Religion and women.

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What can be done to have all religions reject their teachings that women are inferior to men.

In my opinion...
the research into some variation of a reincarnation cycle has the potential to scare us guys into rethinking our approach to life as well as to all the women in our lives.

This is a good beginning....

But we need to get into the parts of the research that more directly connects our human soul or spirt to potential past lives all across the spectrum.

" I saw that I had been both wealthy and poor, man and woman, sick and well, royalty and common personand even victor or villain Yet, I fully understood that each life was vital and going on for a much needed purpose.

Every lifetime, I learned, is orchestrated by our guides and the Elders to flow perfectly with one anotherteaching us something important about life, the Self, the Self of others, our Creator and the potential that exists within the Super Universe that surrounds us all. For the first time I had a comforting sense of trust that no matter what happened to a person in life, only good could ultimately come from it, as down the road God eternally works all things to a good end. " (Christian Andreason, chapter five)
What are these preferences that women are receiving over men, as part of the ''system?''
Same as blacks in the 60's, hiring blacks to high positions they didn't deserve for causes of trying to giving them more equity.

Just in Trump's administration was born the idea by feminists that Congress must have 50 50 men and women...

Today, such a claim is not heard anymore, I wonder why.

In divorce cases, even when the woman cheated on her husband, the judge gives the custody of the children to the woman as first preference. What about that?
Same as blacks in the 60's, hiring blacks to high positions they didn't deserve for causes of trying to giving them more equity.

Just in Trump's administration was born the idea by feminists that Congress must have 50 50 men and women...
Do you question the capabilities of men in these roles or do you assume that they are all doing a good job, simply because they’re men? But you question women in these roles, because of gender? Do you feel men should be in certain roles while women should be left out?
Do you question the capabilities of men in these roles or do you assume that they are all doing a good job, simply because they’re men? But you question women in these roles, because of gender? Do you feel men should be in certain roles while women should be left out?
Who says "good job"?

Has anybody EVER donated money to their government for doing such a "good job"?
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Same as blacks in the 60's, hiring blacks to high positions they didn't deserve for causes of trying to giving them more equity.
Positive action, as you describe, is a voluntary addressing of imbalances caused, in these cases, by the instituional racism that prevented them from achieving those positions in the first place. Meritocracies are all well and good, as long as there is not the discrimination from the outset that holds people unfairly back.
Just in Trump's administration was born the idea by feminists that Congress must have 50 50 men and women...
Do you think this a bad idea? Given that the US is almost 51% female, some might argue that you should have 51 women on Congress so as to more fairly represent the demographic of the country.
So why shouldn't Congress be 50:50 men to women? Do men make better decisions? Heck, do the men currently in Congress make better decisions than those who aren't in Congress? Do you really think that they're not there because they don't deserve to be?

In divorce cases, even when the woman cheated on her husband, the judge gives the custody of the children to the woman as first preference. What about that?
That's not a preference of men over women, at least not in the US nor the UK, but simply in putting the welfare of the child first. The things the courts consider do generally favour the mother, because the mother tends to have been the primary care-giver for the child, and continuity of that is seen as important. If the father had been the primary care-giver then the father would probably be awarded custody. But even that is just one consideration.
Sure, the role of primary care-giver, and possibly the other considerations, favour women but in part that is also due to sexism, where families are structured around the idea that the man goes out to work, the woman raises the child. Is it any wonder that if the woman is seen as the one raising the child in the marriage that they get preference to maintain that role afterward?

But my point is that while there will undoubtedly be cases that favour the woman simply because they are a woman (and that alone is grounds for appeal) the vast majority will be assessed on what is best for the child. Will the courts always get it right? No. But that's beside the point.
Who says "good job"?

Has anybody EVER donated money to their government for doing such a "good job"?

This may sound strange to you..... but I actually have a diabolical, dastardly, despicable and devious plan in my head floating around related to paying off the national debt of Canada... and the USA... and Israel.... and Australia..... and at least one European nation willing to accept a challenge..... (I am kind of hoping for The Netherlands)...... but I am biased.... The Dutch are noted for being astonishingly respectful to Canadian veterans! Believe it or not......although I left his Liberal Party within months of his being given a majority government...... I have to admit that the terribly flawed P. M. Justin Trudeau is PERFECT for the dastardly plan that is on my "mind?!"

