I tend to think of it like this:
There are Psychologists and then there are Psychiatric Doctors.
A Psychologist, will listen to your thoughts, ask you questions and postulate reasoning into the reasons of why you are, and how to help you the way you want to be.
A Psychiatric Doctor, is someone that looks at the state of you and then perscribes you some dodgy medicine because it keeps them in a job.
Quite simply the mind can't be treated with a Drug or drugs, the reason I say this is because the problem might just be one neural pattern or pathway, and a drug is just so General.
I mean general in the sense that it doesn't select the area thats the problem but floods the whole system trying to deal with one spot. (Most of the time, it's easy for a Psychiatric Doctor to wrongly perscribe drugs)
Make sure you know the difference if you ever have to deal with them, if your being perscribed medicine by them, theres a good chance their a quack.
There is also the point that they tend not to keep up with the Scientific community, and are quite happy to come out of their Medival torture chamber dressed in black, looking for people to inquisition. (Okay I had to add comedy)
There are Psychologists and then there are Psychiatric Doctors.
A Psychologist, will listen to your thoughts, ask you questions and postulate reasoning into the reasons of why you are, and how to help you the way you want to be.
A Psychiatric Doctor, is someone that looks at the state of you and then perscribes you some dodgy medicine because it keeps them in a job.
Quite simply the mind can't be treated with a Drug or drugs, the reason I say this is because the problem might just be one neural pattern or pathway, and a drug is just so General.
I mean general in the sense that it doesn't select the area thats the problem but floods the whole system trying to deal with one spot. (Most of the time, it's easy for a Psychiatric Doctor to wrongly perscribe drugs)
Make sure you know the difference if you ever have to deal with them, if your being perscribed medicine by them, theres a good chance their a quack.
There is also the point that they tend not to keep up with the Scientific community, and are quite happy to come out of their Medival torture chamber dressed in black, looking for people to inquisition. (Okay I had to add comedy)