you are absolutely right but even though, i've assessed one would have to be a generally mean hearted, disgusting or evil human being to not like the topics in the fringe subforum. its not just the lack of scientific evidence bs that's been the mantra, it's more than that. you can tell it's also because it's not mainstream interest. in other words, it's like your typical oprah watching suburban housewife or schmo who thinks he's better because his interests are never 'wacky' as in out there, so not weird. so that means you and the majority of the members here are pretty much the real nasty jerks, no matter how polite you may try to appear online.
it's like most of my neighbors in this middle to upper-middle class condominum complex and how they discuss bonnie raitt or mariah carey or what concert they went to, how many margaritas they drank or their job or what mainstream tv show they watched etc and think they are so interesting but are obnoxiously boring as hell as they are crass too, even though they are your typical conventional nod to some fundamental religion such as raised catholic etc in their level of assuming that shit is the bomb as well as their shit don't stink. nothing 'out there' or you are the fringe or wacky. they are the important ones that count. they are shit and no better!