seti@home screensaver


Registered Member
Can you tell us yet what the highest peak power has been? Mine is 194.somethng and that one bar turned red. Is this significant or not? Thanks,ru918
Well.. My highest peak was: 108.783.456.125... and i am not kidding.. I got a response from SETI@home telling me it was a satelite.. :DThe bar goes in to the red all the time, it's really nothing to worry about. The thing you should look after is the"Gaussian" signals..continous signal after a period of time..

How many units have you crunched so far? I am on my 162nd now. #18th at "Team BeOS"

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
hi thanks for the info. It's kind of exciting. The trying, the waiting, the wondering. Boy, I'm pretty new I've only done 30 units. It sure keeps my interest. I just got a peak power of 444. Even if it is a satillite(spelling)it's very interesting and I'm not worried just curious. later, ru918