P. M. Justin spite of all of his many, many, many, many, many, many flaws.... has in fact done a "good job" of handling this Covid 19 pandemic in such a way that illustrated significant comprehension of Quantitive Easing, MMT and the history of Social Credit Economic Theory and even the Cooperative Movement as it has shifted the economy of Canada over this past century!

Our Canadian ..... P. M. Justin Trudeau..... is NOT an idiot!!!!
This may sound strange to you..... but I actually have a diabolical, dastardly, despicable and devious plan in my head floating around related to paying off the national debt of Canada
Nothing in that relates remotely to the thread topic. Please post on the topic.
What can be done to have all religions reject their teachings that women are inferior to men.
It's not something baked into religion, it's something baked in the wider patriarchal society. Religion just reflects the society in which it exists-- we need to change society and dismantle patriarchy in order to end misogyny.
Granted, that will almost certainly entail dismantling organized religious institutions that propagate that patriarchy. But there is a gulf of difference between "religion" in the abstract, and specific religious organizations (i.e. Churches).
What can be done to have all religions reject their teachings that women are inferior to men.

I wrote up something this morning for Mother's Day that might work on some of us guys if we have at least some respect for the Book of Genesis and perhaps for published author Rick Joyner?

So the last shall be first and the first last" and Mother's Day.

Genesis 1:19 - 21
"And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

Assuming a linear time line for Genesis chapter one we can see that the animals were created even before Adam was made...... and Eve was created pretty much last of all just before the creation of the Sabbath ......... which to my thinking implies that women are set up by their Creator to fulfill this verse in a special way......

"And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all." (Mark 9:35)

"And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all." (Mark 10:44)

Rick Joyner from The Final Quest :
" As I approached the Judgment Seat of Christ, those in the highest ranks were also sitting on thrones that were all a part of His throne. Even the least of these thrones was more glorious than any earthly throne many times over. Some of these were rulers over cities on earth who would soon take their place. Others were rulers over the affairs of heaven, and others over the affairs of the physical creation, such as star systems and galaxies. However, it was apparent that those who were given authority over cities were esteemed above those who had even been given authority over galaxies. The value of a single child was more than a galaxy of stars, because the Holy Spirit dwelt in men, and the Lord had chosen men as His eternal dwelling place. In the presence of His glory the whole earth seemed as insignificant as a speck of dust, and yet was so infinitely esteemed that the attention of the whole host of heaven was upon it.

I remembered what a friend had once said, "When an omniscient God asks you a question, it is not because He is seeking information." I looked at the thrones. I looked at those who were now seated. I could recognize some of the great heroes of the faith, but most of those seated I knew had not even been well known on earth. Many I knew had been missionaries who had expended their lives in obscurity. They had never cared to be remembered on earth, but only to Him. I was a bit surprised to see some who had been wealthy, or rulers who had been faithful with what they had been given. However, it seemed that faithful, praying women and mothers occupied more thrones than any other single group." (Rick Joyner, The Final Quest).
A pointless exercise, since you have confirmed that you do not take on board any information I present to you. Indeed, you typically just ignore it all.
Stop lying, and take a look at the data I provided.
f you're interested, the history of "witchcraft" and the various persecutions for it, are very well documented and studied by historians. Accusing a woman of being a witch was (and still is, in some places) a very convenient method for ridding oneself of a woman one dislikes, especially in an environment of kangaroo courts, show trials and prosecutors who stand to gain personally by "rooting out" supposed witchcraft.
Look at the data I sent, devil.
“Kangaroo court”?

