

Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Im not sure if this belongs here but...
Does anyone know any facts or information on the nature of self destruction? I looked on the net all day yesterday and couldnt find anything. I did find a book that stated 'some people subconsiously act in a self destructive manner.' I find this very interesting and until my book arrives, I dont have any info on the subject. Anyones thought and knowledge of this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and take care

Edit: Never mind - I found another thread in here about this and I cant delete this friggin post!!!!!

Edit#2 - Okay that was more of a eating chocolate and liking self destruction. Im talking more of a "jump into bad relationship after bad relationship, attraction of abusive partners, etc" type of behavior. Being with someone you know you dont want to be with but staying because.. well I dont know why. Could we be subconsiously telling ourselves to do those things because we feel guily about some past experience or whatnot. Okay - I just confused myself - Im going away now :)
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I find failure to be rather exciting. More exciting than success, actually. It's very annoying.
In marriages you find that people stay together, just because they are married for such and such time-period and they don't want to grow old, lonely and sour. What these people lack most of the time is seeing that they become sour and lonely within their relation-ship. Mayhaps it should be better to just leave eachother and go on with a new life, a new road in which you can find a better, more fitting, way of living.

Some people prefer a bad relation-ship above a new road, because then they know what they have. Always better then to go your own way and not knowing what the future may bring, for that's frightening... :confused:

(seriously, I believe you should follow your heart, in any case)

"We're just two lost souls, swimming in a fish-bowl, year after year. Running over the same old ground, what have we found? The same old fears..."
yes banshee,
but i seem find that people cannot deal with change, when say two people have been married,for more than ten years, the develope habbits and ways of dealing with eachother, even if they do hate eachother, and for most of those couples its not worth seperating, they would feel lonley and not have anyone to yell at yes, but also (say one makes dinner and one does the dishes every night) when they both have to do them by themsleves they realize that they used to have someone to do this for them, or just even that they have to do things differently now...
that seems to be the case that old couples break apart and then find that they loved eachother all along, where i really think that it is based on their wanting the old ways back, and not having to change how they live day day lives....
Thanks Wet1 - but Im looking for more of a self-destruction mode. I once read about a woman who was extremely accident prone. And after years of therapy she found out she was subconsously doing these things on purpse but not knowing it - because of some terrible feelings of helplessness that she couldnt keep her marriage together. Well it was something along those lines. I find it very interesting that a person can be making the wrong choices on purpose because of some subconsious voice telling them to do it. Does this make any sense???? Well, I'll keep searching and post my findings.

Groove on:)
So then it is a person with a very low self esteem. I can't believe it showed up after her marriage. It must have been there already. A person is formed over the years, from baby till adult. There should have been more relations, with friends and so on, which caused this "accident profoundness". Like "voices in the attic", a person doesn't hear them, till someone points it out for them.

I can't put it into words quite well. Your subconcious is always present. Whatever you do, it is all part of your own, one, ego.

Guess it is necessarry for people to get help when they are acting like in your self destruction mode. It's a cry for help/attention then, so to say. Trying to destroy yourself, willingly or not, is a sign you don't function well. The post doesn't come out right. I am sorry...Guess I am in the sleeping mode.:) :)

Talk to you later...
I'm sorry, can't help with links and all. But remember that the way we act is hugely shaped by our childhood.

So, the 'bad relationship after bad relationship' could be what a person was taught. For instance, suppose that that person had a parent who was....well, somone they had to take care of. That person might end up in relationships where they were taking care of their partner....

The subconscious, if you believe in such a thing (I do, but my idea of it is different than most), anyways

The subconscious, like the stars, is there all the time. We don't see the stars in daytime, but they're there.
ok if we are talking about doing things to our selves, then i use to drive as fast as i could HOPING to crash (this was just before i tried to comit suicide)

On bad relationships. My cousin has two kids and use to have a partner who beat her (god i would love to get my hands on that basted). She didn't leave because she felt no guy would take a girl with kids

that is prob iralivant but...
No, none of your guys posts are irrelevant. Thanks for sharing.

I think your the closest. I think it is a self esteem problem. A sign that a person doesnt function right. Its just very interesting to me. I think alot of my choices fall under this "self destruction" mode. I never thought of it that way though. Thanks for all your input guys!

Groove on:)