Science stories of the week

I wonder if we have different levels of consciousness in dreams.
I have dreams where I am just a passive observer and the dream drives itself.
I have dreams where I know what's going to happen, like a film I've seen before.
I have dreams where things happen that are a complete shock - as if an external author wrote them.
I have dreams where I can decide I don't want it to go that way ("AH! I'm falling!" Nope. Gonna take that in a different direction!)
And I have lucid dreams where I know I'm dreaming.

I even have episodes where I am half way between: aware I have slipped from fully-alert consciousness into a semi-conscious fugue, the state just before falling asleep.
I am awake enough to observe what is happening, but I know I'm not fully awake because I can't hold onto thoughts. I forget after a second or two. And I am aware that this is happening. This can last quite some time.

Wait. That's probably not what you meant...
Did you write that wrong?
You corrected it with your interpretation

I put this down to being in a hurry. Woke up about ½ hour ago ànd as I was answering the 2 nurses on medication round came in asking my name and data of birth - one gave me the pills the other jabbed the needle in and gave me the ear drops and tissues to do myself -
breakfast arrived but my bed table had rubbish banana skins from my night snacks which had to be cleared before tray could be put down

Two of many items because I don't eat the eggs option



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Back later
Back with dream

Back to the dreams,I assume that every character in the dream is myself.

Sentence below has been corrected
Did seem like I was anyone else but the back pack helicopter pilot

Last night was another dozzy

I'm going to write it in notes and copy paste here little later

Done result below

Scene 1 number of people in a multi level spa

Scene 2 two people in a room one by a sort of office type tray reading A4 size paper

Scene 3 in a cat stopped beside another car and taking though our open windows

Scene 4 people around odd shape feature with multiple lock mechanisms imbedded
Seems like if we want money which we have earned we have to all use our keys at same time to unlock this whatever

Woke up

I put this down to being in a hurry. Woke up about ½ hour ago ànd as I was answering the 2 nurses on medication round came in asking my name and data of birth - one gave me the pills the other jabbed the needle in and gave me the ear drops and tissues to do myself -
Is that you??

I always get a kick out of seeing the people behind the usernames. :D
Back with dream

Sentence below has been corrected
Did seem like I was anyone else but the back pack helicopter pilot

Last night was another dozzy

I'm going to write it in notes and copy paste here little later

Done result below

Scene 1 number of people in a multi level spa

Scene 2 two people in a room one by a sort of office type tray reading A4 size paper

Scene 3 in a cat stopped beside another car and taking though our open windows

Scene 4 people around odd shape feature with multiple lock mechanisms imbedded
Seems like if we want money which we have earned we have to all use our keys at same time to unlock this whatever

Woke up

This sounds like an alien abduction. lol

Hope you're going to be okay, Michael.
This sounds like an alien abduction. lol

Hope you're going to be okay, Michael.
We all looked human and no aliens seen

Thank you
Perhaps another week just to faten me up should make me ready to go home

Few days home and hopefully soon after 4 weeks Bali with girlfriends

When my a/c was shut off for several hours, the house temp increased much quicker (five degrees in less than two hours) and when it was repaired and began working properly again, it took three+ hours to cool it down five degrees. So, it takes longer to cool something, than to heat something up. It would take far less time to boil one cup of water than to freeze it, for example. I don’t know why I find this so strange.
That's because it's the size of the temperature difference that determines the rate of flow of heat. Your gas flame or heating element can generate a temperature difference between itself and the water of over 100 C deg., whereas the cold side of an A/C or fridge has to stay above 0C to avoid icing up, so the temperature difference is ~30C at the most.

With the house, you have a constant influx of heat from outside, so the A/C has to pump that out all the time, just to stop it getting hotter. To actually take the temperature down, it has to pump out that plus a bit more. It's to do with the A/C capacity rather than anything intrinsic to heating up versus cooling down. Your A/C will be sized to do enough but not more, to save on the cost.
That's because it's the size of the temperature difference that determines the rate of flow of heat. Your gas flame or heating element can generate a temperature difference between itself and the water of over 100 C deg., whereas the cold side of an A/C or fridge has to stay above 0C to avoid icing up, so the temperature difference is ~30C at the most.

