Sciforums Muslim/Arab Bias

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but nirakar, what happened to make this thread? i mean what happened to you in other threads maybe, i mean, anyway you got what i mean, so, ?

and don't think they are like that, it's just on sciforums, and mostly who are the haters are americans, but, not everyone like that
Not everyone that raises concerns about religion or Islam is a "hater". I would defend the rights of Muslims to their freedom of religion.

Not everyone that raises concerns about religion or Islam is a "hater". I would defend the rights of Muslims to their freedom of religion.

i'm not talking about that, i mean the people who are anti-muslims, and anti-arabs, are very few, and not everyone is like that. that's what i'm saying. i didnt say anything aboiut concerning about the relegion, but sometimes, your concerne become hypocrite. because some of you can't accept discussion, they only beleive what they beleive, i mean, for example he says islam encourage terrorism, i give him evidences that it don't, but he still keep saying no it does, that's what i mean, but not all of you are like that, those are just some people. so, moslty i stay away of the relegion discussion with you, and always be carefull, inless it was someone who accept open minded discussion in a respectfull way of everyone's beleifs even if it was stupid.
When your religion tends to characterize unbelievers as worthless, and considers people who want to leave it as unworthy of life, terrorism is one likely result, as long as socio-political conditions favor any kind of warfare.

When your religion tends to characterize unbelievers as worthless, and considers people who want to leave it as unworthy of life, terrorism is one likely result, as long as socio-political conditions favor any kind of warfare.

well well well, another myth, yes, the unbeleivers are called "faker", but killing them??? no that's a myth, that may be Ausamma bin laden islam, but, it's not our prophet mohamed (pbuh) and allah 's's between him, and god/allah, and we have nothing to do with him, it's he's problem, or her problem, between he/her and god, nothing more...
and oh common there's terrorists from any race or any relegion or any beleif.
and you know what, it's useless to discuss with you about this, because, you are as i said, well, not hypocrite, but, you can't really accept discussion, even if we did discuss about, it want change anything, you'll keep thinking about what you used to be thinking about, so, let's just cut it off, ok? i don't want to discuss about this with people who can't appreciate respectfull and open-minded discussion when it comes about this, so, let's just leave it, also it would be useless, and off-topic, and not my buisness...think what you want to think, it's your mind not myne ;)

:peace: don't take anything personnal. ;)
It's a thread about Muslim/Arab bias, and you don't want to discuss the origins of possible bias?

I'm not saying that the Quran explicitly tells Muslims to kill unbelievers, but it does illustrate certain conditions under which it might be acceptable. It also repeatedly characterizes unbelievers as an enemy of God and by extension Islamic people. I understand that there is an Islamic tradition of respecting religion to the point of absurdity. While I do support freedom of religion, I do not support the notion that it is a subject which is beyond discussion or criticism, certainly no religious person feels the same inhibitions when discussing the validity of a scientific theory or the wisdom of certain political decisions.

It's a thread about Muslim/Arab bias, and you don't want to discuss the origins of possible bias?
simple, so you can find a reason to invade us, and the first reason of, is, media, easy, the answer is media.

I'm not saying that the Quran explicitly tells Muslims to kill unbelievers
but it does illustrate certain conditions under which it might be acceptable.

what do you mean?

It also repeatedly characterizes unbelievers as an enemy of God and by extension Islamic people.
yes, but say nothing about killin them, hearting them, or anything...

I understand that there is an Islamic tradition of respecting religion to the point of absurdity

if you mean blind following to islam? defferently not, everyone can ask he's question, to be convicned about it, like me, i had many things wonderign about, and now, i got my answer, and guess what, not by relegion people, but by science, in clear words, it's the same mentioned in quran, just verses i remember.
also, if you mean, terrorism, ever heard of using relegion as a cover? ever heard sick criminals, using relegin as a cover, they can use anything as a cover, no difference than what israeil do in palastine, or u.s.a. did to iraqians.
but we're not discussing about that, we are disuccing about the real islam, not the terrorism islam cover.

While I do support freedom of religion, I do not support the notion that it is a subject which is beyond discussion or criticism, certainly no religious person feels the same inhibitions when discussing the validity of a scientific theory or the wisdom of certain political decisions.

in islam, it tell us to respect all relegion, nd not force anyone to go into our relegin, because if we forced someone into our relegion, he'll hate it, and she' lll hate it. also a woman can never be forced to get married as you think they are forced too, and teh hijab that covers teh face, is not a part of islam, islam don't say anything about it, it just say to dress modestly, and not show the "sexy" parts, lol, anyway, the cloth taht cover the hair, is already a tradional befor islam.

we need both to debate about those things, ok?
i know you're not beleiving me.
war on iran, is coming sooner or later,

