Actually I don't see the need of a sex forum either. Like CounslerCoffee says, some members are making posts while being at school. It would be a real shame for those members if they are caught while looking at Free Thoughts and the site will be closed because of the amount of sex related threads which are in there with provoking titles, as seen in the eyes of the teachers.
The name is not sciforums for nothing. (which may sound odd, brecause I am known to not post quite scientific
), it might appear then, to outsiders, like teachers, parents and the like that sciforums is not entirely what it's supposed to be. To give information about things going on in the world nowadays. Not that there should not be info on sex, but it is not info, what is displayed here. I do not think sciforums is the place for info on sex either.
Lots of sex sites out on the i-net, for people who really want to join in such conversations.
Therefor, I am against a sex forum. It really is not interesting also, the threads which are there, to say at the least. Rather silly subjects, in my humble opinion. Even for a free thought, rather silly, I must say.
It appears to me too, that it are mostly young members, in their teens who start these threads. It says something about their hormones playing up. I suggest to those members to continue this by PM please if you really need to talk about sizes of sexual organs and the like.