Magical Realist
Valued Senior Member
The Universal Ghost of Dark Matter:
"The cosmic microwave background shows the early effects of dark matter clumping, and these clumps grow under gravitational attraction," she said. "But each of these clumps, the halo around galaxy clusters, was thought to be smooth. People were intrigued to find that high-resolution simulations show they are not smooth, but instead have intricate substructures. The dark world has a dynamic life of its own."
It’s an interesting question. I offered that question to Sciforum members a few years ago. And before all of you pigheaded folks go critical, the man in the video conditioned and prefaced his comments, “putting my skepticism aside”. Science is all about asking questions. The answer is that ghosts, if they exist, cannot be made from any known form of matter. And that answer is portentous news for believers in ghosts.
Since it's science that moved us forward, your criticism is stupid. Science has made judgements on what ghosts are, and it's psychological in nature. It's called confirmation bias. If you believe in ghosts, then you are more likely to interpret anomalous perceptions as ghosts, especially in places where you expect ghosts to be, like old houses. No one has captured valid evidence of ghosts which need any other explanation.If people all thought like you guys, mankind would never have moved forward as all new ideas would of been rubbish.
I will not watch the vid, as i have no interest, but what ever they say or preach about this subject, science does not know on our level what they are, so how do you?
Like i said so many times, humans will only ever answer whats in there minds.
Since it's science that moved us forward, your criticism is stupid. Science has made judgements on what ghosts are, and it's psychological in nature. It's called confirmation bias. If you believe in ghosts, then you are more likely to interpret anomalous perceptions as ghosts, especially in places where you expect ghosts to be, like old houses. No one has captured valid evidence of ghosts which need any other explanation.
As I've said before, it's almost amazing how small minds can be fascinated by the stupidest things. <shrug>
Since it's science that moved us forward, your criticism is stupid. Science has made judgements on what ghosts are, and it's psychological in nature. It's called confirmation bias. If you believe in ghosts, then you are more likely to interpret anomalous perceptions as ghosts, especially in places where you expect ghosts to be, like old houses. No one has captured valid evidence of ghosts which need any other explanation.
When the ghost of Joseph Marley visits Scrooge,
Scrooge says this:
"You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato.
There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!"
And look how wrong he was about that!
Really? You do realize that the book is a work of fiction, don't you? Can you tell the difference between fact and fiction - it would seem that you cannot.
I would deny the evidence for other reasons.Is that like how a career skeptic will deny the existence of ghosts because there is no evidence, and then turn around and deny the existence of evidence because there's no such thing as ghosts?
Ghost Hunter's evidence..for those of you who live in a cave...
Ho-hum <yawn>
Just a group of paid TV actors pandering to the beliefs of silly people for the money.