The people of the USA don't want another war and don't particularly like the wars they have. This is why the groups in the USA that want the USA to attack Iran must spread more fear and hatred of Iran and Muslims. There is a lot of fear and hatred of Muslims and Iran in the USA now but not enough fear and hatred to get the American people to agree to another war.

but iran want be the only country that would be in war, it would be a huge war, i bet many other muslim countries will be with iran

The Muslim people will be with Iran but their governments will not. The USA and Israel can not occupy nations successfully but they can bomb them to dust if they choose to do so. Because the leaders don't want their nations blown up and because national leaders are often loyal to money and power rather than to their people and justice Iran would not have allies willing to involve their militaries on the side of Iran. Even Syria, would probably do nothing overt. People who want to support Iran would have to act on their own without any overt government support.

if it was their war, a huge war, and deffereenlty israeil will loose, because iran is stronger than israeil, and israeil, if it use nuclear that means it sucieded. iran can get over a nuclear hit,n but israeil can't.

Israel has a high tech military. Israel can win a high tech war against Iran but Israel would gain little from such a war.
Iran would not have allies willing to involve their militaries on the side of Iran.

if i were a sunni nation i'd secretly support an Israeli strike against irani power plants
Israel has a high tech military. Israel can win a high tech war against Iran but Israel would gain little from such a war.

israel is a "1 strike country". a hiroshima sized yield outta finish it off. what say you?
The people of the USA don't want another war and don't particularly like the wars they have. This is why the groups in the USA that want the USA to attack Iran must spread more fear and hatred of Iran and Muslims. There is a lot of fear and hatred of Muslims and Iran in the USA now but not enough fear and hatred to get the American people to agree to another war.
I agree. If however Israel had to go it alone, its practically inevitable that the US would be dragged in. Netanyahu is called "bomber boy". :m:
The Muslim people will be with Iran but their governments will not. The USA and Israel can not occupy nations successfully but they can bomb them to dust if they choose to do so.
A substantial strike against Iran will re-ignite and bump up to another level, the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and spill unpredictably over into Pakistan.
but nirakar, what happened to make this thread? i mean what happened to you in other threads maybe, i mean, anyway you got what i mean, so, ?

I did not like the way your " Shocking news! islam/middle east!" thread was treated. Those other pointless threads about Iran were treated with more respect than they deserved and your thread making a meaningful joke about those threads was given less respect than it deserved.

My answer to a similar question earlier:
Since I haven't been following this thread, perhaps this has already been asked: what's the point? What do you want to see happen? What do you hope to accomplish with this thread?
For me the OP the story of this thread begins in the World Events forum.

Shadow1 made a thread tittled " Shocking news! islam/middle east!" and his OP was "now that i got your attention, why do you always when you see any threat with a word "islam" in it, you all go running to it?!"

People chose ignore what he was saying and just attack him. But Shadow1 is not a confrontational sort of person so the thread meandered somewhat aimlessly.

Hypewaders locked the thread.

I could see what Shadow1 was saying and he was correct.

The thread was

Here are some threads from that forum When shadow 1 made his thread:

Iran "Adultureress" may be executed
Iran TV airs 'confession' from woman facing stoning
Iran digging Mass Graves for US Troops
Iran To Execute 18-Year-Old On False Charge Of Sodomy
Islam and Terrorism

There seems to be no point to these threads other than to say "Muslims bad" or Iran bad". The threads themselves seem like trolling but Shadow1's more meaningful but sardonic thread gets accused of being trolling locked for being pointless.

There used to be a few anti-Muslim thread-spammers who completely dominated the Word Events forum by starting most of the threads with quotes from and links to news stories that made Muslims look bad. I did not like that.

I see a world heading towards a hellish future not because we lack the intelligence to create a wonderful world but rather because we let our normal human chimpanzee-like tribalistic instincts dominate our thinking. Tribalism needs to go because we can't afford it any more unless we are willing to damn billions of future humans to hell.

Nobody is helping Iran or Muslims by acting hateful towards them. But the point of all this anti-Muslim stuff is not to help them. We are just chimpanzees making threatening noises at the neighboring band. There is no more intelligence than that involved here. It is just instinct. I see it for what it really is.

I can't do much about what I know. Basically future humanity will just have to suffer because our animal emotions won't let us use our intelligences to collectively solve the world's logistical soceoeconomic and environmental problems. But I never expected to see the USA elect a black man president. How the hell did that happen. Maybe I underestimate humanity. I think I will continue to waste my time calling out tribalism in it's various forms when I see it here at Sciforums.

I tittled my thread: " Shocking news! Islam/middle east! Part 2" and put it in World events. Hypewaders retitled it and moved it to this forum.

Hypewaders is a decent and fair minded guy and I did not mean to be offensive to Hypewaders when I made a part 2 to a thread that he closed. But as decent and fair minded as Hypewaders is I don't think he sees the Muslim bashing for what it is.

kmguru started a few of the threads which is sort of sad because he is one of the few people that I expect to be able to see below the surface of things.

