Q: Why does Islam call Jews & Christians non-believers [Infidels]?



This issue has always seemed ridiculous. The Jews have been monotheist the longest time and encountered existential battles to defend it, while Muslims have only recently assumed monotheism. I wonder what criteria applies for this false charge - it surely cannot be based on revelation derived by a person or name. Any clues?
Because Jews believe that those who are not Jews cannot enter Heaven.

Because Christians believe that those who are not Christian cannot enter heaven.

Because Islamists/Muslims believer that those who are not Islamist/Muslim cannot enter heaven.

I really don't see the mystery here.

This issue has always seemed ridiculous. The Jews have been monotheist the longest time and encountered existential battles to defend it, while Muslims have only recently assumed monotheism. I wonder what criteria applies for this false charge - it surely cannot be based on revelation derived by a person or name. Any clues?

How come you don't mention all the Jewish fanatics who do the same thing, criticizing other peoples and sometimes even calling for their heads? What makes them any better than Islamic fanatics? And on that subject, at least an Islamic fanatic will let you convert to Islam even if you're as white as a Viking. Jewish fanatics don't seem to offer that option, you're either born Jewish or you're not. What's up with that? What are all the gentiles supposed to do, then, besides praying to God for "better" DNA all day?
Incorrect. A person can convert to Judaism.

Not in any sect recognized by the Israeli government. Sure there are more liberal sects, especially in the west, where you're free to do that, but it would be like converting to Mormonism and then expecting the Catholic Church to accept you as a full-blooded Christian. If you're not Jewish and you want to get married to a Jew from Israel, convert to Judaism and gain Israeli citizenship, there's no legal guarantee you can do that unless you know the right rabbi to bribe.
Not in any sect recognized by the Israeli government. Sure there are more liberal sects, especially in the west, where you're free to do that, but it would be like converting to Mormonism and then expecting the Catholic Church to accept you as a full-blooded Christian. If you're not Jewish and you want to get married to a Jew from Israel, convert to Judaism and gain Israeli citizenship, there's no legal guarantee you can do that unless you know the right rabbi to bribe.

Again, this is incorrect.

I don't know where you're getting your misinformation, but it is mis.
Because Jews believe that those who are not Jews cannot enter Heaven.

You are exposing yourself - to redicule. Even if what you say is true, it does not accout for why Islam should refer to those who declare themselves to be monotheist as unbelievers.

And why you equate "EQUAL RIGHTS TO THE STRANGER AS THE INHABITANT'; 'THEREFORE YOU SHALL LOVE [RESPECT] THE STRAGER'; 'ONLY THE SOUL THAT SINS IT SHALL PAY' - with 'ITS A BLESSING TO KILL THE UNBELIEVERS' - remains a mystery. Please show where the Hebrew bible makes the claim you have accused it of - only Jews go to heaven!?:confused:
Not in any sect recognized by the Israeli government. Sure there are more liberal sects, especially in the west, where you're free to do that, but it would be like converting to Mormonism and then expecting the Catholic Church to accept you as a full-blooded Christian. If you're not Jewish and you want to get married to a Jew from Israel, convert to Judaism and gain Israeli citizenship, there's no legal guarantee you can do that unless you know the right rabbi to bribe.

The Israeli Govt is the world's most rightious one in Geo-History, despite being emersed in a sea of unrightious regimes panting for her demise - with no reasonable premise other than Islamist Nazism disguised as rights of the Pretend Pals. Israel became the world's greatest democrasy in record time compared to any other country. The infidel claim is hardly vested in the Israeli/Arab conflict - it predates this by 1,500 years; this is also seen when all the claims upon Israel today were non-existant in 1948, when the Arab regimes attacked with a declared goal of genocide. Nor are Jews the only ones accused of being infidels: Islam massacred some 70 Million Hindus when it invaded India - it claimed the hindus were infidels and a blessing to kill..

This issue has always seemed ridiculous. The Jews have been monotheist the longest time and encountered existential battles to defend it, while Muslims have only recently assumed monotheism. I wonder what criteria applies for this false charge - it surely cannot be based on revelation derived by a person or name. Any clues?

A 'believer' is one who believes what God has revealed- anyone who rejects it is not a believer....

You can't be a believer if you only accept 1/3 of the revelation.. Its quite simple. Because rejecting 2/3 of it is what made you into non-believer.

So is Satan a believer? He was (prior to downfall) better than all of us combined.. Its what he rejected that led to his downfall. Don't tell me you think Satan is not a monotheist. If there is anyone who is a monotheist before all of these religions it was Satan. But he is still a 'nonbeliever'.
A 'believer' is one who believes what God has revealed- anyone who rejects it is not a believer....

You can't be a believer if you only accept 1/3 of the revelation.. Its quite simple. Because rejecting 2/3 of it is what made you into non-believer.

No. Rejecting our texts only means he's a believer in something else.

Believer/unbeliever talk. What a load of horseshit.
A 'believer' is one who believes what God has revealed- anyone who rejects it is not a believer....

You can't be a believer if you only accept 1/3 of the revelation.. Its quite simple. Because rejecting 2/3 of it is what made you into non-believer.

OK, now please tell what is the stuff Jews don't believe that is possessed with Islam?

