All the 9 planets, ooops sorry, 8 planets! orbit our Sun in approximately the same plane.
This is explained by the fact that the original accretion disk from whence the planets formed, was flattened in orbiting the young proto Sun.
Pluto is actually just part of the left over rubble after planetary formation, or trans Neptunian object from the Kuiper belt, and has a 17 degree inclination in its orbital plane, plus being highly elliptical.
This would expected then to be the same with other stellar objects and their planets, and is exactly what has been found.....until recent times that is. But there is a logical scientific reason for such discrepency, and it is described and pictorially illustrated with today's APOD explanation, as follows.......
Explanation: Triple star system GW Orionis appears to demonstrate that planets can form and orbit in multiple planes. In contrast, all the planets and moons in our Solar System orbit in nearly the same plane. The picturesque system has three prominent stars, a warped disk, and inner tilted rings of gas and grit. The featured animation characterizes the GW Ori system from observations with the European Southern Observatory's VLT and ALMA telescopes in Chile. The first part of the illustrative video shows a grand vista of the entire system from a distant orbit, while the second sequence takes you inside the tilted rings to resolve the three central co-orbiting stars. Computer simulations indicate that multiple stars in systems like GW Ori could warp and break-up disks into unaligned, exoplanet-forming rings.
Gravity, again weaving its magic!
This is explained by the fact that the original accretion disk from whence the planets formed, was flattened in orbiting the young proto Sun.
Pluto is actually just part of the left over rubble after planetary formation, or trans Neptunian object from the Kuiper belt, and has a 17 degree inclination in its orbital plane, plus being highly elliptical.
This would expected then to be the same with other stellar objects and their planets, and is exactly what has been found.....until recent times that is. But there is a logical scientific reason for such discrepency, and it is described and pictorially illustrated with today's APOD explanation, as follows.......
Explanation: Triple star system GW Orionis appears to demonstrate that planets can form and orbit in multiple planes. In contrast, all the planets and moons in our Solar System orbit in nearly the same plane. The picturesque system has three prominent stars, a warped disk, and inner tilted rings of gas and grit. The featured animation characterizes the GW Ori system from observations with the European Southern Observatory's VLT and ALMA telescopes in Chile. The first part of the illustrative video shows a grand vista of the entire system from a distant orbit, while the second sequence takes you inside the tilted rings to resolve the three central co-orbiting stars. Computer simulations indicate that multiple stars in systems like GW Ori could warp and break-up disks into unaligned, exoplanet-forming rings.
Gravity, again weaving its magic!