Iranians needs to fix Iran. If the Muslim bashers wanted to fix Iran I would cut them some slack but I trust my intuition that the bashers don't have a clue what they are doing and are just following their instincts. The Muslims are reading the Wests hostility correctly when they perceive it as hostility rather than as a loving concerned neighbor who wants to help.
israel is a "1 strike country". a hiroshima sized yield outta finish it off. what say you?

Suppose some future Muslim nation with Nukes wanted to punish Israel for unjustly taking Muslims land. That nation can't use it's nukes on Israel as long as all those Palestinians are living so close to the Israelis.

Also despite all the talk of Muslims being hateful and crazy I am not sure that they have as much disregard for human life as the Americans had for Japanese lives back when they used their nukes. The USA needed to impress the Soviets with their ruthlessness in order to avert WW3 and needed to impress the Japanese with the futility of resistance in order to save Japanese and American lives.

The Islamic nations don't have as compelling reasons to use nukes as the USA had unless you believe the stories about how crazed Islam has made those people. I don't believe those stories.

I think those stories are hate propaganda created in part from above to prepare the West for war and in part from below to fulfill an instinctual need for a known enemy tribe that is part of the genetic hard wiring of human beings and perhaps other primates. I think we are programmed to attack the other tribes and take their land when they are weak. This "us them hatred bio-psychological programming" helps us clarify who is part of our network of allied tribes off limits to attack and who is from a tribe not part of the alliance and therefore should have their territory taken from them if they are not strong enough to put up to great of a fight.

I hope in the future instinctual tribal hostility is recognized and suppressed more than it is now even though it is probably more suppressed now than it ever has been in the history of mankind.

Wars are to expensive and too cruel. Humans need to use their resources to manage global population growth and the global environment in a harmonious cooperative way. I am not quite sure how we get to be wise and cooperative from the present state of global foolishness and competitiveness. The fact that our efficiency relies upon the trial and error of competition makes the puzzle more complex. The needed future cooperation can't come at the expense of the efficiency created by competition. War however, is not a vital part of the efficiency created by competition.
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I agree. If however Israel had to go it alone, its practically inevitable that the US would be dragged in. Netanyahu is called "bomber boy". :m:

A substantial strike against Iran will re-ignite and bump up to another level, the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and spill unpredictably over into Pakistan.

i don't think would help it, let's bet on it.

I did not like the way your " Shocking news! islam/middle east!" thread was treated. Those other pointless threads about Iran were treated with more respect than they deserved and your thread making a meaningful joke about those threads was given less respect than it deserved.

My answer to a similar question earlier:

more respect than they deserve?aaaah, i get it, then after all that, wich you call it "respect" to muslims and arabs, and you think it's too much, of something suposed to be "respect", how would it be if you diseacreaset it more ,that "respect", would you bombs us all? wait, you already did
and that thread was kind a joke, not because you give them respect too much, but because people are always very attracted to those subject, so by that headline i bet anyone who passed by taked a look at, but he was disepointed to find that it says why are you all attracted to those, and always discuss about those, don't you ever get bored of?
aaaaah, i seee, soo.. you say.. you should never have any respect to muslims or arabs christian were or muslims, hmm.

just a side question: why do you have complexes in your minds?
I think we are programmed to attack the other tribes and take their land when they are weak. This "us them hatred bio-psychological programming" helps us clarify who is part of our network of allied tribes off limits to attack and who is from a tribe not part of the alliance and therefore should have their territory taken from them if they are not strong enough to put up to great of a fight.

OMG, you still want to find reasons for actions...
OMG, you still want to find reasons for actions...

I am attracted to looking for reasons for actions. If you want to make a joke thread sure to attract me make the thread tittle something about reasons for actions.

I am attracted to looking for reasons for actions. If you want to make a joke thread sure to attract me make the thread tittle something about reasons for actions.

ok, you got it!

but you still didnt answer my side question. ;)
but because people are always very attracted to those subject, so by that headline i bet anyone who passed by taked a look at, but he was disepointed to find that it says why are you all attracted to those, and always discuss about those, don't you ever get bored of?

Then some of the disappointed ones called you a troll instead of enjoying the joke.
If Hypewaders had not locked that thread I would not have made this one.

aaaaah, i seee, soo.. you say.. you should never have any respect to muslims or arabs christian were or muslims, hmm.
People seem to think that if you can't say something bad about Muslims or Arabs then you should not say anything about them at all. I don't like that attitude so I say bad things about the people who want us all to think bad things about Muslims and Arabs. They say Arabs and Muslims need to see and stop their evilness and I say these people who complain about Arabs and Muslims need to see and stop their own evilness.

But I liked your joke better than saying bad things about people. I thought your joke was more graceful than this thread. But Hypewaders did not appreciate your joke.

just a side question: why do you have complexes in your minds?

I don't know.
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