Question for the members, why not get rid of "On the fringe" section...


Valued Senior Member
Why not get rid of the "On the Fringe" section (and "Cesspool") and include all that in "Free Thoughts" and just erase "Cesspool" if it's so bad that you can't even comment any longer?

This is just "housekeeping" obviously but it might be a little more honest way to deal with these topics.

Say whatever you want in "Free Thoughts" and eliminate all the criticism of every thread in "On the Fringe" which is kind of a disingenuous section anyway. The administrative climate is that no one seems to really want it here and it's negatively moderated non-stop so eliminate the faux acceptance and just post whatever thoughts you have in "Free Thoughts".

"Cesspool" is just ridiculous on its face. If it's so bad that it can't be anywhere else and it can't be commented on why even have such a category?

Instead of having a convoluted "banning" system, just post what you want but only in "Free Thoughts"? It would be easier on the moderators. Refrain from hate speech and excessive name calling and the 70 point must system for banning can go as well.
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Why not get rid of the "On the Fringe" section (and "Cesspool") and include all that in "Free Thoughts" and just erase "Cesspool" if it's so bad that you can't even comment any longer?
Or make Cesspool visible only to moderators.

Or just ignore it. Or make it so you have to click a few times to get there. It might have some marginal utility in terms of looking up old threads.
Why not get rid of the "On the Fringe" section [...] Say whatever you want in "Free Thoughts" and eliminate all the criticism of every thread in "On the Fringe" which is kind of a disingenuous section anyway. The administrative climate is that no one seems to really want it here and it's negatively moderated non-stop so eliminate the faux acceptance and just post whatever thoughts you have in "Free Thoughts". [...]

Seriously? The "free" adjective is truly that literal or devoid of sarcasm with respect to any topic matter?

Does anyone actually believe MR could post a UFO or paranormal thread in Free Thoughts, and that not likewise attract scrutiny and policing from the Committee of Public Safety?

Plus, the elevated presence of prowling bureaucracy in FT could then incrementally spill over into the conventional, "innocuous" topics. (IOW, it's probably not without future risks to the subforum's environmental norms.)

At the very least, MR and others should experimentally try the above first, to see what happens. Before legislation proceeds to the point of officially dropping the guillotine down on Fringe section.

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Why not just delete problematic threads? Not sure why they're ''archived'' under Cesspool. I like the ''Fringe'' section, because it shows that those topics are welcome (paranormal, UFO's, etc). ''Free thoughts'' could include any and all ''off topic'' subjects, but it might get a little messy.

And how about adding a popcorn-eating emoji?
Why not just delete problematic threads? Not sure why they're ''archived'' under Cesspool. I like the ''Fringe'' section, because it shows that those topics are welcome (paranormal, UFO's, etc). ''Free thoughts'' could include any and all ''off topic'' subjects, but it might get a little messy.

And how about adding a popcorn-eating emoji?
Maybe we should get rid of the Science section. It's rarely actually about science. Maybe that's the section that a little disingenuous?
Why not just delete problematic threads? Not sure why they're ''archived'' under Cesspool.

It's from a former time, a place to put things in order to not delete threads. Consider the idea of how much effort you or anyone else might put into a discussion if your post could be nuked entirely because of someone else's attitude problem. It actually worked well enough, as a quiet solution, for a while, once upon a time.

Just out of interest, why do you keep coming here? What most engages you on sciforums?

It's clear that you don't place much value on our Fringe subforums.

You also say that, in your opinion, the content in our Science sections is "rarely actually about science". Does that bother you?

Which sections of the forum keep you coming back regularly? I'm really interested to know. Or is it something else about the forum that holds your interest?

Just out of interest, why do you keep coming here? What most engages you on sciforums?

It's clear that you don't place much value on our Fringe subforums.

You also say that, in your opinion, the content in our Science sections is "rarely actually about science". Does that bother you?

Which sections of the forum keep you coming back regularly? I'm really interested to know. Or is it something else about the forum that holds your interest?

It's the people. I'm just a people person.

Just out of curiosity, what keeps you here? Are you a people person too?
It's the people. I'm just a people person.

