Red Cold Loving Bacteria For Mars


Registered Member
Previously discussed Cold Loving Bacteria can be used to bring life to Mars from Earth, a Cold Loving Algae named "Watermelon Snow" (C.nivalis) is a candidate for a Photosynthetic Algae which has a Red Bloom color and is commonly growing on ice which is also photosynthetic.

"Watermelon Snow" (C.nivalis)


The only thing that needs to be done is the gene for cold shock resistance put a promoter in front of it to survive on Mars's much colder climate of -50 after a nuclear reheat around -20 to -10. a plasmid which is a circular piece of DNA with several other Cold Shock Resistance genes could also be spliced into the genome of these Algae to produce a Extremephile C.nivalis strain which could survive on mars.

Plasmid Map for Inserting other organisms genes into the Bacteria of Their Cold Shock Resistance Genes such as CBF1 and others of the Csp family.



Promoter Sequence for over-expression of Cold Shock Resistance Genes


Which using Photosynthesis will turn most of Mars's CO2 atmosphere into O2 (6CO2 + 12H2O + Light -> C6H12O6 + 6O2+ 6H2O)

This C.nivalis bacteria/Alage's Photosynthesis will transform Mars's CO2 Atmosphere to O2 using The Oxygen Cycle using water making a breatheable atmosphere in very cold temperatures after genetic modification of its genome making Red Life on the Red Planet.

Previously discussed Cold Loving Bacteria can be used to bring life to Mars from Earth, a Cold Loving Algae named "Watermelon Snow" (C.nivalis) is a candidate for a Photosynthetic Algae which has a Red Bloom color and is commonly growing on ice which is also photosynthetic.

"Watermelon Snow" (C.nivalis)


The only thing that needs to be done is the gene for cold shock resistance put a promoter in front of it to survive on Mars's much colder climate of -50 after a nuclear reheat around -20 to -10. a plasmid which is a circular piece of DNA with several other Cold Shock Resistance genes could also be spliced into the genome of these Algae to produce a Extremephile C.nivalis strain which could survive on mars.

Plasmid Map for Inserting other organisms genes into the Bacteria of Their Cold Shock Resistance Genes such as CBF1 and others of the Csp family.



Promoter Sequence for over-expression of Cold Shock Resistance Genes


Which using Photosynthesis will turn most of Mars's CO2 atmosphere into O2 (6CO2 + 12H2O + Light -> C6H12O6 + 6O2+ 6H2O)

This C.nivalis bacteria/Alage's Photosynthesis will transform Mars's CO2 Atmosphere to O2 using The Oxygen Cycle using water making a breatheable atmosphere in very cold temperatures after genetic modification of its genome making Red Life on the Red Planet.

Two issues:

1) these organisms need liquid water to function. They may survive at -50C but they won't be metabolically active.

2) I imagine every Mars mission will go to extreme lengths to avoid any chance of contaminating the Martian environment with terrestrial organisms.
Two issues:

1) these organisms need liquid water to function. They may survive at -50C but they won't be metabolically active.

2) I imagine every Mars mission will go to extreme lengths to avoid any chance of contaminating the Martian environment with terrestrial organisms.

I can address your 1) the csp family of proteins speeds up the production of other proteins so actually it would have a faster metabolic rate in colder temperatures and this is after a nuclear reheat and melting of the polar ice caps of mars as Elon Musk suggests there is another thread in my database that address that. With the number 2) this if we want to terraform mars and end the zero contamination policy that NASA and Etc. currently use.
Haven't we gotten ourselves in enough trouble by terraforming earth?

I dunno what you expect me to say to that... The earth needed to be able to sustain a civilization of 7 billion humans, so we built cities and such. I would hope that Mars could be a place where we do that too. This civilization will eventually need more land and resources to sustain it's population's consumption, Mars seems ideal since nothing lives there that we know of. Even if we just mine Mars for Iron which is basically the entire surface of Mars, I think it could be very profitable and useful to setup a colony. Think about when this civilization has 50 billion people or even higher amounts, we will need more resources and land to sustain them.
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You seem to be confusing "the earth" with "we".

We are the only self-aware civilization on the earth, we are all that matters on this planet furthermore you are human thus what is good for you is good for the earth. The earth is just a lump of various elements, the self-aware lifeforms are what matter on it because we are from this species called Human or "We". Let me guess you are one of those environmentalists that think that any sort of changing of the natural habitat is a monstrosity against nature and that your own species is a blight upon it's own planet?
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... we are all that matters on this planet furthermore you are human thus what is good for you is good for the earth.
That's the attitude that got us where we are now, on a burning planet.

