Please welcome the Great Genius of Nostradamus Prophecy to sciforums

If you're vouching for this guy that's good enough for me!
lol @ ''vouching''

He has a cool username, though. Epicurus, one of my favorite Greek philosophers - one of the original ''eat, drink and be merry'' types. (a little more complicated, but...)
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I am the Great Genius of Nostradamus Prophecy. The world will come to know me.

Have you ever counted all the nyms you've used in here, Nick? It seems like there are scores of them.

Was Cortex Colossum the first? Or was that just an early radar dodger itself that only survived due to mod negotiations?

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Have you ever counted all the nyms you've used in here, Nick? It seems like there are scores of them.

Was Cortex Colossum the first? Or was that just an early radar dodger itself that only survived due to mod negotiations?

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As everything is predetermined I made no choice but to make mistakes. However they were at least honest mistakes, which is more than can be said of the atheists on this forum. At a time when sciforums members are clamoring for a proof of God the timing for me to return was ripe. You can only expect great things from me. And Cortex_Colossum is more than you can imagine in your ordinary real-world view.
As everything is predetermined I made no choice but to make mistakes. However they were at least honest mistakes, which is more than can be said of the atheists on this forum. At a time when sciforums members are clamoring for a proof of God the timing for me to return was ripe. You can only expect great things from me. And Cortex_Colossum is more than you can imagine in your ordinary real-world view.

Well, good luck with the parleys and a new round at the bargaining table.

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You can only expect great things from me.
This is what I expect:
"Once out upon the road, Black Dog, in spite of his wound, showed a wonderful clean pair of heels and disappeared over the edge of the hill in half a minute."
-- Robert Louis Stephenson, Treasure Island