don't know if the female flirted , in order to get a favor, the important part is the flirt . Things don't start on the street by grabing the but or a tit .
How the hell do you come up with rubbish like this?I believe a young female with all well developed parts of body,is attractive. A male is a predator , if she works under a male , and she will display her position as a flirt, she is at the danger of the predator to make a pass at her.
Just about every single case of sexual harassment that has been making the rounds in the media and news, recently, the guy doing the harassing has been married. So, pray tell, how do you figure that if the man is married, he is less likely to sexually harass women?Thank you for sharing your view from a female perspective. Interesting what I got from your description, Married individual is less of a predator. I am not saying as a rule , but as proportional marries vs non married.