The problem is that we are pretty bad at figuring out "what's good for us".
That's the attitude that got us where we are now, on a burning planet.

The problem is that we are pretty bad at figuring out "what's good for us".

Fair Enough, I accept the ramifications of my actions, not of this entire species. I dunno what to say to that Mr. Sideshowbob, I am more a humanitarian myself I think that we should put the priorities of the species above that of lower lifeforms and the planet. You know that billions of humans live in poverty from lack of resources, I put forward the possibility they could live better lives via the changing of the earth and other planets into better states, more hospitable to them. I would love to see every human have All the basic resources they need such as food, clothing, and etc.
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You know that billions of humans live in poverty from lack of resources, I put forward the possibility they could live better lives via the changing of the earth and other planets into better states, more hospitable to them.
I don't dispute that. I dispute our ability to foresee what will make a "better state".
I don't dispute that. I dispute our ability to foresee what will make a "better state".
Okay then, what would you suggest? I am not against different thoughts about the subject. You know the goal of posting this on forums is the interaction with others to improve the ideas not to say "Oh, Look at me". I seek many different perspectives on the subjects with I wanted to just have them sit on a "Oh, Look at me" state I would publish them to a journal.
I would suggest that "terraforming" might not be a good idea.
Fair Enough, Mr Sideshowbob, I will take that under advisement, however I cannot promise if given the opportunity I won't terraform Mars with these genetically engineered bacteria/algae.
I dunno what you expect me to say to that... The earth needed to be able to sustain a civilization of 7 billion humans, so we built cities and such. I would hope that Mars could be a place where we do that too. This civilization will eventually need more land and resources to sustain it's population's consumption, Mars seems ideal since nothing lives there that we know of. Even if we just mine Mars for Iron which is basically the entire surface of Mars, I think it could be very profitable and useful to setup a colony. Think about when this civilization has 50 billion people or even higher amounts, we will need more resources and land to sustain them.
The idea that the human population is destined to go on increasing has been shown to be wrong. It is predicted to plateau. The goal should be to adapt society so that the predicted plateau level of humanity can be supported sustainably, here on Earth.
The idea that the human population is destined to go on increasing has been shown to be wrong. It is predicted to plateau. The goal should be to adapt society so that the predicted plateau level of humanity can be supported sustainably, here on Earth.

Really now, that is different than I would have thought isn't population growth still increasing, exchemist? I would like to see a copy of your data about this plateau of human population, last I checked which was 2012 It was still increasing however data is subject to change over time.

This is the data I have about the subject.
"Global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year. The global population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.9 billion in 2020 and ("
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Really now, that is different than I would have thought isn't population growth still increasing, exchemist?
Yes, but the second derivative is now negative. That means it will eventually plateau, if this trend continues,
Yes, but the second derivative is now negative. That means it will eventually plateau, if this trend continues,

Well, when you people start having babies again this can be used then, I dunno what to say to that, I guess stop looking at explicit content on the internet and have babies?
I dunno what you expect me to say to that... The earth needed to be able to sustain a civilization of 7 billion humans, so we built cities and such. I would hope that Mars could be a place where we do that too.
I just don't get this. Antarctica is FAR FAR more hospitable than Mars. It's warmer, it has oxygen and water, food (well, some, anyway) and it would be a thousand times easier to 'terraform' Antarctica.

Or underwater. 70% of the Earth is underwater. And again, you have water, oxygen (dissolved in the water) minerals, food etc.

I mean, if you want to go to Mars, go to Mars. But if you want to increase the carrying capacity of the Earth, do that here. Or just reduce our population so what we have right now is enough.
Well, when you people start having babies again this can be used then, I dunno what to say to that, I guess stop looking at explicit content on the internet and have babies?
??? People are having babies. But the average number of babies is going down. It's down to 2.4 babies per woman. (The US is at 1.7) If we can get the average birthrate down to 2.1, then population will decline.
I just don't get this. Antarctica is FAR FAR more hospitable than Mars. It's warmer, it has oxygen and water, food (well, some, anyway) and it would be a thousand times easier to 'terraform' Antarctica.

Or underwater. 70% of the Earth is underwater. And again, you have water, oxygen (dissolved in the water) minerals, food etc.

I mean, if you want to go to Mars, go to Mars. But if you want to increase the carrying capacity of the Earth, do that here. Or just reduce our population so what we have right now is enough.

Well, Yes I would love to create life on another planet that would someday tell me I am a idiot for making them and also go to Mars but however I cannot just do it alone, that's really the issue I need you other people, I don't just have 80 trillion dollars to just pay you to do everything for me, plus that would suck to travel alone into the universe.