Q: Why does Islam call Jews & Christians non-believers [Infidels]?

Infidel are referred to disparagingly, are taxed differently, sometimes have their beliefs legally banned, are sometimes even murdered for their inherent logic. Only a bigot could be blind to the prejudice inherent in the words Sand Nigger.
Infidel are referred to disparagingly

Like alcoholics or prostitutes?

are taxed differently

Just like different classes of entities or residents

sometimes have their beliefs legally banned

Only when the government chooses to do as such... "Legally" is legally okay. They can leave the country if they don't want to abide by their laws?

Is it okay to drink and drive, ever? Prostitutes?

are sometimes even murdered for their inherent logic.

sometimes a lot of shit happens.

Peace be unto you ;)
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Let me respond to you in a manner in which you sound to me. Think about if it sounds like a bigot. Because, sure you're not calling me a sand nigger, you're instead calling me an "infidel" but, to my ears, its the same thing.

Like alcoholics or prostitutes?
You mean like sand niggers.

Just like different classes of entities or residents
Don't whine any more about Jews taxing sand niggers differently or not allowing sand niggers to vote or calling Arabs who aren't Jewish, "sand niggers" behind their backs.

Only when the government chooses to do as such... "Legally" is legally okay. They can leave the country if they don't want to abide by their laws?
Oh, like building new settlements on the land that the sand niggers think is there - oh, well sometimes a lot of shit happens.

Is it okay to drink and drive, ever? Prostitutes?
like banning sand niggers from returning to their homes. Oh well, that's the law. And hey, defining Palestinians as sand niggers, no biggie.

sometimes a lot of shit happens.
Like those new homes being built in the West Bank. Oh well, Infidels lose a bit more land.
Peace be unto you ;)
I wouldn't want to keep you from your cross burning.

In my opinion a philosophy that not only encourages the denigration of other humans, but actually places it at the center of it's life-philosophy, isn't really a philosophy at all, it's really just hate-driven drivel spewed from cold hearted pea-brained tossers who model their morals according to mythical tribal identities and/or Bronze Age superstitions.

Lastly, alcoholics have a disease and need treatment. Many are mentally unwell or have lived through traumatic events. They should be thought of compassionately, not cold-heartedly. Most "prostitutes" have been molested as children. Many have neurological deficits from a lifetime of child abuse, battering, physical trauma. How easy it is for you to refer to them as prostitutes. Primitive bigoted societies used to buried these poor women up to their necks in sand while groups of men chanted to God and stone the "Prostitute's" face until she is dead. Some still do. These women, mothers and children should cared for and helped. Many unconsciously swallow needles and pins and x rays often find these lodged in leg veins and in the gut. One person's prostitute is another child's mother.

- Infidel is a bigoted term just like sand nigger.
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Like alcoholics or prostitutes?

You should consider for a moment that equating the use of the term "kaffir" to that of "alcoholic" or "prostitute" is not really advancing your contention that it is a non-derrogatory term lacking any bigoted cultural connotations or other offensive characteristics.

Or just keep driving your train of thought in reverse, if you like. It's certainly more amusing...
You've just side stepped the question the second time... so I'll repeat it again...

Sorry: just assumed that you'd recognize the inherent hate in the term by this point. I mean, I thought I'd made it clear that by equating an obviously negative term to a group of people that clearly does not deserve such a label, you're revealing that your viewpoint is based on sheer bigotry. My mistake.

Is calling an alcoholic an alcoholic bigotry?

No, because alcoholism is an obviously bad social decision. Being non-Muslim is obviously not a bad or immoral decision, unless you can point to some evidence thereof. I'm fairly sure I could dump a few thousand articles about the negative effects of alcoholism on people.

Sure.... if Mohammedan just means 'followers of Muhammad'.

Not at all. 'Mohammedan' means "those who worship Mohammed as a god". I make no explanations as to why you are a Mohammedan; it's self-evident and descriptive.
Like alcoholics or prostitutes?

Or Mohammedans?

Just like different classes of entities or residents

So alternate taxation based on religion is acceptable to you. Okay. Is wholesale exportation based on religion acceptable? Do you go to Finnsbury Park?

Is it okay to drink and drive, ever? Prostitutes?

