Left-handed people have been persecuted for following the "devil". The left path is evil, while the right path represents goodness (or so it was believed). Left-handed people were forced to become right-handed (and probably feared) so as to follow the righteous path of god and get into heaven. Or something to that effect. Unfortunately, I do not know how far back that dates.
I've always enjoyed learning vocabulary and etymology (tho oddly i feel my vocabulary doesn't actually reflect this interest lol). Anyway, the french word for "right" is "droite". In English, adroite is to be skillful. The french word for "left" is "gauche". In English, gauche means to be clumbsy or socially awkward. Left in general has negative connotations.
To my knowledge, ambidextrous means "both are full of skill". ambi = both, dextr = skill, ous = full of. playing the latin roots game. I'm no ace on the roots, but I think dextr is typically associated with right. And sinister, well excellent example. sinstr in latin means unlucky or toward the left.
As far as being discriminated against today...eh I don't see it. I am left-handed, and I have never felt out of place...or like a demon for that matter lol. The only thing I hate about it is getting the ink all over my hand as it crosses the page as I write. To demonstrate my illustrious vocabulary, it sucks.
Some interesting reading here on handedness bias: http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/lspeak.html#basic
I've always enjoyed learning vocabulary and etymology (tho oddly i feel my vocabulary doesn't actually reflect this interest lol). Anyway, the french word for "right" is "droite". In English, adroite is to be skillful. The french word for "left" is "gauche". In English, gauche means to be clumbsy or socially awkward. Left in general has negative connotations.
To my knowledge, ambidextrous means "both are full of skill". ambi = both, dextr = skill, ous = full of. playing the latin roots game. I'm no ace on the roots, but I think dextr is typically associated with right. And sinister, well excellent example. sinstr in latin means unlucky or toward the left.
As far as being discriminated against today...eh I don't see it. I am left-handed, and I have never felt out of place...or like a demon for that matter lol. The only thing I hate about it is getting the ink all over my hand as it crosses the page as I write. To demonstrate my illustrious vocabulary, it sucks.
Some interesting reading here on handedness bias: http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/lspeak.html#basic