Just out of curiosity, what keeps you here? Are you a people person too?
I like to control people and being an internet site administrator strokes my ego and fuels my megalomania.

Nah! Really it's because I love you all deeply and I'd miss you if I left. Yes, even you, Seattle. Aw shucks. I'm welling up here.
Forum Constabulary: can't live with them, can't live without them?

Standing on a dais soapbox, the Emancipator inquires of the angry crowd: "How many of you in this neighborhood would like to replace the police with social workers?"

Spending a few moments to ponder the noble compassion and anti-systemic-oppression sentiments of this option, a slight majority raises their hands.

Suddenly, at a ridiculously opportune moment in the clockwork of French philosophy misfortunes and the physical realization of haggard tropes... Gunshots and assorted screams ensue from the building across the street, as three individuals exit and scurry into a waiting vehicle.

Via an ironic derailing of expectations that it would be some privileged philodox delivering the death blow... A scruffy, addled character at the back of the gathering wheezes: "Recount!"

"Cesspool" is just ridiculous on its face. If it's so bad that it can't be anywhere else and it can't be commented on why even have such a category?

To remind from the last time you went off about whatever:

• The Cesspool was originally for threads that had run so far awry; we retained other people's work instead of deleting the thread, and then blocked bots and spiders from indexing the content. At some point, lacking any other solution, it became a dumping ground for a lot of stuff the staff was unable to clean up as their permissions have slowly and quietly been curtailed over the years. (March, 2022↗)

Toward that, we should probably recall your lamentation↗ that, "It's hard to have a discussion forum on the interest with this limited traffic", long enough to inquire: You do realize that you're part of the problem?
To remind from the last time you went off about whatever:

• The Cesspool was originally for threads that had run so far awry; we retained other people's work instead of deleting the thread, and then blocked bots and spiders from indexing the content. At some point, lacking any other solution, it became a dumping ground for a lot of stuff the staff was unable to clean up as their permissions have slowly and quietly been curtailed over the years. (March, 2022↗)

Toward that, we should probably recall your lamentation↗ that, "It's hard to have a discussion forum on the interest with this limited traffic", long enough to inquire: You do realize that you're part of the problem?
I don't "go off".

I'm not part of any problem.

You do realize, to the one, that you post to an audience of one, and to the other, footnotes aren't needed. "Twixt you and I, you aren't helping any problem that may or may not exist on this forum. Ya'know?

Cesspool is a name that you moderators came up with. It's derogatory. Just erase it or leave it alone. Refusing to allow additional posts is silly. How many additional posts could there be? No one is here. The site "rules" are ridiculously complicated for the traffic.

Footnotes on a self-blog for a readership of one is delusional as well, wouldn't you agree?
Specifically, what problem am I a part of?

If limited traffic is an issue, maybe that's why moderator permissions have been curtailed?

Here's a thought. Let regular members post for a week and let moderators step back and see if traffic grows.
Specifically, what problem am I a part of?

You're a disincentive. It's a long story.

If limited traffic is an issue, maybe that's why moderator permissions have been curtailed?

Doesn't match up with time frames. Do you think it through when you whine and complain? Or do you just say whatever?

Here's a thought. Let regular members post for a week and let moderators step back and see if traffic grows.

Like that. What are you hoping for? It seems kind of a random proposition compared to the prospect that stepping back might have dissuaded traffic over the long run.
You're a disincentive. It's a long story.

I've got time. Why criticise and then not explain? Too busy with the blog?

Doesn't match up with time frames. Do you think it through when you whine and complain? Or do you just say whatever?

I'm like you, I just react.

Like that. What are you hoping for? It seems kind of a random proposition compared to the prospect that stepping back might have dissuaded traffic over the long run.

I hope you don't think "moderating" is an attraction of this site. Believing in Bigfoot would be less delusional.

Question for you, should I lengthen my posts and footnote? Maybe that would increase the traffic?
No one is here. The site "rules" are ridiculously complicated for the traffic.
You're here. It's because you're a people person, I heard.

What are you adding, in terms of value, to the forum? Or is that not your concern?