It's funny, all those years with Sam accusing me of the very stuff you're actually in favour of. And then remembering how often she ever challenged you on it. Which is never.

So much for 'moderacy'.
Nice for you to jump back in again- I guess you found an opportunity to skip the question thanks to my reply to Michael...

Thread question was answered- I don't have an obligation to get rid of your insecurities. Sayonara.

Peace be unto you ;)
Thread question was answered to my satisfaction, but in a manner that doesn't help your insecurities about the fact that I exist.

Sorry I wasn't in earlier: while I did answer your question - and very aptly, I might add - I don't hang on the thread like a wayward woman. It's called having better things to do than discuss a fellow's bigoted opinions with him. I suppose you could call that insecurity, if I were insecure about something; but projectionism is for cinemas, lad. Keep it in mind, all right?

And while we're on it, since I better know your mind these days: take your peace and shove it. ;) Bye bye.

I didn't answer the thread for you, I answered the thread for the OP. If you were satisfied or not is irrelevant to me.

Peace be unto you :bawl:
No, you answered my questions about you.

To hell with the peace you offer, pig.
No, you answered my questions about you.

To hell with the peace you offer, pig.

It's occurring to me that the pointed, routine invocation of that valediction in every single one of 786's posts (particularly in these contexts) has long made for a compelling demonstration of exactly the sort of casual supremacism at issue here.
He's on the wrong side of history so it doesn't matter. Either he will change his opinion in time or live a frustrated life in a very small and ever shrinking world while the rest of society at large progresses right on past him.
You should consider for a moment that equating the use of the term "kaffir" to that of "alcoholic" or "prostitute" is not really advancing your contention that it is a non-derrogatory term lacking any bigoted cultural connotations or other offensive characteristics.

Or just keep driving your train of thought in reverse, if you like. It's certainly more amusing...

No. I was just pointing out that bigots talking about bigotry is funny.... I was just trying for them to realize that they're bigots.

If you're not a bigot- then I'll be able to discuss seriously.. Unfortunately I don't believe in non-bigotry to even exist. So I wouldn't take you seriously either :D

Everyone is a bigot. When you stop calling people prostitutes, or alcoholics, or anything that holds any negative meaning.. Come back and tell me 'kafir' is a bigotted term.

Until then, I'll call it 'accepted bigotry' that exists in all forms of society that ever make the distinction between something being better than another (good vs evil?). If you realize this then you'll find this discussion as pointless as it is.... I commend Michael on continuing his pointless discussions.

This was my last post as I think it clearly explains where I was coming from. If you still don't understand then so be it. GeoffP is getting mad too, so its best I stopped anyways.

Note to mod: thread has been resolved and its getting into a pointless discussion- close the thread.

Peace be unto you :wave:
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Well, it used to be normal for people to use terms like sand nigger, make fun of Asians, portray Africans as slow and stupid, without batting an eyelash. Even common cartoons like Bugs Bunny reinforced these stereotypes.




The point is we, as a society attempt to progress past these stereotypes. Islam OTOH appears to reinforce negative stereotypes. As a matter of fact, one of the central tenants of Islam is there is only One God and those cultures and people that suggest otherwise are corrupted, wrong, base, etc... in some way they are lesser than the "True Faith", their religious books are inferior, etc... It's so bad that there are actual laws against leaving Islam. As if you can prevent a person from intellectualizing - how small minded.

Welcome to Bronze Age 2010

Buddhism appears to have the capacity of being practiced with the superstitions intact in a manner that does not require being bigoted against other people in order to create the illusion of elevating it's own ideology. Which is effect what Islam is doing.
No. I was just pointing out that bigots talking about bigotry is funny.... I was just trying for them to realize that they're bigots.

If you're not a bigot- then I'll be able to discuss seriously.. Unfortunately I don't believe in non-bigotry to even exist. So I wouldn't take you seriously either :D

It follows that you are a bigot, and so it is funny for you to try to talk about it, or attempt to "enlighten" others.

Everyone is a bigot. When you stop calling people prostitutes, or alcoholics, or anything that holds any negative meaning.. Come back and tell me 'kafir' is a bigotted term.

I don't see why one would have to refrain from using any terms with negative connotations to see that some term is bigoted.

