Dennis Tate
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What can be done to have all religions reject their teachings that women are inferior to men.
In my opinion...
the research into some variation of a reincarnation cycle has the potential to scare us guys into rethinking our approach to life as well as to all the women in our lives.
This is a good beginning....
But we need to get into the parts of the research that more directly connects our human soul or spirt to potential past lives all across the spectrum.
" I saw that I had been both wealthy and poor, man and woman, sick and well, royalty and common personand even victor or villain Yet, I fully understood that each life was vital and going on for a much needed purpose.
Every lifetime, I learned, is orchestrated by our guides and the Elders to flow perfectly with one anotherteaching us something important about life, the Self, the Self of others, our Creator and the potential that exists within the Super Universe that surrounds us all. For the first time I had a comforting sense of trust that no matter what happened to a person in life, only good could ultimately come from it, as down the road God eternally works all things to a good end. " (Christian Andreason, chapter five)