What African Americans experience goes beyond a "feeling".
Which you have done yourself.
If the over representation of African Americans in the criminal justice system because of over policing and the sheer number of black people killed by the police, some even in the back as they are running away, or choked to death on camera, the answer to your question is yes, black people are being targeted unfairly.
Is there such a thing as white privilege? Yes. Your posts in this thread are evidence of this. Is there a solution? Certainly. Stop stereotyping them and stop being racist. Yes, it really is that simple.
Do I know how long it will last? It won't stop as long as people racially profile, stereotype based on ethnicity and skin colour and are racist.
And yes, people of other ethnic groups also suffer.
To give you a primary example of the racism that exists in your country.. One only has to look at the election (twice) of your first black President. People tout this as being an example of just how your country is not racist and how black people are not treated unfairly. They fail to acknowledge that Obama has been subject to racist and bigoted accusations, such as he is not even an American for the whole tenure of his Presidency. The birther debate is a prime example of the racism that pervades your society and the political establishment.
A few things about this paragraph.
There is no "however" after saying slavery was "absolutely terrible". "However" is a means to shove it under the rug to excuse current opinions about black people and equally bad, claim victimhood because you are white. You may not have participated in it, but you currently reap the benefits of it. The attitudes about blacks from the days of slavery, which are only a few generations ago, prevail. The belief that they are lazy, live in ghetto's, for example, that they are less intelligent, etc, stems directly from the days of slavery.
To declare that you feel "no black man should ever use that an excuse for his anger" shows a clear disconnect to the reality that black men face because of the attitudes that continue to exist about black people from days of slavery. What? Do you expect them to ignore the history of how they came to be in the US? Your country celebrates when white people first appeared in the US and your country's growth and development, a lot of which was built on the backs of slaves, but you seem to believe that any group that suffered as a result of that, should simply ignore their history. To wit, your country would not be where it is today without the pain and suffering of their ancestors. Declaring that they should not feel enraged about this is racist.
Are you serious?
The reason behind their poverty can be traced right back to the fact that they were never given the chance for an equal footing in the US. There is a reason why poverty is so pervasive among African Americans and that can be traced right back to slavery. The cultural mindset that existed back then about African Americans continues to this very day. And your next comment is simply an example of that:
This is exceptionally racist and offensive.
To wit, you are simply parroting attitudes whites had about blacks in the days of slavery to justify slavery. That blacks were violent and needed to be controlled, that they were too stupid to do anything or lacked the skills to amount to anything or do anything without being owned and controlled, that they lack education (while being denied the right to an education and many slaves were killed for simply learning to read - the term "uppity nigger" existed to describe any black person who dared to become educated or consider themselves 'equal' to the white man, the stereotype that they are rapists, violent, are unable to have families.. The argument you just made, is the exact justification that white slaver's used and racists used to mistreat black people.
Have you considered how many black people or hispanics lost job opportunities (or housing, access to education, health care) because of their skin colour or ethnicity?
What breeds racism are attitudes like what you have espoused in your opening post.
Yes. Sometimes it's better to stop when you are well behind.
Is this the same Fire Department that throughout the US, have consistently blocked non-whites from joining their ranks in equal numbers to whites?
The vast majority of murders in the black community, is done by other black community members, so this "sheer number" of murders done by police is actually very small. In addition to that, the vast majority of the small number are justified. This is obervable fact and easily researchable.
A black individual of presemt day doesnot struggle in society due to his skin color. They certainly don't lose jobs for it. If they have the qualifications they succeed as any other member of society does. However, many never get qualified for higher paying jobs, because many simply don'tgraduate high school, and even fewer college. This is not racist, but another observable fact.
No argument i have made could be used to mistreat people or enslave them. that is just your purposeful misrepresentation. I am simply pointing out facts, and then having reasonable interpretation of the facts.
What I am doing, is showing the anger they portray is unjustified, and directed wrongly. For instance, if "black lives matter" it would stand to reason that they attack the source of the vast majority of the murders, which isnt white people or cops.
Why should other races represent equal portions of the fire department when they dont represent equal portions of our population? They shouldn't. You are being emotional.
Nothing i have said is racist, its simply true.