Crap "parody?" Fine. Irresponsible? Sure. Inflammatory? Yep. Just don't call it incitement.
You made fun of Donald fucking Trump. In that sense, it occurs to wonder what you expected.
So this probably isn't the time to tell the one story about this guy I know who something, something, Burt Ward, went trumpfan on me twice, &c., and so on, ad nauseam, but it's a fun bit, and kind of lion and hedgerow Zen. I'll have to throw together a version, sometime.
More relevant to the moment, though, James R did invoke Poe's Law, and, honestly, go ahead and believe him on that count.
• • •
I don't know exactly what you're referring to. I guess you have chip on your shoulder about some past perceived injustice done to you. Is that it?
You never remember.
Parmalee's offense was sufficient to require augmented points and duration, but apparently not important enough to remember. In its way, this point stands out.
I promise, the forgetfulness is not among your endearing traits.
Okay, there was the one time you forgot something I would rather forget, but never mind, since you've probably forgotten, again. Still, though, while it's true I don't like being called out for something, I almost can't imagine myself putting on that particular air. What would I have done that pissed someone off like that, and then forgotten? That's the part I have a hard time imagining. Oh, hey, I know, it's a particular insult, and I can think of maybe two specific people I would have smacked that way, and I've probably hit several people with a version of it, but it would be really hard to so blithely pretend to have no idea what someone was referring to.
Oh, right. Never mind. It also occurs, late in the writing, to observe that something goes here about reading the passage with the proper sniffing, leering,
¿what'd they dose him with? rambling cadence of a Trump campaign rally. It's funny, because my first advice to Parmalee would have been to just shrug and say something about a lack of subtlety.