So is Satan a believer? He was (prior to downfall) better than all of us combined.. Its what he rejected that led to his downfall. Don't tell me you think Satan is not a monotheist. If there is anyone who is a monotheist before all of these religions it was Satan. But he is still a 'nonbeliever'.

I don't believe in satan - only satanic deeds:

No. Rejecting our texts only means he's a believer in something else.

Believer/unbeliever talk. What a load of horseshit.

I suspect Islam is leaning only on a self preferred and self interested NAME. Islam gave the world no laws and there is no such thing as Islamic Law.
Again, this is incorrect.

I don't know where you're getting your misinformation, but it is mis.

no he is right and even than only one group works. if your not orthodox Israel is loathe to extend its benefits to you reform and conservative jews aren't always jewy enough for Israel
no he is right and even than only one group works. if your not orthodox Israel is loathe to extend its benefits to you reform and conservative jews aren't always jewy enough for Israel

If you deflect from the thread, at least be credible: Muslim Israeli Arabs are members of Israel's parlaiment and get better rights than in their own regime states. Jews are "ILLEGALLY" barred from even entering a host of regime states, which were created 100 years ago and have no historicity.

Now please tell us what laws or premisies not followed which make Jews as infidels. Understand the question? :shrug:
If you deflect from the thread, at least be credible: Muslim Israeli Arabs are members of Israel's parlaiment and get better rights than in their own regime states. Jews are "ILLEGALLY" barred from even entering a host of regime states, which were created 100 years ago and have no historicity.

Now please tell us what laws or premisies not followed which make Jews as infidels. Understand the question? :shrug:

No I don't. like usual no sane person can make a fucks load of sense of what you said. I'm totally confused how your responding to the post.

this is the bast guess to answer your question
A 'believer' is one who believes what God has revealed- anyone who rejects it is not a believer....

You can't be a believer if you only accept 1/3 of the revelation.. Its quite simple. Because rejecting 2/3 of it is what made you into non-believer.

So is Satan a believer? He was (prior to downfall) better than all of us combined.. Its what he rejected that led to his downfall. Don't tell me you think Satan is not a monotheist. If there is anyone who is a monotheist before all of these religions it was Satan. But he is still a 'nonbeliever'.
You missed Mormonism - so you're 3/4 not 3/3.

You can't be a believer if you only accept 3/4 of the revelation.. Its quite simple. Because rejecting 1/4 of it is what made you into non-believer.
No I don't. like usual no sane person can make a fucks load of sense of what you said. I'm totally confused how your responding to the post.

this is the bast guess to answer your question

Your a coward pointing me to a dictionary. It means you have no answer and the Islamic doctrines are based on racism and hatred. Otherwise you would clearly and specifically respond to such an important issue which is vested in your scriptures. After all it is the question of the thread. Do you even know why!?
no he is right and even than only one group works. if your not orthodox Israel is loathe to extend its benefits to you reform and conservative jews aren't always jewy enough for Israel

How much stolen land is enough for Muslims? Jews, to my knowledge, have never occupied another peoples' lands ever - not in their entire 4000 year history, despite being dispersed across the nations.

Why are Jews forbidden in Jordan - which is 100% historical and legal Jewish land? IMO, this is perpetrated by European Christianity and constitutes a crime against humanity. But who is judging Europe and Islam - there is no Nuremberg 11 trial on the radar. I say, mighty Rome was bigger than Christianity and Islam combined. Judge can be subtle and mysterious for those who keep silent of such repeated crimes.

Jewish Palestine is the Land of Israel

October 08, 2010 | Eli. E. Hertz

The "Mandate for Palestine," an historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law.

The "Mandate for Palestine" was not a naive vision briefly embraced by the international community. 51 member countries-the entire League of Nations-unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:

"Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."

It is important to point out that political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the same League of Nations in four other mandates-in Lebanon and Syria [The French Mandate], Iraq, and later Trans- Jordan [The British Mandate].

Before the Zionist movement assumed concrete form, among the first to express approval of the return of the Jews to Palestine was John Adams, the second President of the United States, who wrote to Maj. Mordecai Manuel Noah, the first American Zionist, as follows:

"I really wish the Jews again in Judea, an independent nation; as I believe, the most enlightened men of it have participated in the amelioration of the philosophy of the ages; once restored to an independent government, and no longer persecuted, they would soon wear a way some of the asperities and peculiarities of their character. I wish your nation may be admitted to all the privileges of citizens in every part of the world. This country (America) has done much; I wish it may do more and annul every narrow idea in religion, government, and commerce" (1819).

Any attempt to negate the Jewish people's right to Palestine-Eretz-Israel, and to deny them access and control in the area designated for the Jewish people by the League of Nations is a serious infringement of international law.

For more of this subject: http://www.mythsandfacts.org/Confli...ne/Mandate for Palestine-11-20-07-English.pdf
Your a coward pointing me to a dictionary.
Because dictionaries are bad?...

Why is anyone a coward for daring to point you to a dictionary so that you can actually look up the real meaning of words instead of what you've pulled out of your twisted little beliefs?

It means you have no answer and the Islamic doctrines are based on racism and hatred.
So because he points you to a dictionary that gives you the exact definition, you consider that to be a bad thing?

Tell me something IamJoseph, what is your answer to the term Gentile or Goy when used in the context such as with "The King's Torah", by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira?