Psychic Control and Manipulation of Physical Matter 101


Registered Member
I have come to a point/a conclusion and have made a final decision and I believe that it is for the better of the people of this world especially innocent victims of our sick and demented rulers and their pathetic control system they have created on this world, now to release this information I possess to "anyone whom I deem as worthy" to receive the understandings of the things I will now speak of....I have been studying and experimenting for a long long time now and have countless hours dedicated to discovering or uncovering truths about our minds as humans and the potential and abilities that we also possess as humans....This is a reality and I can not wait to see how many people reply....Now I am here to present to you the "Fact" that our minds and or more simply put our conscious thoughts possess the ability to control, create, manipulate and even change the structure of any physical matter of course with restrictions and limits....I possess the exact 100 percent repeatable scientifically perfect methods of doing so and am willing to now share my discoveries with the public because I believe that the potential for positive creation of things and stable control of our existence is possible by applying these sciences and ideas if controlled....My email is [personal information removed by moderator] and I now am eagerly awaiting any replies and interest in my ideas....Thanks....Amen.
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I have come to a point/a conclusion and have made a final decision and I believe that it is for the better of the people of this world especially innocent victims of our sick and demented rulers and their pathetic control system they have created on this world, now to release this information I possess to "anyone whom I deem as worthy" to receive the understandings of the things I will now speak of....I have been studying and experimenting for a long long time now and have countless hours dedicated to discovering or uncovering truths about our minds as humans and the potential and abilities that we also possess as humans....This is a reality and I can not wait to see how many people reply....Now I am here to present to you the "Fact" that our minds and or more simply put our conscious thoughts possess the ability to control, create, manipulate and even change the structure of any physical matter of course with restrictions and limits....I possess the exact 100 percent repeatable scientifically perfect methods of doing so and am willing to now share my discoveries with the public because I believe that the potential for positive creation of things and stable control of our existence is possible by applying these sciences and ideas if controlled....My email is [deleted] and I now am eagerly awaiting any replies and interest in my ideas....Thanks....Amen.
I am glad you feel that you have discovered something important. Unfortunately this is not science, so you have incorrectly put this in the science section. I guess even deities make mistakes :wink:. I will ask the mods to move it to a more appropriate section for you.
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I possess the exact 100 percent repeatable scientifically perfect methods of doing so and am willing to now share my discoveries with the public
OK. Please share your 100% repeatable scientific evidence here. This is a public forum. A brief summary of your evidence would be a good start.
Moderator note: For now, this thread has been moved to Pseudoscience, pending the presentation of the promised scientific evidence. Once that is posted, I will move the thread back to one of our Science sections.
I await developments here eagerly.

So many before have had such evidence, and were prepared to to deliver it to a waiting world, ushering in a new dawn of world awareness, but have been thwarted at the last minute by unforeseen forces.
But not this time.
Although, I must confess I'm skeptical, if this turns out to actually be God I think this post should be moved to the religious sub-forum. Only time will tell....
... if this turns out to actually be God I think this post should be moved to the religious sub-forum. Only time will tell....
No, it should be moved to science forum!
He's going to reveal (and I quote): "...exact 100 percent repeatable scientifically perfect methods ..."
This is the moment we've all been waiting for!
I suspect IAmGod222 will be true to his word and will only communicate his wisdom to those who contact him by email (either having gotten it before it was redacted, or by PMing him).

To those preferred few: Don't forget to return here with your newfound knowledge and share it with us.
Even God knows that all knowledge of any truth is transferred via discussion forums on the webz (or, as it seems, by email).
god uses email?????

What's wrong with Twitter which the orange god uses?

Actually email might be better as I'm not on Twitter

My email addy is
:)@Huey dot Dewey dot Luey dot au

I have come to a point/a conclusion and have made a final decision and I believe that it is for the better of the people of this world especially innocent victims of our sick and demented rulers and their pathetic control system they have created on this world, now to release this information I possess to "anyone whom I deem as worthy" to receive the understandings of the things I will now speak of....I have been studying and experimenting for a long long time now and have countless hours dedicated to discovering or uncovering truths about our minds as humans and the potential and abilities that we also possess as humans....This is a reality and I can not wait to see how many people reply....Now I am here to present to you the "Fact" that our minds and or more simply put our conscious thoughts possess the ability to control, create, manipulate and even change the structure of any physical matter of course with restrictions and limits....I possess the exact 100 percent repeatable scientifically perfect methods of doing so and am willing to now share my discoveries with the public because I believe that the potential for positive creation of things and stable control of our existence is possible by applying these sciences and ideas if controlled....My email is [personal information removed by moderator] and I now am eagerly awaiting any replies and interest in my ideas....Thanks....Amen.

These ego names are so counter-productive , always

Interesting , go on , I do know that thoughts change the brain chemistry