Do you believe in witches, Jan? Does your religion teach you that women are witches?
Stop asking stupid questions
Moderator note: Jan Ardena has been warned again for trolling and knowingly telling lies. He has not modified his behaviour following previous warnings for the same things.
You’re the liar James.
You and you mindset types have an aversion to truth. I now understand what it means to be a liar.
Moreover, Jan has chosen to repeat his demands that other members explain why they believe he is sexist and/or misogynistic,
Of course Jan has, because Jan is neither of those things. :rolleyes:
Jan resorts to altering members’ quotes when losing an argument. Nothing new to see here.
What does it feel like to claim that you are a theist, while not being a theist?
I don’t hate anyone, but I will call out misogyny when I see it, even if it’s from theist men.
If you don’t have love wegs, then hate is your companion.
Your false allegations, accusations, and aversion to the truth, makes you “systemically hateful”.
IOW you act like you’re all nice, and friendly, but as soon as someone calls you out, we see these negative qualities rise to the surface.
I’ve been thinking about the dynamics of this thread and how misogyny has been on display throughout it.
There is no misogyny in this thread.
There are real misogynists out there who hate.
You hate the truth, which is why you easily throw serious insults around. Your hatred shows when you are challenged to give an account of the truth.
There is a guy (actually two now) who gaslights, harasses, lies and bullies the women in this thread who called out his misogynistic posts, several pages back.
Stop lying.
The only people bullying are those with the power to ban, and those who brown-nose them.
As the pages go on, he becomes angry, belittling, accusing women of lying and then accuses them of hating men.
Yet when asked to show this so called bullying, and anger, you are powerless to oblige. You are weak, and that has nothing to do with being a man or woman, or any race.
It’s just interesting to see it unfold throughout this thread.
Your weak position, and lies have already unfolded.
You’re just going to pander to your like-minds to give you the illusion of being right.
Of course Jan has, because Jan is neither of those things.

So, Jan, analogously we might recall Tulia, Texas. What happened in Tulia is pretty straightforward: Based on the unsupported word of a drug-addicted white cop whose history included being busted for stealing from his prior department, police in Tulia arrested about ten percent of the town's black population.

Now, perhaps you might suggest this wasn't racist inasmuch as the heaviest sentence was handed out to a white guy.

But that's just it, the white guy sired a child by a black woman; there's a reason why he got a 361 year sentence.

And the Salem witch trials were a property dispute; that's why they stacked stones on an old man until he suffocated to death.

The only people bullying are those with the power to ban, and those who brown-nose them.

Y'know, I told you a few years ago why people need you. That hasn't changed. To the other, you don't really do yourself any favors.

Remember, more than one answer can be true: There may be no real reason to have confidence in James R, but you're still Jan Ardena, and people have every reason to have even less confidence in you.
Yet when asked to show this so called bullying, and anger, you are powerless to oblige.
Easy to show.

"You are weak"
"Your weak position, and lies have already unfolded."
" hate is your companion."
"Your false allegations, accusations, and aversion to the truth, makes you “systemically hateful”."
"You hate the truth."
Hi Tiassa, I’m not sure how the Tulsa Texas scenario is relevant to the quote. Maybe you can clarify.
Y'know, I told you a few years ago why people need you. That hasn't changed. To the other, you don't really do yourself any favors.
What do you mean by that?
Remember, more than one answer can be true: There may be no real reason to have confidence in James R, but you're still Jan Ardena, and people have every reason to have even less confidence in you.
You need to unpack that sentiment clearly, and simply.
Why does anyone need others to have confidence in them? Is what I say true or false?
If you think it is false, then explain why. If it is true, then that should be accepted. If you’re not sure, then we can further discuss it, to see if we can develop a clearer understanding.

Having, or recieving confidence for and from others, means acceptance, even if what is accepted is a lie, or grossly mistaken. Just as we see in this, and many other threads.
Confidence should be in the truth, not the person who delivers the truth. It is the truth that is the settler, not the person.
What is happening here is a snapshot of what is currently occurring throughout the world.
Easy to show.

"You are weak"
"Your weak position, and lies have already unfolded."
" hate is your companion."
"Your false allegations, accusations, and aversion to the truth, makes you “systemically hateful”."
"You hate the truth."
So where’s the bullying and anger you spoke of?
She made false accusations and allegations, and when asked to provide evidence, she couldn’t.
Instead she adds more accusations and allegations.
I think you’ll find that like her, and James, you are the one that is angry, and ok with the actual bullying that is going in here.
Just take a look at your posts :rolleyes:
So where’s the bullying and anger you spoke of?
Right above. You know, where you were calling her names and attacking her. (Just because you feel like you are in the right when you bully someone does not mean you are not bullying them.)

And of course you know that. You are the most dishonest and hateful person here.:biggrin:
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