With the house, you have a constant influx of heat from outside, so the A/C has to pump that out all the time, just to stop it getting hotter. To actually take the temperature down, it has to pump out that plus a bit more. It's to do with the A/C capacity rather than anything intrinsic to heating up versus cooling down. Your A/C will be sized to do enough but not more, to save on the cost.
Thanks for explaining - I had done a little research on the inner workings of an a/c unit and learned that part of its job is to ''extract hot air'' from the house, as part of the cooling process. I had no idea. lol
Stuff up


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What's interesting to me about this telescope, is we'll be able to see things that used to be ''hidden'' behind dust and clouds.

I guess this means that the ''observable universe'' has grown...
Er... that's not quite what we mean by Observable Universe.

It's just a radius defined by the light that can reach us since it was emitted. That radius only changes as time passes and as the universe expands.
Er... that's not quite what we mean by Observable Universe.

It's just a radius defined by the light that can reach us since it was emitted. That radius only changes as time passes and as the universe expands.

(Edit to add) :

Observable universe - Wikipedia

The word observable in this sense does not refer to the capability of modern technology to detect light or other information from an object, or whether there is anything to be detected. It refers to the physical limit created by the speed of light itself. No signal can travel faster than light, hence there is a maximum distance (called the particle horizon) beyond which nothing can be detected, as the signals could not have reached us yet. Sometimes astrophysicists distinguish between the visible universe, which includes only signals emitted since recombination (when hydrogen atoms were formed from protons and electrons and photons were emitted)—and the observable universe, which includes signals since the beginning of the cosmological expansion (the Big Bang in traditional physical cosmology, the end of the inflationary epoch in modern cosmology).

I learned something new today; I didn't realize that it doesn't refer to the capacity of modern technology to ''reveal'' more (to us), the observer. :smile:
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For all you scientists out there, this one’s for you. I guess retractions mean that science is just doing its job.

The retraction comes even as excitement builds for the class of superconducting materials called hydrides, which includes the carbonaceous sulfur hydride (CSH) developed by Dias’s team. Under pressures greater than at the center of the Earth, hydrogen is thought to behave like a superconducting metal. Adding other elements to the hydrogen—creating a hydride structure—can increase the “chemical pressure,” reducing the need for external pressure and making superconductivity reachable in small laboratory vises called diamond anvil cells. As Lilia Boeri, a theoretical physicist at the Sapienza University of Rome, puts it, “These hydrides are a sort of realization of metallic hydrogen at slightly lower pressure.”

Do you think that the physicist in question, should face any legal penalties? He didn't seem to think he did anything wrong but his peers are accusing him of ''misconduct.'' I was intrigued by this article because of what it could mean for electricity in the future, namely related to electric grids.
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Does evolution ever go backward? | Live Science

Part of the reason evolution doesn't retrace its steps is that adaptations lead to other changes, Brian Golding(opens in new tab), a biologist at McMaster University in Ontario, told Live Science. That makes simply dialing back a specific change extremely complicated.

"If you've made a change … you're going to fine-tune that adaptation, and that adaptation will interact with other genes," Golding said. "Now, if you reverse that one change, all of the other genes are still going to have to be changed" to reverse evolution.

Interesting article. Evolution is ''change.'' It doesn't really have a direction. I wonder if this will join the ranks of ''time,'' in terms of misconceptions of what it is.
Yes, interesting article. Thanks.

"If you've made a change … you're going to fine-tune that adaptation, and that adaptation will interact with other genes," Golding said.

There is occasional loss of genetic material through aberrant DNA repair, DNA replication and cell division. Loss can occur at the base pair level (single nucleotides or small sequences of several nucleotides), or at the chromosomal level (regions of a chromosome or, sometimes, whole chromosomes). Occasionally these errors become evolutionarily fixed.

This isn’t an example of “backwards evolution” but might be misconstrued as such. Vestigial organs/appendages might also be another misinterpreted evolutionary feature.