with me being aware of the differing ideologies from some non western cultures who define western technology as being rich idle privilege where barbarity can be afforded to be not metered out.
there is that similar cultural issue around superstition as you so critically point out.
ironic we see such a massive volume of medieval superstition coming out of the USA toward science & vaccines,
& then as we euphemistically glance over at tribal war lord society's who share the same ideology as those anti-vaxers living as urban westerners.
bizarre as a definition doesn't really cut it.
i am at pains to avoid drowning this thread in moral ideological meme style retort play for those who would much rather play splain both-sides from their position of privilege of wealth, isolation & medical services, gaming extremist social engineering for personal sadistic amusement.
i don't know enough about the Uighurs(or mongol Muslim outlier states) to make any sane cultural comment, except to ponder about the great wall of china & ancient battles between the warring Genghis Khan & century's of armys waging war backward and forth.
the subject is so vast & complex i doubt i can do it any real justice to not precisely limit my scope to superficial understanding from a great distance.
usa how they treat south american border crossers
Australia how they are starting to deport more people(not the same but from an uneducated yobs perspective it may appear very similar in human rights values toward non localised cultures, including its illegal immigrant detention camps which appear to have been run quite poorly from a public relations perspective)
when a small group of violent radicals inside your peaceful refugee caravan decide to burn everyone's housing & food to the ground, what do you do ?
line them up against the wall and be done with it to save the majority who are peaceful & non violent ?
i guess there is a need for hard prison services adjacent to illegal immigrant border jumpers to isolate & secure such people to prvent them from destroying all the food & possessions of the others.
but it seems this has not been done.
instead some type of toxic compromise which almost baits the non violent to be human shields or pawns.
i will leave it there before i get to far off track
- point is
- using USA as a convenient example do we see a different public valuation of medical officers (nurses & doctors) which is discriminatory compared to the institutionalized value of police & military officers ?
is there something here that can be learnt from ?(i think so 100% but its possibly to awkward for the average person to evaluate their own moral absolute value system they currently have propped up like a rusty old tin shit house
now we see entire countrys attempting to secure vast borders to prevent re-infection
just like all those apocalypse American movies
but its real
its happening
do feel free to make a comment on what i have posted above.
maybe if you wish start a thread of civil control & human rights of mixed national law & order ideologies of the value of human values/ethics & morality
and/or go check out
Tiassa s' thread
... http://www.sciforums.com/threads/mask-burning-the-ethics-of-freedom.164101/ ...