You realize that "negative connotations" is not the same thing as "bigotry," right? That referring to devoutly religious people are "unbelievers" is comparable to referring to married women as "prostitutes?"

Until then, I'll call it 'accepted bigotry' that exists in all forms of society that ever make the distinction between something being better than another (good vs evil?).

In that case I'll call you an Islamofascist sandnigger from now on.

'Accepted bigotry,' right? Nothing to complain about?

If you realize this then you'll find this discussion as pointless as it is.

Indeed, everyone has become clear on the crucial point that you are here to advance and defend your own cultural bigotries, and have no interest in meaningful introspection or respectful consideration. And so you've been written off as a bigot not worth seriously engaging with. If that's what you were going for, well, great job I guess. Or you can always call everyone else a bigot to save face, or something...

This was my last post as I think it clearly explains where I was coming from. If you still don't understand then so be it.

There has been no absence of understanding of your position here. But if it makes you feel better to play on some troll pretense that you're misunderstood, then run with it I guess. At least you'll leave with the conviction that this line of argument is counterproductive, which - short of actual introspection and respect - is probably the most that can be hoped for.

Peace be unto you :wave:


I didn't call everyone 'else' a bigot. I said 'everyone' is a bigot if they hold to any sense of right or wrong as any society does... whether your 'bigotry' is based on religion or your own rationale thinking.

By the way- your example of the devoutly religious person- its taken out of context.. 'Unbeliever' is a subjective term... so the point of view (hence context) matters. I'm just as much an unbeliever to Christians as they are to me. If you're not willing to understand the contextual perspective of the word-

If a person wrote 2+2 = 5 , and someone said you're an idiot- that doesn't mean he is stupid in all respects. He is just from the perspective of mathematical capabilities- an idiot. I'm a kaffir if a Christian said it, and I have no problems with being labeled a unbeliever by a Christian. Because I happily profess that I do not hold the same beliefs as a Christian.

I didn't seem to get through to you guys.... keep pointing the finger of bigotry without accepting your own bigotry (which I did) :bravo:

This is a pointless discussion.

Peace be unto you ;)
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It's occurring to me that the pointed, routine invocation of that valediction in every single one of 786's posts (particularly in these contexts) has long made for a compelling demonstration of exactly the sort of casual supremacism at issue here.

It's a funny kind of peace.

By the way- your example of the devoutly religious person- its taken out of context.. 'Unbeliever' is a subjective term... so the point of view (hence context) matters. I'm just as much an unbeliever to Christians as they are to me. If you're not willing to understand the contextual perspective of the word-

Rather, you're not willing to understand the insult of the word. Others will do but your preference is clear - unless you can simultaneously think that alcoholism and prostitution is both good and bad. Absurd.

Only in your world are the bigots bigots simply for being.
There's a lot of bigotry out there anyway. So, it's even more sad when we find a religion (which are supposedly supposed to promote good will towards ALL people) instead helping to maintain and promulgate a bigoted worldview.
On a slightly more positive note, or at least a more tolerant direction, I noticed Christian America tend to describe a person's beliefs, such as: "She's not Christian but Hindu" rather than use a label, such as: "She's a Pagan" or "She's a Heretic". Which reflects a rather modern idea that anyone regardless of belief can go to heaven, depending on their deeds in life. Something modern Christians may have developed as an offshoot of Democracy and Meritocracy?
Possibly so. The Catholic Church adopted some kind of "divine awareness" perogative: the idea that if you weren't exposed to Christianity but believed that some greater deity of roughly the size and shape and goodness and inventiveness of Jehovah was around, well that was good enough for them. Can't recall the principle; don't know how much recognition it really has (I've never really talked to other Catholics about it and it might well be low for all I know); just sort of figured the idea was good enough for me.

Personally, for all I know it doesn't matter a bit. I've never been able to conceive a good and kindly God not taking people because they don't believe exactly the same as me, except perhaps in my darkest nightmares. I simply go on faith - right or wrong - that that latter simply isn't so and that people are judged according to their merits.

So: meritocracy, I suppose. Catholics do believe in the importance of good deeds and all. But I have a hard time imagining other people really truly thinking others will get turned down simply because of the finer points of faith. I mean, I can well understand what they say, but it just has no hold on me.